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though abashed and at fault before us; so I moved a little nearer

him; but Woloda only went on walking about the room with his head

down; and smoking。

〃So; my children; that is what your old father has planned to

do;〃 concluded Papareddening; coughing; and offering Woloda and

myself his hands。 Tears were in his eyes as he said this; and I

noticed; too; that the hand which he was holding out to Woloda

(who at that moment chanced to be at the other end of the room)

was shaking slightly。 The sight of that shaking hand gave me an

unpleasant shock; for I remembered that Papa had served in 1812;

and had been; as every one knew; a brave officer。 Seizing the

great veiny hand; I covered it with kisses; and he squeezed mine

hard in return。 Then; with a sob amid his tears; he suddenly

threw his arms around Lubotshka's dark head; and kissed her again

and again on the eyes。 Woloda pretended that he had dropped his

pipe; and; bending down; wiped his eyes furtively with the back

of his hand。 Then; endeavouring to escape notice; he left the




THE wedding was to take place in two weeks' time; but; as our

lectures had begun already; Woloda and myself were forced to

return to Moscow at the beginning of September。 The Nechludoffs

had also returned from the country; and Dimitri (with whom; on

parting; I had made an agreement that we should correspond

frequently with the result; of course; that we had never once

written to one another) came to see us immediately after our

arrival; and arranged to escort me to my first lecture on the


It was a beautiful sunny day。 No sooner had I entered the

auditorium than I felt my personality entirely disappear amid the

swarm of light…hearted youths who were seething tumultuously

through every doorway and corridor under the influence of the

sunlight pouring through the great windows。 I found the sense of

being a member of this huge community very pleasing; yet there

were few among the throng whom I knew; and that only on terms of

a nod and a 〃How do you do; Irtenieff?〃

All around me men were shaking hands and chatting togetherfrom

every side came expressions of friendship; laughter; jests; and

badinage。 Everywhere I could feel the tie which bound this

youthful society in one; and everywhere; too; I could feel that

it left me out。 Yet this impression lasted for a moment only; and

was succeeded; together with the vexation which it had caused; by

the idea that it was best that I should not belong to that

society; but keep to my own circle of gentlemen; wherefore I

proceeded to seat myself upon the third bench; with; as neigh~

hours; Count B。; Baron Z。; the Prince R。; Iwin; and some other

young men of the same class with none of whom; however; was

acquainted save with Iwin and Count B。 Yet the look which these

young gentlemen threw at me at once made me feel that I was not

of their set; and I turned to observe what was going on around

me。 Semenoff; with grey; matted hair; white teeth; and tunic

flying open; was seated a little distance off; and leaning

forward on his elbows as he nibbled a pen; while the gymnasium

student who had come out first in the examinations had

established himself on the front bench; and; with a black stock

coming half…way up his cheek; was toying with the silver watch…

chain which adorned his satin waistcoat。 On a bench in a raised

part of the hall I could descry Ikonin (evidently he had

contrived to enter the University somehow!); and hear him fussily

proclaiming; in all the glory of blue piped trousers which

completely hid his boots; that he was now seated on Parnassus。

Ilinkawho had surprised me by giving me a bow not only cold;

but supercilious; as though to remind me that here we were all

equalswas just in front of me; with his legs resting in free and

easy style on another bench (a hit; somehow I thought; at

myself); and conversing with a student as he threw occasional

glances in my direction。 Iwin's set by my side were talking in

French; yet every word which I overheard of their conversation

seemed to me both stupid and incorrect (〃Ce n'est pas francais;〃

I thought to myself); while all the attitudes; utterances; and

doings of Semenoff; Ilinka; and the rest struck me as uniformly

coarse; ungentlemanly; and 〃comme il ne faut pas。〃

Thus; attached to no particular set; I felt isolated and unable

to make friends; and so grew resentful。 One of the students on

the bench in front of me kept biting his nails; which were raw to

the quick already; and this so disgusted me that I edged away

from him。 In short; I remember finding my first day a most

depressing affair。

When the professor entered; and there was a general stir and a

cessation of chatter; I remember throwing a scornful glance at

him; as also that he began his discourse with a sentence which I

thought devoid of meaning。 I had expected the lecture to be; from

first to last; so clever that not a word ought to be taken from

or added to it。 Disappointed in this; I at once proceeded to draw

beneath the heading 〃First Lecture〃 with which I had adorned my

beautifully…bound notebook no less than eighteen faces in

profile; joined together in a sort of chaplet; and only

occasionally moved my hand along the page in order to give the

professor (who; I felt sure; must be greatly interested in me)

the impression that I was writing something。 In fact; at this

very first lecture I came to the decision which I maintained to

the end of my course; namely; that it was unnecessary; and even

stupid; to take down every word said by every professor。

At subsequent lectures; however; I did not feel my isolation so

strongly; since I made several acquaintances and got into the way

of shaking hands and entering into conversation。 Yet for some

reason or another no real intimacy ever sprang up between us; and

I often found myself depressed and only feigning cheerfulness。

With the set which comprised Iwin and 〃the aristocrats;〃 as they

were generally known; I could not make any headway at all; for;

as I now remember; I was always shy and churlish to them; and

nodded to them only when they nodded to me; so that they had

little inducement to desire my acquaintance。 With most of the

other students; however; this arose from quite a different cause。

As soon as ever I discerned friendliness on the part of a

comrade; I at once gave him to understand that I went to luncheon

with Prince Ivan Ivanovitch and kept my own drozhki。 All this I

said merely to show myself in the most favourable light in his

eyes; and to induce him to like me all the more; yet almost

invariably the only result of my communicating to him the

intelligence concerning the drozhki and my relationship to Prince

Ivan Ivanovitch was that; to my astonishment; he at once adopted

a cold and haughty bearing towards me。

Among us we had a Crown student named Operoffa very modest;

industrious; and clever young fellow; who always offered one his

hand like a slab of wood (that is to say; without closing his

fingers or making the slightest movement with them); with the

result that his comrades often did the same to him in jest; and

called it the 〃deal board〃 way of shaking hands。 He and I nearly

always sat next to one another; and discussed matters generally。

In particular he pleased me with the freedom with which he would

criticise the professors as he pointed out to me with great

clearness and acumen the merits or demerits of their respective

ways of teaching and made occasional fun of them。 Such remarks I

found exceedingly striking and diverting when uttered in his

quiet; mincing voice。 Nevertheless he never let a lecture pass

without taking careful notes of it in his fine handwriting; and

eventually we decided to join forces; and to do our preparation

together。 Things had progressed to the point of his always

looking pleased when I took my usual seat beside him when;

unfortunately; I one day found it necessary to inform him that;

before her death; my mother had besought my father never to allow

us to enter for a government scholarship; as well as that I

myself considered Crown students; no matter how clever; to be…

〃well; they are not GENTLEMEN;〃 I concluded; though beginning to

flounder a little and grow red。 At the moment Operoff said

nothing; but at subsequent lectures he ceased to greet me or to

offer me his board…like hand; and never attempted to talk to me;

but; as soon as ever I sat down; he would lean his head upon his

arm; and purport to be absorbed in his notebooks。 I was surprised

at this sudden coolness; but looked upon it as infra dig; 〃pour

un jeune homme de bonne maison〃 to curry favour with a mere Crown

student of an Operoff; and so left him severely alonethough I

confess that his aloofness hurt my feelings。 On one occasion I

arrived before him; and; since the lecture was to be delivered by

a popular professo

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