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小说: youth 字数: 每页4000字

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with highly…polished brass rods。 Nowhere were there any flowers

or mirrors to be seen。 The salon; too; with its polished floor;

which I traversed on my way to the drawing…room; was decorated in

the same cold; severe; unostentatious style。 Everything in it

looked bright and solid; but not new; and pictures; flower…

stands; and articles of bric…a…brac were wholly absent。 In the

drawing…room I found some of the young princesses seated; but

seated with the sort of correct; 〃company〃 air about them which

gave one the impression that they sat like that only when guests

were expected。

〃Mamma will be here presently;〃 the eldest of them said to me as

she seated herself by my side。 For the next quarter of an hour;

this young lady entertained me with such an easy flow of small…

talk that the conversation never flagged a moment。 Yet somehow

she made so patent the fact that she was just entertaining me

that I felt not altogether pleased。 Amongst other things; she

told me that their brother Stephen (whom they called Etienne; and

who had been two years at the College of Cadets) had now received

his commission。 Whenever she spoke of him; and more particularly

when she told me that he had flouted his mother's wishes by

entering the Hussars; she assumed a nervous air; and immediately

her sisters; sitting there in silence; also assumed a nervous

air。 When; again; she spoke of my grandmother's death; she

assumed a MOURNFUL air; and immediately the others all did the

same。 Finally; when she recalled how I had once struck St。 Jerome

and been expelled from the room; she laughed and showed her bad

teeth; and immediately all the other princesses laughed and

showed their bad teeth too。

Next; the Princess…Mother herself entereda little dried…up

woman; with a wandering glance and a habit of always looking at

somebody else when she was addressing one。 Taking my hand; she

raised her own to my lips for me to kiss itwhich otherwise; not

supposing it to be necessary; I should not have done。

〃How pleased I am to see you!〃 she said with her usual clearness

of articulation as she gazed at her daughters。 〃And how like your

mother you look! Does he not; Lise?〃

Lise assented; though I knew for a fact that I did not resemble

my mother in the least。

〃And what a grown…up you have become! My Etienne; you will

remember; is your second cousin。 No; not second cousinwhat is

it; Lise? My mother was Barbara Dimitrievna; daughter of Dimitri

Nicolaevitch; and your grandmother was Natalia Nicolaevna。〃

〃Then he is our THIRD cousin; Mamma;〃 said the eldest girl。

〃Oh; how you always confuse me!〃 was her mother's angry reply。

〃Not third cousin; but COUSIN GERMANthat is your relationship

to Etienne。 He is an officer now。 Did you know it? It is not well

that he should have his own way too much。 You young men need

keeping in hand; or! Well; you are not vexed because your old

aunt tells you the plain truth? I always kept Etienne strictly in

hand; for I found it necessary to do so。〃

〃Yes; that is how our relationship stands;〃 she went on。 〃Prince

Ivan Ivanovitch is my uncle; and your late mother's uncle also。

Consequently I must have been your mother's first cousinno;

second cousin。 Yes; that is it。 Tell me; have you been to call on

Prince Ivan yet?〃

I said no; but that I was just going to。

〃Ah; is it possible?〃 she cried。 〃Why; you ought to have paid him

the first call of all! Surely you know that he stands to you in

the position of a father? He has no children of his own; and his

only heirs are yourself and my children。 You ought to pay him all

possible deference; both because of his age; and because of his

position in the world; and because of everything else。 I know

that you young fellows of the present day think nothing of

relationships and are not fond of old men; yet do you listen to

me; your old aunt; for I am fond of you; and was fond of your

mother; and had a greata very great…liking and respect for your

grandmother。 You must not fail to call upon him on any account。〃

I said that I would certainly go; and since my present call

seemed to me to have lasted long enough; I rose; and was about to

depart; but she restrained me。

〃No; wait a minute;〃 she cried。 〃Where is your father; Lise? Go

and tell him to come here。 He will be so glad to see you;〃 she

added; turning to me。

Two minutes later Prince Michael entered。 He was a short; thick…

set gentleman; very slovenly dressed and ill…shaven; yet wearing

such an air of indifference that he looked almost a fool。 He was

not in the least glad to see meat all events he did not intimate

that he was; but the Princess (who appeared to stand in

considerable awe of him) hastened to say:

