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what diantha did-及21准

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;dangerous experiment; in the house of her friends。  Viva sat silent
but with a look of watchful intelligence that delighted Mrs。 Porne。

;It has done her good already察─she said to herself。  ;Bless that girl 

Mr。 Thaddler went home disappointed in the real object of his callhe
had hoped to see the Dangerous Experiment again。  But his wife was well

;They will rue it ─she announced。  ;Madam Weatherstone is ashamed of
her daughter´in´lawI can see that  _She_ looks cool enough。  I don't
know what's got into her 

;Some of that young woman's good cooking察─her husband suggested。

;That young woman is not there as cook ─she replied tartly。  ;What she
_is_ there for we shall see later  Mark my words 

Mr。 Thaddler chuckled softly。  ;I'll mark 'em ─he said。

Diantha had her hands full。  Needless to say her sudden entrance was
resented by the corps of servants accustomed to the old regime。  She had
the keys察she explored察studied察inventoried察examined the accounts
worked out careful tables and estimates。  ;I wish Mother were here ─she
said to herself。  ;She's a regular genius for accounts。  I _can_ do
itbut it's no joke。;

She brought the results to her employer at the end of the week。  ;This
is tentative察─she said察 and I've allowed margins because I'm new to a
business of this size。  But here's what this house ought to cost youat
the outside察and here's what it does cost you now。;

Mrs。 Weatherstone was impressed。  ;Aren't you a littlespectacular拭
she suggested。

Diantha went over it carefully察the number of rooms察the number of
servants察the hours of labor察the amount of food and other supplies

;This is only preparatory察of course察─she said。  ;I'll have to check it
off each month。  If I may do the ordering and keep all the accounts I
can show you exactly in a month察or two at most。;

;How about the servants拭─asked Mrs。 Weatherstone。

There was much to say here察questions of competence察of impertinence察of
personal excellence with ;incompatibility of temper。;  Diantha was given
a free hand察with full liberty to experiment察and met the opportunity
with her usual energy。

She soon discharged the unsatisfactory ones察and substituted the girls
she had selected for her summer's experiment察gradually adding others
till the household was fairly harmonious察and far more efficient and
economical。  A few changes were made among the men also。

By the time the family moved down to Santa Ulrica察there was quite a new
spirit in the household。  Mrs。 Weatherstone fully approved of the Girls'
Club Diantha had started at Mrs。 Porne's察and it went on merrily in the
larger quarters of the great ;cottage; on the cliff。

;I'm very glad I came to you察Mrs。 Weatherstone察─said the girl。  ;You
were quite right about the experience察I did need itand I'm getting

She was getting some of which she made no mention。

As she won and held the confidence of her subordinates察and the growing
list of club members察she learned their personal stories察what had
befallen them in other families察and what they liked and disliked in
their present places。

;The men are not so bad察─explained Catharine Kelly察at a club meeting
meaning the men servants察 they respect an honest girl if she respects
herself察but it's the young mastersand sometimes the old ones 

;It's all nonsense察─protested Mrs。 James察widowed cook of long
standing。  ;I've worked out for twenty´five years察and I never met no
such goings on 

Little Ilda looked at Mrs。 James' severe face and giggled。

;I've heard of it察─said Molly Connors察 I've a cousin that's workin' in
New York察and she's had to leave two good places on account of their
misbehavin' theirselves。  She's a fine girl察but too good´lookin'。;

Diantha studied types察questioned them察drew them out察adjusted facts to
theories and theories to facts。  She found the weakness of the whole
position to lie in the utter ignorance and helplessness of the
individual servant。  ;If they were only organized察─she thought;and
knew their own powerWell察there's plenty of time。;

As her acquaintance increased察and as Mrs。 Weatherstone's interest in
her plans increased also察she started the small summer experiment she
had planned察for furnishing labor by the day。  Mrs。 James was an
excellent cook察though most unpleasant to work with。  She was quite able
to see that getting up frequent lunches at three dollars察and dinners at
five dollars察made a better income than ten dollars a week even with
several days unoccupied。

