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a dream of john ball(埃魂,鴎櫛議知)-及17准

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shall   turn   the   gristmills   of   England。  But   when   all   this   is   over察  and   the 

tyranny is established察because there are but few men in the land after the 

great war察how shall it be with you then拭           Will there not be many soldiers 

and sergeants and few workers拭            Surely in every parish ye shall have the 

constables to see that the men work察and they shall be saying every day察

`Such an one察hast thou yet sold thyself for this day or this week or this 

year拭    Go to now察and get thy bargain done察or it shall be the worse for 

thee。'   And wheresoever work is going on there shall be constables again察

and those that labour shall labour under the whip like the Hebrews in the 

land of Egypt。       And every man that may察will steal as a dog snatches at a 

bone察and there again shall ye need more soldiers and more constables till 

the land is eaten up by them察nor shall the lords and the masters even be 

able   to   bear   the   burden   of it察  nor   will   their   gains be   so   great察since   that 

which each man may do in a day is not right great when all is said。; 

     ;Friend察─said I察 from thine own valiancy and high heart thou speakest察

when thou sayest that they who fall under this tyranny shall fight to the 

death    against    it。 Wars     indeed    there  shall   be  in  the  world察   great   and 

grievous察 and   yet   few   on   this   score察  rather   shall   men   fight   as   they  have 

been fighting in France at the bidding of some lord of the manor察or some 

king察or at last at the bidding of some usurer and forestaller of the market。 

Valiant men察forsooth察shall arise in the beginning of these evil times察but 

though they shall die as ye shall察yet shall not their deaths be fruitful as 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

yours shall be察because ye察forsooth察are fighting against villeinage which 

is   waning察  but   they   shall   fight  against   usury   which   is   waxing。     And察

moreover察I have been telling thee how it shall be when the measure of the 

time is full察and we察looking at these things from afar察can see them as they 

are indeed察but they who live at the beginning of those times and amidst 

them察shall not know what is doing around them察they shall indeed feel the 

plague and yet not know the remedy察by little and by little they shall fall 

from their better livelihood察and   weak and   helpless shall they grow察 and 

have no might to withstand the evil of this tyranny察and then again when 

the times mend somewhat and they have but a little more ease察then shall it 

be   to   them   like   the   kingdom   of   heaven察  and   they   shall   have   no   will   to 

withstand      any   tyranny察  but  shall   think   themselves     happy    that  they   be 

pinched somewhat less。          Also whereas thou sayest that there shall be for 

ever constables and sergeants going to and fro to drive men to work察and 

that they will not work save under the lash察thou art wrong and it shall not 

be so察  for there   shall ever be   more   workers   than the   masters   may   set   to 

work察  so   that   men   shall   strive   eagerly  for   leave   to   work察  and   when   one 

says察I will sell my hours at such and such a price察then another will say察

and I for so much less察so that never shall the lords lack slaves willing to 

work察but often the slaves shall lack lords to buy them。; 

     ;Thou tellest marvels indeed察─said he察 but how then拭if all the churls 

work not察shall there not be famine and lack of wares拭─

     ;Famine enough察─said I察 yet not from lack of wares察it shall be clean 

contrary。     What wilt thou say when I tell thee that in the latter days there 

shall be such traffic and such speedy travel across the seas that most wares 

shall be good cheap察and bread of all things the cheapest拭─

     Quoth he此      I should say that then there would be better livelihood for 

men察for in times of plenty it is well察for then men eat that which their own 

hands have harvested察and need not to spend of their substance in buying 

of others。     Truly察it is well for honest men察but not so well for forestallers 

and regraters撮2А but   who heeds   what   befalls such foul swine察 who filch 

the money from people's purses察and do not one hair's turn of work to help 



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     2АForestaller察one who buys up goods when they are cheap察and so 

raises   the   price   for   his   own   benefit察  forestalls   the   due   and   real   demand。 

Regrater察one who both buys and sells in the same market察or within five 

miles thereof察buys察say a ton of cheese at 10 A。M。 and sells it at 5 P。M。 a 

penny     a   pound     dearer   without     moving     from    his   chair。    The    word 

;monopolist; will cover both species of thief。 

     ;Yea察friend察─I said察 but in those latter days all power shall be in the 

hands   of   these   foul   swine察  and   they  shall   be   the   rulers   of   all察  therefore察

hearken察for I tell thee that times of plenty shall in those days be the times 

of   famine察  and   all   shall   pray   for   the   prices   of   wares   to   rise察  so   that   the 

forestallers   and   regraters   may   thrive察  and   that   some   of   their   well´doing 

may overflow on to those on whom they live。; 

     ;I am weary of thy riddles察─he said。             ;Yet at least I hope that there 

may be fewer and fewer folk in the land察as may well be察if life is then so 

foul and wretched。; 

     ;Alas察  poor    man ─  I   said察   nor  mayst   thou    imagine   how      foul  and 

wretched it may be for many of the folk察and yet I tell thee that men shall 

increase and multiply察till where there is one man in the land now察there 

shall be twenty in those daysyea察in some places ten times twenty。; 

     ;I have but little heart to ask thee more questions察─said he察 and when 

thou answerest察thy words are plain察but the things they tell of I may scarce 

understand。      But tell me this此in those days will men deem that so it must 

be for ever察as great men even now tell us of our ills察or will they think of 

some remedy拭─

     I looked about me。         There was but a glimmer of light in the church 

now察but what there was察was no longer the strange light of the moon察but 

the first coming of the kindly day。 

     ;Yea察─  said   John   Ball察   'tis   the   twilight   of   the   dawn。 God   and   St。 

Christopher send us a good day ─

     ;John   Ball察─  said   I察  I   have told   thee   that   thy  death   will   bring   about 

that which thy life has striven for此thinkest thou that the thing which thou 

strivest for is worth the labour拭or dost thou believe in the tale I have told 

thee of the days to come拭─


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                                A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

     He said此      I tell thee once again that I trust thee for a seer察because no 

man could make up such a tale as thou察the things which thou tellest are 

too   wonderful   for   a   minstrel察  the   tale   too   grievous。    And   whereas   thou 

askest as to whether I count my labour lost察I say nay察if so be that in those 

latter   times   and   worser   than   ours   they   will   be   men   shall   yet   seek   a 

remedy此therefore again I ask thee察is it so that they shall拭─

       ;Yea察─said I察 and their remedy shall be the same as thine察although 

the days be different此for if the folk be enthralled察what remedy save that 

they be set free拭and if they have tried many roads towards freedom察and 

found that they led no´whither察then shall they try yet another。                   Yet in the 

days to come they shall be slothful to try it察because their masters shall be 

so   much   mightier   than   thine察  that   they   shall   not   need   to   show   the   high 

hand察  and   until   the   days   get   to   their   evilest察  men   shall   be   cozened   into 

thinking that it is of their own free will that they must needs buy leave to 

labour by pawning their labour that is to be。                 Moreover察your lords and 

masters seem very mighty to you察each one of them察and so they are察but 

they are few察and the masters of the days to come shall not each one of 

them seem very mighty to the men of those days察but they shall be very 

many察and they shall be of one intent in these matters without knowing it察

like as one sees the oars of a galley when the rowers are hidden察that rise 

and fall as it were with one will。; 

     ;And yet察─he said察 shall it not be the same with those that these men 

devour拭shall not they also have one will拭─

     ;Friend察─  I  said察  they  shall have   the  will   t

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