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at what she does  And how beautifullyhow perfectlyshe does it  I
would wager now_may_ I try an experiment Mrs。 Porne拭─and she stood
up察taking out her handkerchief。

;Certainly察─said Mrs。 Porne察 with pleasure  You won't find any 

Mrs。 Dankshire climbed heavily upon a carefully selected chair and
passed her large clean plain´hemmed handkerchief across the top of a

;I knew it ─she proclaimed proudly from her eminence察and showed the
cloth still white。  ;That察─she continued in ponderous descent察 that is
Knowledge察Ability and Conscience 

;I don't see how she gets the time ─breathed Mrs。 Ree察shaking her head
in awed amazement察and reflecting that she would not dare trust Mrs。
Dankshire's handkerchief on her picture tops。

;We must have her address the Club察─the president repeated。  ;It will
do worlds of good。  Let me seea paper onwe might say 'On the True
Nature of Domestic Industry。'  How does that strike you察Mrs。 Ree拭

;Admirable ─said Mrs。 Ree。  ;So strong so succinct。;

;That certainly covers the subject察─said Mrs。 Porne。  ;Why don't you
ask her拭

;We will。  We have come for that purpose。  But we felt it right to ask
you about it first察─said Mrs。 Dankshire。

;Why I have no control over Miss Bell's movements察outside of working
hours察─answered Mrs。 Porne。  ;And I don't see that it would make any
difference to our relations。  She is a very self´poised young woman察but
extremely easy to get along with。  And I'm sure she could write a
splendid paper。  You'd better ask her察I think。;

;Would you call her in拭─asked Mrs。 Dankshire察 or shall we go out to
the kitchen拭

;Come right out察I'd like you to see how beautifully she keeps

The kitchen was as clean as the parlor察and as prettily arranged。  Miss
Bell was making her preparation for lunch察and stopped to receive the
visitors with a serenely civil airas of a country store´keeper。

;I am very glad to meet you察Miss Bell察very glad indeed察─said Mrs。
Dankshire察shaking hands with her warmly。  ;We have at heard so much of
your beautiful work here察and we admire your attitude  Now would you be
willing to give a paperor a talkto our club察the Home and Culture
Club察some Wednesday察on The True Nature of Domestic Industry拭

Mrs。 Ree took Miss Bell's hand with something of the air of a Boston
maiden accosting a saint from Hindoostan。  ;If you only would ─she
said。  ;I am sure it would shed light on this great subject 

Miss Bell smiled at them both and looked at Mrs。 Porne inquiringly。

;I should be delighted to have you do it察─said her employer。  ;I know
it would be very useful。;

;Is there any date set拭─asked Miss Bell。

;Any Wednesday after February察─said Mrs。 Dankshire。

;WellI will come on the first Wednesday in April。  If anything should
happen to prevent I will let you know in good season察and if you should
wish to postpone or alter the programshould think better of the
ideajust send me word。  I shall not mind in the least。;

They went away quite jubilant察Miss Bell's acceptance was announced
officially at the next club´meeting察and the Home and Culture Club felt
that it was fulfilling its mission。




You may talk about religion with a free and open mind
 For ten dollars you may criticize a judge
You may discuss in politics the newest thing you find
 And open scientific truth to all the deaf and blind
But there's one place where the brain must never budge


Oh察the Home is Utterly Perfect
And all its works within
 To say a word about it
 To criticize or doubt it
 To seek to mend or move it
 To venture to improve it
Is The Unpardonable Sin

;Old Song。;

Mr。 Porne took an afternoon off and came with his wife to hear their
former housemaid lecture。  As many other men as were able did the same。 
All the members not bedridden were present察and nearly all the guests
they had invited。

So many were the acceptances that a downtown hall had been taken察the
floor was more than filled察and in the gallery sat a block of servant
girls察more gorgeous in array than the ladies below whispering excitedly
among themselves。  The platform recalled a ;tournament of roses察─and
sternly important among all that fragrant loveliness察sat Mrs。 Dankshire
in ;the chair; flanked by Miss Torbus察the Recording Secretary察Miss
Massing察the Treasurer察and Mrs。 Ree察tremulous with importance in her
official position。  All these ladies wore an air of high emprise察even
more intense than that with which they usually essayed their public
duties。  They were richly dressed察except Miss Torbus察who came as near
it as she could。

