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小说: youth 字数: 每页4000字

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third。 On the strength of it I had begun to swagger a little; and

to think that; for all my youth; I was not to be despised。

From the first day of the examinations; I had heard every one

speak with awe of the Professor of Latin; who appeared to be some

sort of a wild beast who battened on the financial ruin of young

men (of those; that is to say; who paid their own fees) and spoke

only in the Greek and Latin tongues。 However; St。 Jerome; who had

coached me in Latin; spoke encouragingly; and I myself thought

that; since I could translate Cicero and certain parts of Horace

without the aid of a lexicon; I should do no worse than the rest。

Yet things proved otherwise。 All the morning the air had been

full of rumours concerning the tribulations of candidates who had

gone up before me: rumours of how one young fellow had been

accorded a nought; another one a single mark only; a third one

greeted with abuse and threatened with expulsion; and so forth。

Only Semenoff and the first gymnasium student had; as usual; gone

up quietly; and returned to their seats with five marks credited

to their names。 Already I felt a prescience of disaster when

Ikonin and myself found ourselves summoned to the little table at

which the terrible professor sat in solitary grandeur。

The terrible professor turned out to be a little thin; bilious…

looking man with hair long and greasy and a face expressive of

extraordinary sullenness。 Handing Ikonin a copy of Cicero's

Orations; he bid him translate。 To my great astonishment Ikonin

not only read off some of the Latin; but even managed to construe

a few lines to the professor's prompting。 At the same time;

conscious of my superiority over such a feeble companion; I could

not help smiling a little; and even looking rather contemptuous;

when it came to a question of analysis; and Ikonin; as on

previous occasions; plunged into a silence which promised never

to end。 I had hoped to please the professor by that knowing;

slightly sarcastic smile of mine; but; as a matter of fact; I

contrived to do quite the contrary。

〃Evidently you know better than he; since you are laughing;〃 he

said to me in bad Russian。 〃Well; we shall see。 Tell me the

answer; then。〃

Later I learnt that the professor was Ikonin's guardian; and that

Ikonin actually lived with him。 I lost no time in answering the

question in syntax which had been put to Ikonin; but the

professor only pulled a long face and turned away from me。

〃Well; your turn will come presently; and then we shall see how

much you know;〃 he remarked; without looking at me; but

proceeding to explain to Ikonin the point on which he had

questioned him。

〃That will do;〃 he added; and I saw him put down four marks to

Ikonin in his register。 〃Come!〃 I thought to myself。 〃He cannot

be so strict after all。〃

When Ikonin had taken his departure the professor spent fully

five minutesfive minutes which seemed to me five hoursin

setting his books and tickets in order; in blowing his nose; in

adjusting and sprawling about on his chair; in gazing down the

hall; and in looking here; there; and everywherein doing

everything; in fact; except once letting his eye rest upon me。

Yet even that amount of dissimulation did not seem to satisfy

him; for he next opened a book; and pretended to read it; for all

the world as though I were not there at all。 I moved a little

nearer him; and gave a cough。

〃Ah; yes! You too; of course! Well; translate me something;〃 he

remarked; handing me a book of some kind。 〃But no; you had better

take this;〃 and; turning over the leaves of a Horace; he

indicated to me a passage which I should never have imagined

possible of translation。

〃I have not prepared this;〃 I said。

〃Oh! Then you only wish to answer things which you have got by

heart; do you? Indeed? No; no; translate me that。〃

I started to grope for the meaning of the passage; but each

questioning look which I threw at the professor was met by a

shake of the head; a profound sigh; and an exclamation of 〃No;

no!〃 Finally he banged the book to with such a snap that he

caught his finger between the covers。 Angrily releasing it; he

handed me a ticket containing questions in grammar; and; flinging

himself back in his chair; maintained a menacing silence。 I

should have tried to answer the questions had not the expression

of his face so clogged my tongue that nothing seemed to come from

it right。

〃No; no! That's not it at all!〃 he suddenly exclaimed in his

horrible accent as he altered his posture to one of leaning

forward upon the table and playing with the gold signet…ring

which was nearly slipping from the little finger of his left

hand。 〃That is not the way to prepare for serious study; my good

sir。 Fellows like yourself think that; once they have a gown and

a blue collar to their backs; they have reached the summit of all

things and become students。 No; no; my dear sir。 A subject needs

to be studied FUNDAMENTALLY;〃 and so on; and so on。

During this speech (which was uttered with a clipped sort of

intonation) I went on staring dully at his lowered eyelids。

Beginning with a fear lest I should lose my place as third on the

list; I went on to fear lest I should pass at all。 Next; these

feelings became reinforced by a sense of injustice; injured self…

respect; and unmerited humiliation; while the contempt which I

felt for the professor as some one not quite (according to my

ideas) 〃comme il faut〃a fact which I deduced from the

shortness; strength; and roundness of his nailsflared up in me

more and more and turned all my other feelings to sheer

animosity。 Happening; presently; to glance at me; and to note my

quivering lips and tear…filled eyes; he seemed to interpret my

agitation as a desire to be accorded my marks and dismissed:

wherefore; with an air of relenting; he said (in the presence of

another professor who had just approached):

〃Very well; I will accord you a 'pass'〃 (which signified two

marks); 〃although you do not deserve it。 I do so simply out of

consideration for your youth; and in the hope that; when you

begin your University career; you will learn to be less light…


The concluding phrase; uttered in the hearing of the other

professor (who at once turned his eyes upon me; as though

remarking; 〃There! You see; young man!〃) completed my

discomfiture。 For a moment; a mist swam before my eyesa mist in

which the terrible professor seemed to be far away; as he sat at

his table while for an instant a wild idea danced through my

brain。 〃What if I DID do such a thing?〃 I thought to myself。

〃What would come of it?〃 However; I did not do the thing in

question; but; on the contrary; made a bow of peculiar reverence

to each of the professors; and with a slight smile on my face

presumably the same smile as that with which I had derided

Ikoninturned away from the table。

This piece of unfairness affected me so powerfully at the time

that; had I been a free agent; I should have attended for no more

examinations。 My ambition was gone (since now I could not

possibly be third); and I therefore let the other examinations

pass without any exertion; or even agitation; on my part。 In the

general list I still stood fourth; but that failed to interest

me; since I had reasoned things out to myself; and come to the

conclusion that to try for first place was stupideven 〃bad

form:〃 that; in fact; it was better to pass neither very well nor

very badly; as Woloda had done。 This attitude I decided to

maintain throughout the whole of my University career;

notwithstanding that it was the first point on which my opinion

had differed from that of my friend Dimitri。

Yet; to tell the truth; my thoughts were already turning towards

a uniform; a 〃mortar…board;〃 and the possession of a drozhki of

my own; a room of my own; and; above all; freedom of my own。 And

certainly the prospect had its charm。



When; on May 8th; I returned home from the final; the divinity;

examination; I found my acquaintance; the foreman from

Rozonoff's; awaiting me。 He had called once before to fit me for

my gown; as well as for a tunic of glossy black cloth (the lapels

of which were; on that occasion; only sketched in chalk); but to…

day he had come to bring me the clothes in their finished state;

with their gilt buttons wrapped in tissue paper。

Donning the garments; and finding them splendid (notwithstanding

that St。 Jerome assured me that the back of the tunic wrinkled

badly); I went downstairs with a complacent smile which I was

powerless to banish from my face; and sought Woloda; trying the

while to affect unconsciousness of the admiring looks of the

servants; who came darting out of the hall and corridor to gaze

upon me with ravished eyes。 Gabriel; the butler; overtook me in

the salle; and; after congratulating me with much empresseme

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