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a dream of john ball(埃魂,鴎櫛議知)-及12准

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they察the lords and councillors and lawyers察imagine counsel and remedy 

for us察and even so shall our own folly bid us察and if we hearken thereto 

we are undone indeed察for they shall fall upon our peace with war察and our 

wives and children they shall take from us察and some of us they shall hang察

and some they shall scourge察and the others shall be their yoke´ beasts 

yea察and worse察for they shall lack meat more。 

     ;To fools hearken not察whether they be yourselves or your foemen察for 

either shall lead you astray。 

     ;With the lords parley not察for ye know already what they would say to 

you察  and   that   is察   Churl察  let   me   bridle   thee   and   saddle   thee察  and   eat   thy 

livelihood that thou winnest察and call thee hard names because I eat thee 

up察and for thee察speak not and do not察save as I bid thee。' 

     ;All that is the end of their parleying。 

     ;Therefore be ye bold察and again bold察and thrice bold               Grip the bow察

handle     the   staff察 draw    the   sword察   and   set   on   in  the   name    of   the 

Fellowship ─

     He  ended   amid   loud   shouts察  but   straight´way  answering   shouts   were 

heard察and a great noise of the winding of horns察and I misdoubted a new 

onslaught察and some of those in the throng began to string their bows and 

handle their bills察but Will Green pulled me by the sleeve and said此

     ;Friends are these by the winding of their horns察thou art quit for this 

night察old lad。;     And then Jack Straw cried out from the cross此              Fair and 

softly察  my   masters     These   be   men   of   our   Fellowship察 and   are   for   your 

guests   this   night察  they   are   from   the   bents   this   side   of   Medway察  and   are 

with us here because of the pilgrimage road察and that is the best in these 

parts察  and   so   the   shortest   to   Rochester。  And   doubt   ye   nothing   of   our 

being taken unawares this night察for I have bidden and sent out watchers 

of the ways察and neither a man's son nor a mare's son may come in on us 

without espial。      Now make we our friends welcome。                Forsooth察I looked 

for them an hour later察and had they come an hour earlier yet察some heads 

would now lie on the cold grass which shall lie on a feather bed to´night。 

But let be察since all is well 

     ;Now get we home to our houses察and eat and drink and slumber this 

night察if never once again察amid the multitude of friends and fellows察and 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

yet soberly and without riot察since so much work is to hand。                   Moreover 

the   priest   saith察  bear   ye   the   dead   men察  both   friends   and   foes察  into   the 

chancel of the church察and there this night he will wake them此but after to´ 

morrow let the dead abide to bury their dead ─

     Therewith   he   leapt   down   from   the   cross察  and   Will   and   I   bestirred 

ourselves     and   mingled     with   the  new´comers。       They     were   some    three 

hundred strong察clad and armed in all ways like the people of our township察

except     some    half´dozen    whose     armour    shone    cold   like  ice  under    the 

moonbeams。         Will Green soon had a dozen of them by the sleeve to come 

home with him to board and bed察and then I lost him for some minutes察

and turning about saw John Ball standing behind me察looking pensively on 

all the stir and merry humours of the joyous uplanders。 

     ;Brother   from   Essex察─  said   he察   shall   I   see   thee   again   to´night拭 I 

were fain of speech with thee察for thou seemest like one that has seen more 

than most。; 

     ;Yea察─  said   I察   if   ye   come   to   Will   Green's   house察  for   thither   am   I 


     ;Thither shall I come察─said he察smiling kindly察 or no man I know in 

field。    Lo you察Will Green looking for something察and that is me。                 But in 

his house will be song and the talk of many friends察and forsooth I have 

words in me that crave to come out in a quiet place where they may have 

each one his own answer。           If thou art not afraid of dead men who were 

alive and wicked this   morning察come thou to the church when supper   is 

done察and there we may talk all we will。; 

     Will Green was standing beside us before he had done察with his hand 

laid   on   the   priest's   shoulder察  waiting   till   he   had   spoken   out察  and   as   I 

nodded Yea to John Ball he said此

     ;Now察master priest察thou hast spoken enough this two or three hours察

and   this   my   new   brother   must   tell   and   talk   in   my   house察  and   there   my 

maid will hear his wisdom which lay still under the hedge e'en now when 

the bolts were abroad。        So come ye察and ye good fellows察come ─

     So we turned away together into the little street。            But while John Ball 

had been speaking to me I felt strangely察as though I had more things to 

say than the words I knew could make   clear此as if I wanted to get   from 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

other people a new set of words。             Moreover察as we passed up the street 

again   I   was   once   again   smitten   with   the   great   beauty   of   the   scene察  the 

houses察  the   church   with   its   new   chancel   and   tower察  snow´white   in   the 

moonbeams now察the dresses and arms of the people察men and women for 

the    latter  were   now     mixed    up   with   the   men察   their  grave    sonorous 

language察     and   the  quaint   and    measured     forms    of  speech察   were   again 

become a wonder to me and affected me almost to tears。 


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                              A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

                            CHAPTER VIII 

                            SUPPER AT WILL GREEN'S 

     I walked along with the others musing as if I did not belong to them察

till we came to Will Green's house。            He was one of the wealthier of the 

yeomen察and his house was one of those I told you of察the lower story of 

which was built of stone。         It had not been built long察and was very trim 

and neat。     The fit of wonder had worn off me again by then I reached it察

or   perhaps    I  should   give   you   a  closer  description    of  it察 for  it  was  a 

handsome   yeoman's   dwelling of   that   day察  which is   as   much   as saying   it 

was very beautiful。       The house on the other side of it察the last house in the 

village察was old or even ancient察all built of stone察and except for a newer 

piece   built   on   to   ita   hall察  it   seemedhad   round   arches察  some   of   them 

handsomely carved。         I knew that this was the parson's house察but he was 

another sort of priest than John Ball察and what for fear察what for hatred察

had gone back to his monastery with the two other chantrey priests who 

dwelt in that house察so that the men of the township察and more especially 

the women察were thinking gladly how John Ball should say mass in their 

new chancel on the morrow。 

     Will Green's daughter was waiting for him at the door and gave him a 

close and eager hug察and had a kiss to spare for each of us withal此a strong 

girl she was察as I have said察and sweet and wholesome also。                   She made 

merry   with   her   father察  yet   it   was   easy   to   see   that   her   heart   was   in   her 

mouth   all   along。   There   was   a   younger   girl   some   twelve   summers   old察

and   a   lad   of   ten察  who   were   easily   to   be   known   for   his   children察  an   old 

woman also察who had her livelihood there察and helped the household察and 

moreover three long young men察who came into the house after we had sat 

down察to whom Will nodded kindly。              They were brisk lads and smart察but 

had been afield after the beasts that evening察and had not seen the fray。 

     The room we came into was indeed the house察for there was nothing 

but it on the ground floor察but a stair in the corner went up to the chamber 

or   loft   above。  It   was   much   like   the   room   at   the   Rose察  but   bigger察  the 

cupboard   better   wrought察  and   with   more   vessels   on   it察  and   handsomer。 


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                               A DREAM OF JOHN BALL 

Also the walls察instead of being panelled察were hung with a coarse loosely´ 

woven stuff of green worsted with birds and trees woven into it。                      There 

were     flowers    in  plenty    stuck   about    the  room察   mostly    of   the  yellow 

blossoming   flag or   flower´de´luce察of   which   I had   seen plenty  

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