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a dream of john ball(埃魂,鴎櫛議知)-及15准

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me if this were not so察the world would not live察but would die察smothered 

by its own stink。      Is the wall betwixt us gone察friend拭─

     He   smiled   as   he   looked   at   me察  kindly察  but   sadly  and   shamefast察  and 

shook his head。 

     Then in a while he said察 Now ye have seen the images of those who 


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                                A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

were our   friends察  come   and   see   the   images   of   those   who   were once   our 


     So he led the way through the side screen into the chancel aisle察and 

there on the pavement lay the bodies of the foemen察their weapons taken 

from   them   and   they   stripped   of   their   armour察  but   not   otherwise   of   their 

clothes察and their faces mostly察but not all察covered。                  At the east end of 

the aisle was another altar察covered with a rich cloth beautifully figured察

and   on   the   wall   over   it   was   a   deal   of   tabernacle   work察  in   the   midmost 

niche of it an image painted and gilt of a gay knight on horseback察cutting 

his own cloak in two with his sword to give a cantle of it to a half´naked 

beggar。 ;Knowest thou any of these men拭─said I。 

     He   said察   Some   I   should   know察  could   I   see  their   faces察  but   let   them 


     ;Were they evil men拭─said I。 

     ;Yea察─he said察 some two or three。              But I will not tell thee of them察

let St。 Martin察whose house this is察tell their story if he will。                  As for the 

rest   they   were    hapless   fools察   or  else   men    who    must    earn   their   bread 

somehow察  and   were   driven   to   this   bad   way  of   earning   it察  God   rest   their 

souls     I will be no tale´bearer察not even to God。; 

     So we stood musing a little while察I gazing not on the dead men察but on 

the strange pictures   on   the   wall察  which   were   richer and   deeper   coloured 

than those in the nave察till at last John Ball turned to me and laid his hand 

on   my   shoulder。      I   started   and   said察   Yea察  brother察  now   must   I   get   me 

back to Will Green's house察as I promised to do so timely。; 

     ;Not yet察brother察─said he察 I have still much to say to thee察and the 

night is yet young。        Go we and sit in the stalls of the vicars察and let us ask 

and answer   on   matters concerning   the   fashion of this   world   of   menfolk察

and of this land wherein we dwell察for once more I deem of thee that thou 

hast seen things which I have not seen察and could not have seen。;                         With 

that word he led me back into the chancel察and we sat down side by side in 

the   stalls   at   the   west   end   of   it察  facing   the   high   altar   and   the   great   east 

window。       By     this  time   the   chancel    was    getting   dimmer      as  the   moon 

wound round the heavens察but yet was there a twilight of the moon察so that 

I could still see the things about me for all the brightness of the window 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

that   faced   us察  and this   moon   twilight   would   last察  I   knew察  until   the   short 

summer night should wane察and the twilight of the dawn begin to show us 

the colours of all things about us。 

     So we sat察and I gathered my thoughts to hear what he would say察and I 

myself was trying to think what I should ask of him察for I thought of him 

as he of me察that he had seen things which I could not have seen。 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

                               CHAPTER X 

                      TWO TALK OF THE DAYS TO COME 

     ;Brother察─said John Ball察 how deemest thou of our adventure拭                  I do 

not   ask thee  if thou   thinkest   we  are  right to   play  the  play  like  men察  but 

whether playing like men we shall fail like men。; 

     ;Why dost thou ask me拭─said I察 how much further than beyond this 

church can I see拭─ Far further察─quoth he察 for I wot that thou art a scholar 

and   hast   read   books察  and   withal察  in   some   way   that   I   cannot   name察  thou 

knowest   more   than   we察  as   though   with   thee   the   world   had   lived   longer 

than   with   us。   Hide   not察  therefore察  what   thou   hast   in   thine   heart察  for   I 

think    after  this  night   I  shall  see  thee  no   more察  until   we   meet   in  the 

heavenly Fellowship。; 

     ;Friend察─I said察 ask me what thou wilt察or rather ask thou the years to 

come   to   tell   thee   some   little   of   their   tale察  and  yet   methinks   thou   thyself 

mayest have some deeming thereof。; 

     He raised himself on the elbow of the stall and looked me full in the 

face察and said to me此        Is it so after all that thou art no man in the flesh察

but art sent to me by the Master of the Fellowship察and the King's Son of 

Heaven察to tell me what shall be拭         If that be so tell me straight out察since I 

had some deeming hereof before察whereas thy speech is like ours and yet 

unlike察and thy face hath something in it which is not after the fashion of 

our day。     And yet take heed察if thou art such an one察I fear thee not察nay察

nor him  that   sent thee察nor  for  thy bidding察 nor  for his察 will   I turn   back 

from London Bridge but will press on察for I do what is meet and right。; 

     ;Nay察─said I察 did I not tell thee e'en now that I knew life but not death拭

I am not dead察and as to who hath sent me察I say not that I am come by my 

own will察for I know not察yet also I know not the will that hath sent me 

hither。    And this I say to thee察moreover察that if I know more than thou察I 

do far less察therefore thou art my captain and I thy minstrel。; 

     He   sighed   as   one   from   whom   a   weight   had   been   lifted察  and   said此

;Well察then察since thou art alive on the earth and a man like myself察tell me 

how deemest thou of our adventure此shall we come to London察and how 


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                               A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

shall we fare there拭─

     Said I察 What shall hinder you to come to London察and to fare there as 

ye will拭    For be sure that the Fellowship in Essex shall not fail you察nor 

shall the Londoners who hate the king's uncles withstand you察nor hath the 

Court   any   great   force   to   meet   you   in   the   field察  ye   shall   cast   fear   and 

trembling into their hearts。; 

     ;Even so察I thought察─said he察 but afterwards what shall betide拭─

     Said I察 It grieves my heart to say that which I think。                 Yet hearken察

many a man's son shall die who is now alive and happy察and if the soldiers 

be slain察and of them most not on the field察but by the lawyers察how shall 

the captains escape拭       Surely thou goest to thy death。; 

     He   smiled   very   sweetly察  yet   proudly察  as   he   said此  Yea察  the   road   is 

long察but the end cometh at last。           Friend察many a day have I been dying察

for my sister察with whom I have played and been merry in the autumn tide 

about     the  edges    of  the   stubble´fields察   and   we   gathered     the  nuts   and 

bramble´berries there察and started thence the missel´thrush察and wondered 

at   his   voice   and   thought   him   big察  and   the   sparrow´hawk   wheeled   and 

turned over the hedges and the weasel ran across the path察and the sound 

of the sheep´bells came to us from the downs as we sat happy on the grass察

and she is dead and gone from the earth察for she pined from famine after 

the   years   of   the   great   sickness察  and   my   brother   was   slain   in   the   French 

wars察and none thanked him for dying save he that stripped him of his gear察

and my unwedded wife with whom I dwelt in love after I had taken the 

tonsure察  and   all   men   said   she   was   good   and   fair察  and   true   she   was   and 

lovely察she also is dead and gone from the earth察and why should I abide 

save for the deeds of the flesh which must be done拭                Truly察friend察this is 

but an old tale that men must die察and I will tell thee another察to wit察that 

they live此and I live now and shall live。          Tell me then what shall befall。; 

     Somehow I could not heed him as a living man as much as I had done察

and the voice that came from me seemed less of me as I answered此

     ;These men are strong and valiant as any that have been or shall be察

and good fellows   also and kindly察  but they  are simple察and   see no   great 

way  before   their   own   noses。     The   victory  shall   they  have   and   shall   not 

know what to do with it察they shall figh

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