湊徨勵弌傍利 > 哂囂窮徨慕 > a dream of john ball(埃魂,鴎櫛議知) >


a dream of john ball(埃魂,鴎櫛議知)-及2准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

built   of   oak   frame´   work   filled   with   cob   or   plaster   well   whitewashed察

though some had their lower stories of rubble´stone察with their windows 

and    doors    of  well´moulded       freestone。     There     was   much     curious   and 

inventive   carving   about   most   of   them察  and   though   some   were   old   and 

much worn察there was the same look of deftness and trimness察and even 

beauty察about every detail in them which I noticed before in the field´work。 

They were all roofed with oak shingles察mostly grown as grey as stone察but 

one was so newly built that its roof was yet pale and yellow。                  This was a 

corner house察and the corner post of it had a carved niche wherein stood a 

gaily painted figure holding an anchorSt。 Clement to wit察as the dweller 

in the house was a blacksmith。            Half a stone's throw from the east end of 

the churchyard wall was a tall cross of stone察new like the church察the head 

beautifully   carved   with   a   crucifix   amidst   leafage。     It   stood   on   a   set   of 

wide stone steps察octagonal in shape察where three roads from other villages 

met and formed a wide open space on which a thousand people or more 

could stand together with no great crowding。 

     All this I saw察and also that there was a goodish many people about察

women   and   children察  and   a   few   old   men   at   the   doors察  many   of   them 

somewhat gaily clad察and that men were coming into the village street by 

the other end to that by which I had entered察by twos and threes察most of 

them carrying what I could see were bows in cases of linen yellow with 

wax or oil察they had quivers at their backs察and most of them a short sword 

by  their  left   side察  and   a   pouch   and   knife   on   the   right察they  were   mostly 

dressed in red or brightish green or blue cloth jerkins察with a hood on the 

head   generally   of   another   colour。     As   they   came   nearer   I   saw   that   the 

cloth of their garments was somewhat coarse察but stout and serviceable。                     I 

knew察 somehow察 that   they  had   been shooting   at   the butts察 and察 indeed察 I 

could still hear a noise of men thereabout察and even now and again when 

the wind set from that quarter the twang of the bowstring and the plump of 

the shaft in the target。 

     I leaned against the churchyard wall and watched these men察some of 

whom went straight into their houses and   some loitered   about still察  they 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

were rough´looking fellows察tall and stout察very black some of them察and 

some red´haired察but most had hair burnt by the sun into the colour of tow察

and察   indeed察  they   were   all  burned    and   tanned    and   freckled   variously。 

Their   arms   and   buckles   and   belts   and   the   finishings   and   hems   of   their 

garments were  all   what   we  should now  call   beautiful察 rough   as the  men 

were察nor in their speech was any of that drawling snarl or thick vulgarity 

which   one   is   used   to   hear   from   labourers   in   civilisation察  not   that   they 

talked like gentlemen either察but full and round and bold察and they were 

merry and good´tempered enough察I could see that察though I felt shy and 

timid amongst them。 

     One of them strode up to me across the road察a man some six feet high察

with a short black beard and black eyes and berry´brown skin察with a huge 

bow in his hand bare of the case察a knife察a pouch察and a short hatchet察all 

clattering together at his girdle。 

     ;Well察friend察─said he察 thou lookest partly mazed察what tongue hast 

thou in thine head拭─       A tongue that can tell rhymes察─said I。 

     ;So I thought察─said he。       ;Thirstest thou any拭─

     ;Yea察and hunger察─said I。 

     And therewith my hand went into my purse察and came out again with 

but a few small and thin silver coins with a cross stamped on each察and 

three pellets in each corner of the cross。         The man grinned。 

     ;Aha ─said he察 is it so拭      Never heed it察mate。        It shall be a song for 

a supper this fair Sunday evening。          But first察whose man art thou拭─

     ;No one's man察─said I察reddening angrily察 I am my own master。; 

     He grinned again。 

     ;Nay察that's not the custom of England察as one time belike it will be。 

Methinks thou comest from heaven down察and hast had a high place there 


     He    seemed     to   hesitate   a   moment察    and    then   leant   forward     and 

whispered in my ear此         John the Miller察that ground small察small察small察─

and   stopped   and   winked   at   me察  and   from   between   my   lips   without   my 

mind   forming   any   meaning   came   the   words察   The   king's   son   of   heaven 

shall pay for all。; 

     He let his bow fall on to his shoulder察caught my right hand in his and 


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                            A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

gave it a great grip察while his left hand fell among the gear at his belt察and 

I could see that he half drew his knife。 

    ;Well察brother察─said he察 stand not here hungry in the highway when 

there is flesh and bread in the Rose yonder。        Come on。; 

    And with that he drew me along toward what was clearly a tavern door察

outside   which    men   were   sitting   on   a   couple   of   benches   and  drinking 

meditatively from curiously shaped earthen pots glazed green and yellow察

some with quaint devices on them。 


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                             A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

                              CHAPTER II 

                             THE MAN FROM ESSEX 

     I entered the door and started at first with my old astonishment察with 

which I had woke up察so strange and beautiful did this interior seem to me察

though it was but a pothouse parlour。          A quaintly´carved side board held 

an array of bright pewter pots and dishes and wooden and earthen bowls察a 

stout oak table went up and down the room察and a carved oak chair stood 

by the chimney´corner察now filled by a very old man dim´eyed and white´ 

bearded。      That察  except    the  rough    stools  and   benches     on  which    the 

company   sat察  was   all   the   furniture。  The   walls   were   panelled   roughly 

enough with oak boards to about six feet from the floor察and about three 

feet of plaster above that was wrought in a pattern of a rose stem running 

all round the room察freely and roughly done察but with as it seemed to my 

unused     eyes   wonderful     skill  and  spirit。  On     the  hood    of  the  great 

chimney a huge rose was wrought in the plaster and brightly painted in its 

proper   colours。    There   were   a   dozen   or   more   of   the   men   I   had   seen 

coming along   the street   sitting   there察some   eating   and all drinking察their 

cased   bows   leaned   against   the   wall察  their   quivers   hung   on   pegs   in   the 

panelling察and in a corner of the room I saw half´a´ dozen bill´hooks that 

looked made more for war than for hedge´ shearing察with ashen handles 

some seven foot long。        Three or four children were running about among 

the legs of the men察heeding them mighty little in their bold play察and the 

men seemed little troubled by it察although they were talking earnestly and 

seriously  too。    A  well´made   comely  girl   leaned   up   against   the   chimney 

close to the gaffer's chair察and seemed to be in waiting on the company此

she   was   clad   in   a   close´fitting   gown   of   bright   blue   cloth察  with   a   broad 

silver girdle daintily wrought察round her loins察a rose wreath was on her 

head and her hair hung down unbound察the gaffer grumbled a few words 

to her from time to time察so that I judged he was her grandfather。 

     The men all looked up as we came into the room察my mate leading me 

by the hand察and he called out in his rough察good´tempered voice察 Here察

my masters察I bring you tidings and a tale察give it meat and drink that it 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

may be strong and sweet。; 

     ;Whence are thy tidings察Will Green拭─said one。 

     My   mate   grinned   again   with   the   pleasure   of   making   his   joke   once 

more in a bigger company此            It seemeth from heaven察since this good old 

lad hath no master察─said he。 

     ;The more fool he to come here察─said a thin man with a grizzled beard察

amidst   the   laughter   that   followed察   unless   he   had   the   choice   given   him 

between hell and England。; 

     ;Nay察─said I察 I come not from heaven察but from Essex。; 

     As I   said the   word 

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