湊徨勵弌傍利 > 哂囂窮徨慕 > a dream of john ball(埃魂,鴎櫛議知) >


a dream of john ball(埃魂,鴎櫛議知)-及16准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

way  before   their   own   noses。     The   victory  shall   they  have   and   shall   not 

know what to do with it察they shall fight and overcome察because of their 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

lack of knowledge察and because of their lack of knowledge shall they be 

cozened and betrayed when their captains are slain察and all shall come to 

nought by seeming察and the king's uncles shall prevail察that both they and 

the   king   may   come   to   the   shame   that   is   appointed   for   them。 And   yet 

when the lords have vanquished察and all England lieth under them again察

yet shall their victory be fruitless察for the free men that hold unfree lands 

shall they not bring under the collar again察and villeinage shall slip from 

their hands察 till   there  be察 and not   long   after  ye   are  dead察 but   few  unfree 

men in England察so that your lives and your deaths both shall bear fruit。; 

     ;Said   I   not察─  quoth   John   Ball察   that   thou   wert   a   sending   from   other 

times拭    Good is thy message察for the land shall be free。             Tell on now。; 

     He spoke eagerly察and I went on somewhat sadly此                   The times shall 

better察though the king and lords shall worsen察the Gilds of Craft shall wax 

and become mightier察more recourse shall there be of foreign merchants。 

There   shall   be   plenty   in   the   land   and   not   famine。 Where   a   man   now 

earneth two pennies he shall earn three。; 

     ;Yea察─   said   he察   then   shall   those   that  labour    become     strong    and 

stronger察and so soon shall it come about that all men shall work and none 

make to work察and so shall none be robbed察and at last shall all men labour 

and live and be happy察and have the goods of the earth without money and 

without price。; 

     ;Yea察─said I察 that shall indeed come to pass察but not yet for a while察

and belike a long while。; 

     And I sat for long without speaking察and the church grew darker as the 

moon waned yet more。 

     Then I said此     Bethink thee that these men shall yet have masters over 

them察who have at hand many a law and custom for the behoof of masters察

and being masters can make yet more laws in the same behoof察and they 

shall suffer poor people to thrive just so long as their thriving shall profit 

the mastership and no longer察and so shall it be in those days I tell of察for 

there shall be king and lords and knights and squires still察with servants to 

do   their   bidding察  and   make   honest   men   afraid察  and   all   these   will   make 

nothing and eat much as aforetime察and the more that is made in the land 

the more shall they crave。; 


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                               A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

     ;Yea察─   said   he察  that   wot   I  well察 that   these   are  of  the  kin   of  the 

daughters of the horse´leech察but how shall they slake their greed察seeing 

that as thou sayest villeinage shall be gone拭             Belike their men shall pay 

them     quit´rents    and   do   them    service察  as  free   men    may察   but  all  this 

according to   law and   not beyond it察so that   though   the workers shall   be 

richer than they now be察the lords shall be no richer察and so all shall be on 

the road to being free and equal。; 

     Said I察 Look you察friend察aforetime the lords察for the most part察held 

the land   and   all   that   was   on   it察  and   the   men   that   were   on   it   worked   for 

them as their horses worked察and after they were fed and housed all was 

the lords'察but in the time to come the lords shall see their men thriving on 

the land and shall say once more察 These men have more than they need察

why   have   we   not   the   surplus   since   we   are   their   lords'  Moreover察  in 

those days shall betide much chaffering for wares between man and man察

and country  and   country察and   the  lords shall  note  that if   there  were  less 

corn and less men on their lands there would be more sheep察that is to say 

more wool for chaffer察and that thereof they should have abundantly more 

than aforetime察since all the land they own察and it pays them quit´rent or 

service察  save   here   and there   a   croft or   a   close of   a   yeoman察  and   all   this 

might grow wool for them to sell to the Easterlings。                Then shall England 

see a new thing察for whereas hitherto men have lived on the land and by it察

the land shall no longer need them察but many sheep and a few shepherds 

shall   make   wool   grow  to be   sold   for   money  to   the   Easterlings察 and   that 

money shall the lords pouch此for察look you察they shall set the lawyers a´ 

work     and   the   strong   hand    moreover察    and   the  land   they   shall   take  to 

themselves and their sheep察and except for these lords of land few shall be 

the free men that shall hold a rood of land whom the word of their lord 

may not turn adrift straightway。; 

     ;How mean you拭─said John Ball此 shall all men be villeins again拭─

     ;Nay察─said I察 there shall be no villeins in England。; 

     ;Surely then察─said he察 it shall be worse察and all men save a few shall 

be thralls to be bought and sold at the cross。; 

     ;Good friend察─said I察 it shall not be so察all men shall be free even as 

ye would have it察yet察as I say察few indeed shall have so much land as they 


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                            A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

can stand upon save by buying such a grace of their masters。; 

     ;And now察─said he察 I wot not what thou sayest。          I know a thrall察and 

he is his master's every hour察and never his own察and a villein I know察and 

whiles he is his own and whiles his lord's察and I know a free man察and he 

is his own always察but how shall he be his own if he have nought whereby 

to   make   his   livelihood拭 Or   shall   he   be   a   thief   and   take   from   others拭

Then is he an outlaw。        Wonderful is this thou tellest of a free man with 

nought whereby to live ─

     ;Yet so it shall be察─said I察 and by such free men shall all wares be 


     ;Nay察that cannot be察thou art talking riddles察─said he察 for how shall a 

woodwright make a chest without the wood and the tools拭─

     Said I察 He must needs buy leave to labour of them that own all things 

except himself and such as himself。; 

     ;Yea察but wherewith shall he buy it拭─said John Ball。           ;What hath he 

except himself拭─

     ;With   himself  then shall   he  buy  it察─  quoth   I察  with   his   body  and   the 

power of labour that lieth therein察with the price of his labour shall he buy 

leave to labour。; 

     ;Riddles again ─said he察 how can he sell his labour for aught else but 

his daily bread拭    He must win by his labour meat and drink and clothing 

and housing      Can he sell his labour twice over拭─

     ;Not so察─said I察 but this shall he do belike察he shall sell himself察that 

is the labour that is in him察to the master that suffers him to work察and that 

master shall give to him from out of the wares he maketh enough to keep 

him alive察and to beget children and nourish them till they be old enough 

to be sold like himself察and the residue shall the rich man keep to himself。; 

    John Ball laughed aloud察and said此          Well察I perceive we are not yet 

out of the land of riddles。       The man may well do what thou sayest and 

live察but he may not do it and live a free man。; 

     ;Thou sayest sooth察─said I。 

                             CHAPTER XI 



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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

     He   held   his   peace   awhile察  and   then   he   said此  But   no   man   selleth 

himself   and   his   children   into   thraldom   uncompelled察  nor   is   any   fool   so 

great a fool as willingly to take the name of freeman and the life of a thrall 

as   payment      for  the  very   life  of  a  freeman。      Now     would     I  ask  thee 

somewhat else察and I am the readier to do so since I perceive that thou art 

a wondrous seer察for surely no man could of his own wit have imagined a 

tale of such follies as thou hast told me。          Now well I wot that men having 

once shaken themselves clear of the burden of villeinage察as thou sayest 

we shall do and I bless thee for the word察shall never bow down to this 

worser tyranny without sore strife in the world察and surely so sore shall it 

be察before our valiant sons give way察that maids and little lads shall take 

the sword and the spear察and in many a field men's blood and not water 

shall   turn   the   gristmills   of 

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