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what diantha did-及35准

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picturesque察more dreamily beautiful察than the American commercial mind
was usually able to compass察even when possessed of millions。  The hotel
of itself was a pleasure palacewholly unostentatious察full of gaiety
and charm察offering lovely chambers for guests and residents察and every
opportunity for healthful amusement。  There was the rare luxury of a big
swimming´pool察there were billiard rooms察card rooms察reading rooms
lounging rooms and dancing rooms of satisfying extent。

Outside there were tennis´courts察badminton察roque察even croquet察and
the wide roof was a garden of Babylon察a Court of the Stars察with views
of purple mountains察fair察wide valley and far´flashing rim of sea。 
Around it察each in its own hedged garden察nestled ;Las Casas;the
Housestwenty in number察with winding shaded paths察groups of rare
trees察a wilderness of flowers察between and about them。  In one corner
was a playground for childrena wall around this察that they might shout
in freedom察and the nursery thereby gave every provision for the
happiness and safety of the little ones。

The people poured along the winding walls察entered the pretty cottages
were much impressed by a little flock of well´floored tents in another
corner察but came back with Ohs and Ahs of delight to the large
building in the Avenue。

Diantha went all over the place察inch by inch察her eyes widening with
admiration察Mr。 and Mrs。 Porne and Mrs。 Weatherstone with her。  She
enjoyed the serene察well´planned beauty of the whole察approved heartily
of the cottages察each one a little different察each charming in its quiet
privacy察admired the plentiful arrangements for pleasure and gay
association察but her professional soul blazed with enthusiasm over the
great kitchens察clean as a hospital察glittering in glass and copper and
cool tiling察with the swift察sure electric stove。

The fuel all went into a small察solidly built power house察and came out
in light and heat and force for the whole square。

Diantha sighed in absolute appreciation。

;Fine察isn't it拭─said Mr。 Porne。

;How do you like the architecture拭─asked Mrs。 Porne。

;What do you think of my investment拭─said Mrs。 Weatherstone。  Diantha
stopped in her tracks and looked from one to the other of them。

;Fact。  I control the stockI'm president of the Hotel del las Casas
Company。  Our friends here have stock in it察too察and more that you
don't know。  We think it's going to be a paying concern。  But if you can
make it go察my dear察as I think you will察you can buy us all out and own
the whole outfit 

It took some time to explain all this察but the facts were visible

;Nothing remarkable at all察─said Mrs。 Weatherstone。  ;Here's Astor with
three big hotels on his handswhy shouldn't I have one to play with拭
And I've got to employ _somebody_ to manage it 


Within a year of her marriage Diantha was at the head of this pleasing
Centre of Housekeeping。  She kept the hotel itself so that it was a joy
to all its patrons察she kept the little houses homes of pure delight for
those who were so fortunate as to hold them察and she kept up her ;c。 f。
d。; business till it grew so large she had to have quite a fleet of
delivery wagons。

Orchardina basked and prospered察its citizens found their homes happier
and less expensive than ever before察and its citizenesses began to wake
up and to do things worth while。


Two years察and there was a small Ross Warden born。

She loved it察nursed it察and ran her business at long range for some six
months。  But then she brought nurse and child to the hotel with her
placed them in the cool察airy nursery in the garden察and varied her busy
day with still hours by herselfthe baby in her arms。

Back they came together before supper察and found unbroken joy and peace
in the quiet of home察but always in the background was the current of
Ross' unspoken disapproval。

Three years察four years。

There were three babies now察Diantha was a splendid woman of thirty
handsome and strong察pre´eminently successfuland yet察there were times
when she found it in her heart to envy the most ordinary people who
loved and quarreled and made up in the little outlying ranch houses
along the road察they had nothing between them察at least。

Meantime in the friendly opportunities of Orchardina society察added to
by the unexampled possibilities of Las Casas and they did not scorn
this hotel nor Diantha's position in it察the three older Miss Wardens
had married。  Two of them preferred ;the good old way察─but one tried
the ;d。 s。;  and the ;c。 f。 d。; and liked them well。