A group of younger women察under Diantha's sympathetic encouragement
agreed to take a small cottage together察with Mrs。 James as a species of
chaperone察and to go out in twos and threes as chambermaids and
waitresses at 25 cents an hour。  Two of them could set in perfect order
one of the small beach cottage in an hour's time察and the occupants
already crowded for room察were quite willing to pay a little more in
cash ;not to have a servant around。;  Most of them took their meals out
in any case。

It was a modest attempt察elastic and easily alterable and based on the
special conditions of a shore resort此Mrs。 Weatherstone's known interest
gave it social backing察and many ladies who heartily disapproved of
Diantha's theories found themselves quite willing to profit by this very
practical local solution of the ;servant question。;

The ;club girls; became very popular。  Across the deep hot sand they
ploughed察and clattered along the warping boardwalks察in merry pairs and
groups察finding the work far more varied and amusing than the endless
repetition in one household。  They had pleasant evenings too察with
plenty of callers察albeit somewhat checked and chilled by rigorous Mrs。

;It is both foolish and wicked ─said Madam Weatherstone to her
daughter´in´law察 Exposing a group of silly girls to such danger and
temptations  I understand there is singing and laughing going on at
that house until half´past ten at night。;

;Yes察there is察─Viva admitted。  ;Mrs。 James insists that they shall all
be in bed at elevenwhich is very wise。  I'm glad they have good
timesthere's safety in numbers察you know。;

;There will be a scandal in this community before long ─said the old
lady solemnly。  ;And it grieves me to think that this household will be
responsible for it 

Diantha heard all this from the linen room while Madam Weatherstone
buttonholed her daughter´in´law in the hall察and in truth the old lady
meant that she should hear what she said。

;She's right察I'm afraid ─said Diantha to herself;there will be a
scandal if I'm not mighty careful and this household will be responsible
for it 

Even as she spoke she caught Ilda's childish giggle in the lower hall
and looking over the railing saw her airily dusting the big Chinese
vases and coquetting with young Mr。 Mathew。

Later on察Diantha tried seriously to rouse her conscience and her common
sense。  ;Don't you see察child察that it can't do you anything but harm拭
You can't carry on with a man like that as you can with one of your own
friends。  He is not to be trusted。  One nice girl I had here simply left
the placehe annoyed her so。;

Ilda was a little sulky。  She had been quite a queen in the small
Norwegian village she was born in。  Young men were young menand they
might evenperhaps  This severe young housekeeper didn't know
everything。  Maybe she was jealous

So Ilda was rather unconvinced察though apparently submissive察and
Diantha kept a careful eye upon her。  She saw to it that Ilda's room had
a bolt as well as key in the door察and kept the room next to it empty
frequently using it herself察unknown to anyone。  ;I hate to turn the
child off察─she said to herself察conscientiously revolving the matter。 
;She isn't doing a thing more than most girls doshe's only a little
fool。  And he's not doing anything I can complain ofyet。;

But she worried over it a good deal察and Mrs。 Weatherstone noticed it。

;Doesn't your pet club house go well察'Miss Bell'  You seem troubled
about something。;

;I am察─Diantha admitted。  ;I believe I'll have to tell you about
itbut I hate to。  Perhaps if you'll come and look I shan't have to say

She led her to a window that looked on the garden察the rich察vivid
flower´crowded garden of Southern California by the sea。  Little Ilda
in a fresh black frock and snowy察frilly cap and apron察ran out to get a
rose察and while she sniffed and dallied they saw Mr。 Mathew saunter out
and join her。

The girl was not as severe with him as she ought to have beenthat was
evident察but it was also evident that she was frightened and furious
when he suddenly held her fast and kissed her with much satisfaction。 
As soon as her arms were free she gave him a slap that sounded smartly
even at that distance察and ran crying into the house。

;She's foolish察I admit察─said Diantha察but she doesn't realize her
danger at all。  I've tried to make her。  And now I'm more worried than
ever。  It seems rather hard to discharge hershe needs care。;

;I'll speak to that young man myself察─said Mrs。 Weatherstone。  ;I'll
speak to his grandmother too 

;Owould you拭─urged Diantha。  ;

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