At the side察and somewhat in the rear of the President察on a chair quite
different from ;the chair察─discreetly gowned and of a bafflingly serene
demeanor察sat Miss Bell。  All eyes were upon hereven some opera

;She's a good´looker anyhow察─was one masculine opinion。

;She's a peach察─was another察 Tell youthe chap that gets her is well
heeled ─said a third。

The ladies bent their hats toward one another and conferred in flowing
whispers察and in the gallery eager confidences were exchanged察with

On the small table before Mrs。 Dankshire察shaded by a magnificent bunch
of roses察lay that core and crux of all parliamentry dignity察the gavel
an instrument no self´respecting chairwoman may be without察yet which
she still approaches with respectful uncertainty。

In spite of its large size and high social standing察the Orchardina Home
and Culture Club contained some elements of unrest察and when the yearly
election of officers came round there was always need for careful work
in practical politics to keep the reins of government in the hands of
;the right people。;

Mrs。 Thaddler察conscious of her New York millions察and Madam
Weatherstone察conscious of her Philadelphia lineage察with Mrs。 Johnston
A。 Marrow ─one of the Boston Marrows ─was awesomely whispered of her
were the heads of what might be called ;the conservative party; in this
small parliament察while Miss Miranda L。 Eagerson察describing herself as
'a journalist' who held her place in local society largely by virtue of
the tacit dread of what she might do if offendedled the more radical

Most of the members were quite content to follow the lead of the solidly
established ladies of Orchard Avenue察especially as this leadership
consisted mainly in the pursuance of a masterly inactivity。  When wealth
and aristocracy combine with that common inertia which we dignify as
;conservatism; they exert a powerful influence in the great art of
sitting still。

Nevertheless there were many alert and conscientious women in this large
membership察and when Miss Eagerson held the floor察and urged upon the
club some active assistance in the march of events察it needed all Mrs。
Dankshire's generalship to keep them content with marking time。

On this auspicious occasion察however察both sides were agreed in interest
and approval。  Here was a subject appealing to every woman present察and
every man but such few as merely ;boarded;察even they had memories and
hopes concerning this question。

Solemnly rose Mrs。 Dankshire察her full silks rustling about her察and let
one clear tap of the gavel fall into the sea of soft whispering and
guttural murmurs。

In the silence that followed she uttered the momentous announcements
;The meeting will please come to order察─ We will now hear the reading
of the minutes of the last meeting察─and so on most conscientiously
through officer's reports and committees reports to ;new business。;

Perhaps it is their more frequent practice of religious rites察perhaps
their devout acceptance of social rulings and the dictates of fashion
perhaps the lifelong reiterance of small duties at home察or all these
things together察which makes women so seriously letter´perfect in
parliamentry usage。  But these stately ceremonies were ended in course
of time察and Mrs。 Dankshire rose again察even more solemn than before
and came forward majestically。

;Members´and guests察─she said impressively察 this is an occasion
which brings pride to the heart of every member of the Home and Culture
Club。  As our name implies察this Club is formed to serve the interests
of The Homethose interests which stand first察I trust察in every human

A telling pause察and the light patter of gloved hands。

;Its second purpose察─pursued the speaker察with that measured delivery
which showed that her custom察as one member put it察was to ;first write
and then commit察─ is to promote the cause of Culture in this community。
 Our aim is Culture in the broadest sense察not only in the curricula of
institutions of learning察not only in those spreading branches of study
and research which tempts us on from height to height;─proof of
arboreal ancestry that察─Miss Eagerson confided to a friend察whose
choked giggle attracted condemning eyes;but in the more intimate
fields of daily experience。;

;Most of us察however widely interested in the higher education察are
stilland find in this our highest honorwives and mothers。;  These
novel titles cal

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