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in these last the owners themselves employ their own capitals。

Even in the monied interest; however; the money is; as it were;

but the deed of assignment; which conveys from one hand to

another those capitals which the owners do not care to employ

themselves。 Those capitals may be greater in almost any

proportion than the amount of the money which serves as the

instrument of their conveyance; the same pieces of money

successively serving for many different loans; as well as for

many different purchases。 A; for example; lends to W a thousand

pounds; with which W immediately purchases of B a thousand

pounds' worth of goods。 B having no occasion for the money

himself; lends the identical pieces to X; with which X

immediately purchases of C another thousand pounds' worth of

goods。 C in the same manner; and for the same reason; lends them

to Y; who again purchases goods with them of D。 In this manner

the same pieces; either of coin or paper; may in the course of a

few days; serve as the instrument of three different loans; and

of three different purchases; each of which is; in value; equal

to the whole amount of those pieces。 What the three monied men A;

B; and C assign to the three borrowers; W; X; Y; is the power of

making those purchases。 In this power consist both the value and

the use of the loans。 The stock lent by the three monied men is

equal to the value of the goods which can be purchased with it;

and is three times greater than that of the money with which the

purchases are made。 Those loans however; may be all perfectly

well secured; the goods purchased by the different debtors being

so employed as; in due time; to bring back; with a profit; an

equal value either of coin or of paper。 And as the same pieces of

money can thus serve as the instrument of different loans to

three; or for the same reason; to thirty times their value; so

they may likewise successively serve as the instrument of


     A capital lent at interest may; in this manner; be

considered as an assignment from the lender to the borrowers of a

certain considerable portion of the annual produce; upon

condition that the borrower in return shall; during the

continuance of the loan; annually assign to the lender a smaller

portion; called the interest; and at the end of it a portion

equally considerable with that which had originally been assigned

to him; called the repayment。 Though money; either coin or paper;

serves generally as the deed of assignment both to the smaller

and to the more considerable portion; it is itself altogether

different from what is assigned by it。

     In proportion as that share of the annual produce which; as

soon as it comes either from the ground; or from the hands of the

productive labourers; is destined for replacing a capital;

increases in any country; what is called the monied interest

naturally increases with it。 The increase of those particular

capitals from which the owners wish to derive a revenue; without

being at the trouble of employing them themselves; naturally

accompanies the general increase of capitals; or; in other words;

as stock increases; the quantity of stock to be lent at interest

grows gradually greater and greater。

     As the quantity of stock to be lent at interest increases;

the interest; or the price which must be paid for the use of that

stock; necessarily diminishes; not only from those general causes

which make the market price of things commonly diminish as their

quantity increases; but from other causes which are peculiar to

this particular case。 As capitals increase in any country; the

profits which can be made by employing them necessarily diminish。

It becomes gradually more and more difficult to find within the

country a profitable method of employing any new capital。 There

arises in consequence a competition between different capitals;

the owner of one endeavouring to get possession of that

employment which is occupied by another。 But upon most occasions

he can hope to jostle that other out of this employment by no

other means but by dealing upon more reasonable terms。 He must

not only sell what he deals in somewhat cheaper; but in order to

get it to sell; he must sometimes; too; buy it dearer。 The demand

for productive labour; by the increase of the funds which are

destined for maintaining it; grows every day greater and greater。

Labourers easily find employment; but the owners of capitals find

it difficult to get labourers to employ。 Their competition raises

the wages of labour and sinks the profits of stock。 But when the

profits which can be made by the use of a capital are in this

manner diminished; as it were; at both ends; the price which can

be paid for the use of it; that is; the rate of interest; must

necessarily be diminished with them。

     Mr。 Locke; Mr。 Law; and Mr。 Montesquieu; as well as many

other writers; seem to have imagined that the increase of the

quantity of gold and silver; in consequence of the discovery of

the Spanish West Indies; was the real cause of the lowering of

the rate of interest through the greater part of Europe。 Those

metals; they say; having become of less value themselves; the use

of any particular portion of them necessarily became of less

value too; and consequently the price which could be paid for it。

This notion; which at first sight seems plausible; has been so

fully exposed by Mr。 Hume that it is; perhaps; unnecessary to say

anything more about it。 The following very short and plain

argument; however; may serve to explain more distinctly the

fallacy which seems to have misled those gentlemen。

     Before the discovery of the Spanish West Indies; ten per

cent seems to have been the common rate of interest through the

greater part of Europe。 It has since that time in different

countries sunk to six; five; four; and three per cent。 Let us

suppose that in every particular country the value of silver has

sunk precisely in the same proportion as the rate of interest;

and that in those countries; for example; where interest has been

reduced from ten to five per cent; the same quantity of silver

can now purchase just half the quantity of goods which it could

have purchased before。 This supposition will not; I believe; be

found anywhere agreeable to the truth; but it is the most

favourable to the opinion which we are going to examine; and even

upon this supposition it is utterly impossible that the lowering

of the value of silver could have the smallest tendency to lower

the rate of interest。 If a hundred pounds are in those countries

now of no more value than fifty pounds were then; ten pounds must

now be of no more value than five pounds were then。 Whatever were

the causes which lowered the value of the capital; the same must

necessarily have lowered that of the interest; and exactly in the

same proportion。 The proportion between the value of the capital

and that of the interest must have remained the same; though the

rate had been altered。 By altering the rate; on the contrary; the

proportion between those two values is necessarily altered。 If a

hundred pounds now are worth no more than fifty were then; five

pounds now can be worth no more than two pounds ten shillings

were then。 By reducing the rate of interest; therefore; from ten

to five per cent; we give for the use of a capital; which is

supposed to be equal to one half of its former value; an interest

which is equal to one fourth only of the value of the former


     Any increase in the quantity of silver; while that of the

commodities circulated by means of it remained the same; could

have no other effect than to diminish the value of that metal。

The nominal value of all sorts of goods would be greater; but

their real value would be precisely the same as before。 They

would be exchanged for a greater number of pieces of silver; but

the quantity of labour which they could command; the number of

people whom they could maintain and employ; would be precisely

the same。 The capital of the country would be the same; though a

greater number of pieces might be requisite for conveying any

equal portion of it from one hand to another。 The deeds of

assignment; like the conveyances of a verbose attorney; would be

more cumbersome; but the thing assigned would be precisely the

same as before; and could produce only the same effects。 The

funds for maintaining productive labour being the same; the

demand for it would be the same。 Its price or wages; therefore;

though nominally greater; would really be the same。 They would be

paid in a greater number of pieces of silver; but they would

purchase only the same quantity of goods。 The profits of stock

would be the same both nominally and really。 The wages of labour

are commonly computed by the quantity of silver which is paid to

the labourer。 When that is increased; therefore; his wages appear

to be increased; though they may sometimes be no greater than

before。 But the profits of stock are not computed by the number

of pieces of silver with which they are paid; but by the


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