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小说: youth 字数: 每页4000字

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far as Lubotshka and Katenka were concerned); failed to shake the

benevolent frame of mind into which I had fallen。 I was unusually

good…humoured that day; and listened to everything with a smile

and a studied air of kindness。 Even when I asked for the kvas I

did so politely; while I lost not a moment in agreeing with St。

Jerome when he told me that it was undoubtedly more correct to

say 〃Je peux〃 than 〃Je puis。〃 Yet; I must confess to a certain

disappointment at finding that no one paid any particular

attention to my politeness and good…humour。 After luncheon;

Lubotshka showed me a paper on which she had written down a list

of her sins: upon which I observed that; although the idea was

excellent so far as it went; it would be still better for her to

write down her sins on her SOUL〃a very different matter。〃

〃Why is it 'a very different matter'?〃 asked Lubotshka。

〃Never mind: that is all right; you do not understand me;〃 and I

went upstairs to my room; telling St。 Jerome that I was going to

work; but in reality purposing to occupy the hour and a half

before confession time in writing down a list of my daily tasks

and duties which should last me all my life; together with a

statement of my life's aim; and the rules by which I meant

unswervingly to be guided。



I TOOK some sheets of paper; and tried; first of all; to make a

list of my tasks and duties for the coming year。 The paper needed

ruling; but; as I could not find the ruler; I had to use a Latin

dictionary instead。 The result was that; when I had drawn the pen

along the edge of the dictionary and removed the latter; I found

that; in place of a line; I had only made an oblong smudge on the

paper; since the; dictionary was not long enough to reach across

it; and the pen had slipped round the soft; yielding corner of

the book。 Thereupon I took another piece of paper; and; by

carefully manipulating the dictionary; contrived to rule what at

least RESEMBLED lines。 Dividing my duties into three sections

my duties to myself; my duties to my neighbour; and my duties to

GodI started to indite a list of the first of those sections;

but they seemed to me so numerous; and therefore requiring to be

divided into so many species and subdivisions; that I thought I

had better first of all write down the heading of 〃Rules of My

Life〃 before proceeding to their detailed inscription。

Accordingly; I proceeded to write 〃Rules of My Life〃 on the

outside of the six sheets of paper which I had made into a sort

of folio; but the words came out in such a crooked and uneven

scrawl that for long I sat debating the question; 〃Shall I write

them again?〃for long; sat in agonised contemplation of the

ragged handwriting and disfigured title…page。 Why was it that all

the beauty and clarity which my soul then contained came out so

misshapenly on paper (as in life itself) just when I was wishing

to apply those qualities to what I was thinking at the moment?

〃The priest is here; so please come downstairs and hear his

directions;〃 said Nicola as he entered;

Hurriedly concealing my folio under the table…cloth; I looked at

myself in the mirror; combed my hair upwards (I imagined this to

give me a pensive air); and descended to the divannaia; 'Room

with divans; or ante…room' where the table stood covered with a

cloth and had an ikon and candles placed upon it。 Papa entered

just as I did; but by another door: whereupon the priesta grey…

headed old monk with a severe; elderly faceblessed him; and

Papa kissed his small; squat; wizened hand。 I did the same。

〃Go and call Woldemar;〃 said Papa。 〃Where is he? Wait a minute;