Dora amazed and displeased her family察as soon as she was of age察by
frankly going over to Diantha's side and learning bookkeeping。  She
became an excellent accountant and bade fair to become an expert manager

Ross had prospered in his work。  It may be that the element of
dissatisfaction in his married life spurred him on察while the unusual
opportunities of his ranch allowed free effort。  He had always held that
the ;non´transmissability of acquired traits; was not established by any
number of curtailed mice or crop´eared rats。  ;A mutilation is not an
acquired trait察─he protested。  ;An acquired trait is one gained by
exercise察it modifies the whole organism。  It must have an effect on the
race。  We expect the sons of a line of soldiers to inherit their
fathers' courageperhaps his habit of obediencebut not his wooden

To establish his views he selected from a fine family of guinea´pigs two
pair察set the one察Pair A察in conditions of ordinary guinea´pig bliss
and subjected the other察Pair B察to a course of discipline。  They were
trained to run。  They察and their descendants after them察pair following
on pair察first with slow´turning wheels as in squirrel cages察the wheel
inexorably going察machine´driven察and the luckless little gluttons
having to move on察for gradually increasing periods of time察at
gradually increasing speeds。  Pair A and their progeny were sheltered
and fed察but the rod was spared察Pair B were as the guests at
;Muldoon's;they had to exercise。  With scientific patience and
ingenuity察he devised mechanical surroundings which made them jump
increasing spaces察which made them run always a little faster and a
little farther察and he kept a record as carefully as if these little
sheds were racing stables for a king。

Several centuries of guinea´pig time went by察generation after
generation of healthy guinea´pigs passed under his modifying hands察and
after some five years he had in one small yard a fine group of the
descendants of his gall´fed pair察and in another the offspring of the
trained ones察nimble察swift察as different from the first as the
razor´backed pig of the forest from the fatted porkers in the sty。  He
set them to racethe young untrained specimens of these distant
cousinsand the hare ran away from the tortoise completely。

Great zoologists and biologists came to see him察studied察fingered
poked察and examined the records察argued and disbelievedand saw them

;It is natural selection察─they said。  ;It profited them to run。;

;Not at all察─said he。  ;They were fed and cared for alike察with no gain
from running。;

;It was artificial selection察─they said。  ;You picked out the speediest
for your training。;

;Not at all察─said he。  ;I took always any healthy pair from the trained
parents and from the untrained onesquite late in life察you understand
as guinea´pigs go。;

Anyhow察there were the pigs察and he took little specialized piglets
scarce weaned察and pitted them against piglets of the untrained lotand
they outran them in a race for ;Mama。;  Wherefore Mr。 Ross Warden found
himself famous of a sudden察and all over the scientific world the
Wiesmanian controversy raged anew。  He was invited to deliver a lecture
before some most learned societies abroad察and in several important
centers at home察and went察rejoicing。

Diantha was glad for him from the bottom of her heart察and proud of him
through and through。  She thoroughly appreciated his sturdy opposition
to such a weight of authority察his long patience察his careful察steady
work。  She was left in full swing with her big business察busy and
successful察honored and liked by all the townpracticallyand quite
independent of the small fraction which still disapproved。  Some people
always will。  She was happy察too察in her babiesvery happy。

The Hotel del las Casas was a triumph。

Diantha owned it now察and Mrs。 Weatherstone built others察in other
places察at a large profit。

Mrs。 Warden went to live with Cora in the town。  Cora had more time to
entertain heras she was the one who profited by her sister´in´law's
general services。

Diantha sat in friendly talk with Mrs。 Weatherstone one quiet day察and
admitted that she had no cause for complaint。

;And yet拭─said her friend。

Young Mrs。 Warden smiled。  ;There's no keeping anything from you察is
there拭 Yesyou're right。  I'm not quite satisfied。  I suppose I ought
not to carebut you see察I love him so  I want him to _approve_ of
menot just put up with it察and bear it  I want him to _feel_ with
meto care。  It is awful to know that all this big life of mine is ju

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