〃Is not Woldemar here〃 (she seemed to have forgotten my name)

〃exactly like his mother?〃 and she gave her husband a glance

which forced him to guess what she wanted。 Accordingly he

approached me with his usual passionless; half…discontented

expression; and held out to me an unshaven cheek to kiss。

〃Why; you are not dressed yet; though you have to go out soon!〃

was the Princess's next remark to him in the angry tone which she

habitually employed in conversation with her domestics。 〃It will

only mean your offending some one again; and trying to set people

against you。〃

〃In a moment; in a moment; mother;〃 said Prince Michael; and

departed。 I also made my bows and departed。

This was the first time I had heard of our being related to

Prince Ivan Ivanovitch; and the news struck me unpleasantly。



As for the prospect of my call upon the Prince; it seemed even

more unpleasant。 However; the order of my route took me first to

the Iwins; who lived in a large and splendid mansion in Tverskaia

Street。 It was not without some nervousness that I entered the

great portico where a Swiss major…domo stood armed with his staff

of office。

To my inquiry as to whether any one was at home he replied: 〃Whom

do you wish to see; sir? The General's son is within。〃

〃And the General himself?〃 I asked with forced assurance。

〃I must report to him your business first。 What may it be; sir?〃

said the major…domo as he rang a bell。 Immediately the gaitered

legs of a footman showed themselves on the staircase above;

whereupon I was seized with such a fit of nervousness that I

hastily bid the lacquey say nothing about my presence to the

General; since I would first see his son。 By the time I had

reached the top of the long staircase; I seemed to have grown

extremely small (metaphorically; I mean; not actually); and had

very much the same feeling within me as had possessed my soul

when my drozhki drew up to the great portico; namely; a feeling

as though drozhki; horse; and coachman had all of them grown

extremely small too。 I found the General's son lying asleep on a

sofa; with an open book before him。 His tutor; Monsieur Frost;

under whose care he still pursued his studies at home; had

entered behind me with a sort of boyish tread; and now awoke his

pupil。 Iwin evinced no particular pleasure at seeing me; while I

also seemed to notice that; while talking to me; he kept looking

at my eyebrows。 Although he was perfectly polite; I conceived

that he was 〃entertaining〃 me much as the Princess Valakhin had

done; and that he not only felt no particular liking for me; but

even that he considered my acquaintance in no way necessary to

one who possessed his own circle of friends。 All this arose out

of the idea that he was regarding my eyebrows。 In short; his

bearing towards me appeared to be (as I recognised with an

awkward sensation) very much the same as my own towards Ilinka

Grap。 I began to feel irritated; and to interpret every fleeting

glance which he cast at Monsieur Frost as a mute inquiry: 〃Why

has this fellow come to see me?〃

After some conversation he remarked that his father and mother

were at home。 Would I not like to visit them too?

〃First I will go and dress myself;〃 he added as he departed to

another room; notwithstanding that he had seemed to be perfectly

well dressed (in a new frockcoat and white waistcoat) in the

present one。 A few minutes later he reappeared in his University

uniform; buttoned up to the chin; and we went downstairs

together。 The reception rooms through which we passed were lofty

and of great size; and seemed to be richly furnished with marble

and gilt ornaments; chintz…covered settees; and a number of

mirrors。 Presently Madame Iwin met us; and we went into a little

room behind the drawing…room; where; welcoming me in very

friendly fashion; she seated herself by my side; and began to

inquire after my relations。

Closer acquaintance with Madame (whom I had seen only twice

before; and that but for a moment on each occasion) impressed me

favourably。 She was tall; thin; and very pale; and looked as

though she suffered from chronic depress

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