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of the family of Seymour is now an inn upon the Bath road。 The

marriage…bed of James the First of Great Britain; which his queen

brought with her from Denmark as a present fit for a sovereign to

make to a sovereign; was; a few years ago; the ornament of an

alehouse at Dunfermline。 In some ancient cities; which either

have been long stationary; or have gone somewhat to decay; you

will sometimes scarce find a single house which could have been

built for its present inhabitants。 If you go into those houses

too; you will frequently find many excellent; though antiquated

pieces of furniture; which are still very fit for use; and which

could as little have been made for them。 Noble palaces;

magnificent villas; great collections of books; statues; pictures

and other curiosities; are frequently both an ornament and an

honour; not only to the neighbourhood; but to the whole country

to which they belong。 Versailles is an ornament and an honour to

France; Stowe and Wilton to England。 Italy still continues to

command some sort of veneration by the number of monuments of

this kind which it possesses; though the wealth which produced

them has decayed; and though the genius which planned them seems

to be extinguished; perhaps from not having the same employment。

     The expense too; which is laid out in durable commodities;

is favourable; not only to accumulation; but to frugality。 If a

person should at any time exceed in it; he can easily reform

without exposing himself to the censure of the public。 To reduce

very much the number of his servants; to reform his table from

great profusion to great frugality; to lay down his equipage

after he has once set it up; are changes which cannot escape the

observation of his neighbours; and which are supposed to imply

some acknowledgment of preceding bad conduct。 Few; therefore; of

those who have once been so unfortunate as to launch out too far

into this sort of expense; have afterwards the courage to reform;

till ruin and bankruptcy oblige them。 But if a person has; at any

time; been at too great an expense in building; in furniture; in

books or pictures; no imprudence can be inferred from his

changing his conduct。 These are things in which further expense

is frequently rendered unnecessary by former expense; and when a

person stops short; he appears to do so; not because he has

exceeded his fortune; but because he has satisfied his fancy。

     The expense; besides; that is laid out in durable

commodities gives maintenance; commonly; to a greater number of

people than that which is employed in the most profuse

hospitality。 Of two or three hundredweight of provisions; which

may sometimes be served up at a great festival; one half;

perhaps; is thrown to the dunghill; and there is always a great

deal wasted and abused。 But if the expense of this entertainment

had been employed in setting to work masons; carpenters;

upholsterers; mechanics; etc。; a quantity of provisions; of equal

value; would have been distributed among a still greater number

of people who would have bought them in pennyworths and pound

weights; and not have lost or thrown away a single ounce of them。

In the one way; besides; this expense maintains productive; in

the other unproductive hands。 In the one way; therefore; it

increases; in the other; it does not increase; the exchangeable

value of the annual produce of the land and labour of the


     I would not; however; by all this be understood to mean that

the one species of expense always betokens a more liberal or

generous spirit than the other。 When a man of fortune spends his

revenue chiefly in hospitality; he shares the greater part of it

with his friends and companions; but when he employs it in

purchasing such durable commodities; he often spends the whole

upon his own person; and gives nothing to anybody without an

equivalent。 The latter species of expense; therefore; especially

when directed towards frivolous objects; the little ornaments of

dress and furniture; jewels; trinkets; gewgaws; frequently

indicates; not only a trifling; but a base and selfish

disposition。 All that I mean is; that the one sort of expense; as

it always occasions some accumulation of valuable commodities; as

it is more favourable to private frugality; and; consequently; to

the increase of the public capital; and as it maintains

productive; rather than unproductive hands; conduces more than

the other to the growth of public opulence。  

                             CHAPTER IV

                     Of Stock Lent at Interest 

     THE stock which is lent at interest is always considered as

a capital by the lender。 He expects that in due time it is to be

restored to him; and that in the meantime the borrower is to pay

him a certain annual rent for the use of it。 The borrower may use

it either as a capital; or as a stock reserved for immediate

consumption。 If he uses it as a capital; he employs it in the

maintenance of productive labourers; who reproduce the value with

a profit。 He can; in this case; both restore the capital and pay

the interest without alienating or encroaching upon any other

source of revenue。 If he uses it as a stock reserved for

immediate consumption; he acts the part of a prodigal; and

dissipates in the maintenance of the idle what was destined for

the support of the industrious。 He can; in this case; neither

restore the capital nor pay the interest without either

alienating or encroaching upon some other source of revenue; such

as the property or the rent of land。

     The stock which is lent at interest is; no doubt;

occasionally employed in both these ways; but in the former much

more frequently than in the latter。 The man who borrows in order

to spend will soon be ruined; and he who lends to him will

generally have occasion to repent of his folly。 To borrow or to

lend for such a purpose; therefore; is in all cases; where gross

usury is out of the question; contrary to the interest of both

parties; and though it no doubt happens sometimes that people do

both the one and the other; yet; from the regard that all men

have for their own interest; we may be assured that it cannot

happen so very frequently as we are sometimes apt to imagine。 Ask

any rich man of common prudence to which of the two sorts of

people he has lent the greater part of his stock; to those who;

he thinks; will employ it profitably; or to those who will spend

it idly; and he will laugh at you for proposing the question。

Even among borrowers; therefore; not the people in the world most

famous for frugality; the number of the frugal and industrious

surpasses considerably that of the prodigal and idle。

     The only people to whom stock is commonly lent; without

their being expected to make any very profitable use of it; are

country gentlemen who borrow upon mortgage。 Even they scarce ever

borrow merely to spend。 What they borrow; one may say; is

commonly spent before they borrow it。 They have generally

consumed so great a quantity of goods; advanced to them upon

credit by shopkeepers and tradesmen; that they find it necessary

to borrow at interest in order to pay the debt。 The capital

borrowed replaces the capitals of those shopkeepers and

tradesmen; which the country gentlemen could not have replaced

from the rents of their estates。 It is not properly borrowed in

order to be spent; but in order to replace a capital which had

been spent before。

     Almost all loans at interest are made in money; either of

paper; or of gold and silver。 But what the borrower really wants;

and what the lender really supplies him with; is not the money;

but the money's worth; or the goods which it can purchase。 If he

wants it as a stock for immediate consumption; it is those goods

only which he can place in that stock。 If he wants it as a

capital for employing industry; it is from those goods only that

the industrious can be furnished with the tools; materials; and

maintenance necessary for carrying on their work。 By means of the

loan; the lender; as it were; assigns to the borrower his right

to a certain portion of the annual produce of the land and labour

of the country to be employed as the borrower pleases。

     The quantity of stock; therefore; or; as it is commonly

expressed; of money which can be lent at interest in any country;

is not regulated by the value of the money; whether paper or

coin; which serves as the instrument of the different loans made

in that country; but by the value of that part of the annual

produce which; as soon as it comes either from the ground; or

from the hands of the productive labourers; is destined not only

for replacing a capital; but such a capital as the owner does not

care to be at the trouble of employing himself。 As such capitals

are commonly lent out and paid back in money; they constitute

what is called the monied interest。 It is distinct; not only from

the landed; but from the trading and manufacturing interests; as

in these last the owners themselves employ their own capitals。

Even in the monied inter

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