though。 Perhaps he is preparing for the Communion at the


〃No; he is with the Prince;〃 said Katenka; and glanced at

Lubotshka。 Suddenly the latter blushed for some reason or

another; and then frowned。 Finally; pretending that she was not

well; she left the room; and I followed her。 In the drawing…room

she halted; and began to pencil something fresh on her paper of


〃Well; what new sin have you gone and committed?〃 I asked。

〃Nothing;〃 she replied with another blush。 All at once we heard

Dimitri's voice raised in the hall as he took his leave of


〃It seems to me you are always experiencing some new temptation;〃

said Katenka; who had entered the room behind us; and now stood

looking at Lubotshka。

What was the matter with my sister I could not conceive; but she

was now so agitated that the tears were starting from her eyes。

Finally her confusion grew uncontrollable; and vented itself in

rage against both herself and Katenka; who appeared to be teasing


〃Any one can see that you are a FOREIGNER!〃 she cried (nothing

offended Katenka so much as to be called by that term; which is

why Lubotshka used it)。 〃Just because I have the secret of which

you know;〃 she went on; with anger ringing through her tone; 〃you

purposely go and upset me! Please do understand that it is no

joking matter。〃

〃Do you know what she has gone and written on her paper;

Nicolinka? cried Katenka; much infuriated by the term

〃foreigner。〃 〃She has written down that〃

〃Oh; I never could have believed that you could be so cruel!〃

exclaimed Lubotshka; now bursting into open sobbing as she moved

away from us。 〃You chose that moment on purpose! You spend your

whole time in trying to make me sin! I'll never go to YOU again

for sympathy and advice!〃



With these and other disjointed impressions in my mind; I returned

to the divannaia。 As soon as every one had reassembled; the

priest rose and prepared to read the prayer before confession。

The instant that the silence was broken by the stern; expressive

voice of the monk as he recited the prayerand more especially

when he addressed to us the words: 〃Reveal thou all thy sins

without shame; concealment; or extenuation; and let thy soul be

cleansed before God: for if thou concealest aught; then great

will be thy sin〃the same sensation of reverent awe came over me

as I had felt during the morning。 I even took a certain pleasure

in recognising this condition of mine; and strove to preserve it;

not only by restraining all other thoughts from entering my

brain; but also by consciously exerting myself to feel no other

sensation than this same one of reverence。

Papa was the first to go to confession。 He remained a long; long

time in the room which had belonged to our grandmother; and

during that time the rest of us kept silence in the divannaia; or

only whispered to one another on the subject of who should

precede whom。 At length; the voice of the priest again reading the

prayer sounded from the doorway; and then Papa's footsteps。 The

door creaked as he came out; coughing and holding one shoulder

higher than the other; in his usual way; and for the moment he

did not look at any of us。

〃YOU go now; Luba;〃 he said presently; as he gave her cheek a

mischievous pinch。 〃Mind you tell him everything。 You are my

greatest sinner; you know。〃

Lubotshka went red and pale by turns; took her memorandum paper

out of her apron; replaced it; and finally moved away towards the

doorway with her head sunk between her shoulders as though she

expected to receive a blow upon it from above。 She was not long

gone; and when she returned her shoulders were shaking with sobs。

At lengthnext after the excellent Katenka (who came out of the

doorway with a smile on her face)my turn arrived。 I entered the

dimly…lighted room with the same vague feeling of awe; the same

conscious eagerness to arouse that feeling more and more in my

soul; that had possessed me up to the present moment。 The priest;

standing in front of a reading…desk; slowly turned his face to


I was not more than five minutes in the room; but came out from

it happy and (so I persuaded myself) entirely cleanseda new; a

morally reborn individual。 Despite the fact that the old

surroundings of my life now struck me as unfamiliar (even though

the rooms; the furniture; and my own figurewould to heavens

that I could have changed my outer man for the better in the same

way that I believed myself to have changed my inner Iwere the

same as before); I remained in that comfortable attitude of mine

until the very moment of bedtime。

Yet; no sooner had I begun to grow drowsy with the conning over

of my sins than in a flash I recollected a particularly shameful

sin which I had suppressed at confession time。 Instantly the

words of the prayer before confession came back to my memory and

began sounding in my ears。 My peace was gone for ever。 〃For if

thou concealest aught; then great will be thy sin。〃 Each time

that the phrase recurred to me I saw myself a sinner for whom no

punishment was adequate。 Long did I toss from side to side as I

considered my position; while expecting every moment to be


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