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a dream of john ball(埃魂,鴎櫛議知)-及18准

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devour拭shall not they also have one will拭─

     ;Friend察─  I  said察  they  shall have   the  will   to   live察 as   the   wretchedest 

thing living has此therefore shall they sell themselves that they may live察as 

I told thee察and   their hard need   shall be their   lord's easy livelihood察 and 

because of it he shall sleep without fear察since their need compelleth them 

not   to   loiter   by   the   way   to   lament   with   friend   or   brother   that   they   are 

pinched   in   their   servitude察  or   to   devise   means   for   ending   it。    And   yet 

indeed thou sayest it此they also shall have one will if they but knew it此but 

for   a   long   while   they   shall   have   but   a   glimmer   of   knowledge   of   it此  yet 

doubt it not that in the end they shall come to know it clearly察and then 

shall they bring about the remedy察and in those days shall it be seen that 

thou hast not wrought for nothing察because thou hast seen beforehand what 


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                               A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

the remedy should be察even as those of later days have seen it。; 

     We   both   sat   silent   a   little   while。 The   twilight   was   gaining   on   the 

night察though slowly。        I looked at the poppy which I still held in my hand察

and bethought me of Will Green察and said此

     ;Lo察  how   the   light   is   spreading此  now   must   I   get   me   back   to   Will 

Green's house as I promised。; 

     ;Go察then察─said he察 if thou wilt。          Yet meseems before long he shall 

come to us察and then mayst thou sleep among the trees on the green grass 

till the sun is high察for the host shall not be on foot very early察and sweet it 

is to sleep in shadow by the sun in the full morning when one has been 

awake and troubled through the night´tide。; 

     ;Yet   I   will   go   now察─  said   I察   I   bid   thee   good´night察  or   rather   good´ 


     Therewith I half rose up察but as I did so the will to depart left me as 

though I had never had it察and I sat down again察and heard the voice of 

John    Ball察  at  first  as  one   speaking    from   far   away察   but  little  by  little 

growing   nearer   and   more   familiar   to   me察  and   as   if   once   more   it   were 

coming from the man himself whom I had got to know。 


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                             A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

                            CHAPTER XII 


CHANGE   BEYOND   THE   CHANGE   He   said此                  Many   strange   things 

hast thou told me that I could not understand察yea察some my wit so failed 

to compass察that I cannot so much as ask thee questions concerning them察

but of some matters would I ask thee察and I must hasten察for in very sooth 

the night is worn old and grey。         Whereas thou sayest that in the days to 

come察when there shall be no labouring men who are not thralls after their 

new fashion察that their lords shall be many and very many察it seemeth to 

me that these same lords察if they be many察shall hardly be rich察or but very 

few of them察since they must verily feed and clothe and house their thralls察

so that that which they take from them察since it will have to be dealt out 

amongst many察will   not be   enough to   make many  rich察since out of   one 

man ye may get but one man's work察and pinch him never so sorely察still 

as   aforesaid    ye  may    not  pinch    him   so  sorely   as  not   to  feed   him。 

Therefore察  though   the   eyes   of   my   mind   may   see   a   few   lords   and   many 

slaves察yet can they not see many lords as well as many slaves察and if the 

slaves be many and the lords few察then some day shall the slaves make an 

end   of   that   mastery   by   the   force   of   their   bodies。 How   then   shall   thy 

mastership of the latter days endure拭─

     ;John Ball察─said I察 mastership hath many shifts whereby it striveth to 

keep   itself   alive   in   the   world。 And   now   hear   a   marvel此  whereas   thou 

sayest these two times that out of one man ye may get but one man's work察

in days to come one man shall do the work of a hundred menyea察of a 

thousand or more此and this is the shift of mastership that shall make many 

masters and many rich men。; 

    John Ball laughed。       ;Great is my harvest of riddles to´night察─said he察

;for even if a man sleep not察and eat and drink while he is a´working察ye 

shall but make two men察or three at the most察out of him。; 

     Said I此   Sawest thou ever a weaver at his loom拭─

     ;Yea察─said he察 many a time。; 

    He was silent a little察and then said此         Yet I marvelled not at it察but 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

now I marvel察because I know what thou wouldst say。                    Time was when 

the shuttle was thrust in and out of all the thousand threads of the warp察

and it was long to do察but now the spring´ staves go up and down as the 

man's feet move察and this and that leaf of the warp cometh forward and the 

shuttle goeth in one shot through all the thousand warps。               Yea察so it is that 

this   multiplieth   a   man   many   times。    But   look   you察  he   is   so   multiplied 

already察and so hath he been察meseemeth察for many hundred years。; 

     ;Yea察─said   I察   but   what hitherto needed   the   masters to   multiply  him 

more拭     For   many   hundred   years   the   workman   was   a   thrall   bought   and 

sold at the cross察and for other hundreds of years he hath been a villein 

that is察a working´beast and a part of the stock of the manor on which he 

liveth察  but   then   thou   and   the   like   of   thee   shall   free   him察  and   then   is 

mastership put to its shifts察for what should avail the mastery then察when 

the master no longer owneth the man by law as his chattel察nor any longer 

by law owneth him as stock of his land察if the master hath not that which 

he   on   whom   he   liveth   may   not   lack   and   live   withal察  and   cannot   have 

without selling himself拭─

     He    said  nothing察   but  I  saw   his  brow    knitted   and   his  lips  pressed 

together as though in anger察and again I said此

     ;Thou hast seen the weaver at his loom此think how it should be if he sit 

no longer before the web and cast the shuttle and draw home the sley察but 

if the shed open of itself and the shuttle of itself speed through it as swift 

as the eye can follow察and the sley come home of itself察and the weaver 

standing by and whistling The Hunt's Up the while察or looking to half´a´ 

dozen looms and bidding them what to do。                 And as with the weaver so 

with the potter察and the smith察and every worker in metals察and all other 

crafts察that it shall be for them looking on and tending察as with the man 

that sitteth in the cart while the horse draws。            Yea察at last so shall it be 

even with those who are mere husbandmen察and no longer shall the reaper 

fare afield in the morning with his hook over his shoulder察and smite and 

bind and smite again till the sun is down and the moon is up察but he shall 

draw a thing made by men into the field with one or two horses察and shall 

say the word and the horses shall go up and down察and the thing shall reap 

and gather and bind察and do the work of many men。                   Imagine all this in 


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                               A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

thy mind if thou canst察at least as ye may imagine a tale of enchantment 

told by a minstrel察and then tell me what shouldst thou deem that the life 

of men would be amidst all this察men such as these men of the township 

here察or the men of the Canterbury gilds。; 

     ;Yea察─  said   he察   but   before   I   tell   thee   my   thoughts   of   thy   tale   of 

wonder察I would ask thee this此           In those days when men work so easily察

surely they shall make more wares than they can use in one countryside察or 

one good town察whereas in another察where things have not gone as well察

they  shall   have   less   than   they   need察  and   even   so   it   is   with   us   now察  and 

thereof cometh scarcity and famine察and if people may not come at each 

other's goods察 it availeth the whole land little  that one  country´side  hath 

more than enough while another hath less察for the goods shall abide there 

in the storehouses of the rich place till they perish。            So if that be so in the 

days   of   wonder   ye   tell   of   and   I   see   not   how   it   can   be   otherwise察  then 

shall men be but little holpen by making all their wares so easily and with 

so little labour。; 

     I smile

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