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hundred thousand pounds; or for L96;000 a year interest; at the

rate of eight per cent; and L4000 a year for the expense of

management。 The credit of the new government; established by the

Revolution; we may believe; must have been very low; when it was

obliged to borrow at so high an interest。

     In 1697 the bank was allowed to enlarge its capital stock by

an engraftment of L1;001;171 10s。 Its whole capital stock

therefore; amounted at this time to L2;201;171 10s。 This

engraftment is said to have been for the support of public

credit。 In 1696; tallies had been at forty; and fifty; and sixty

per cent discount; and bank notes at twenty per cent。 During the

great recoinage of the silver; which was going on at this time;

the bank had thought proper to discontinue the payment of its

notes; which necessarily occasioned their discredit。

     In pursuance of the 7th Anne; c。 7; the bank advanced and

paid into the exchequer the sum of L400;000; making in all the

sum of L1;600;000 which it had advanced upon its original annuity

of L96;000 interest and L4000 for expense of management。 In 1708;

therefore; the credit of government was as good as that of

private persons; since it could borrow at six per cent interest

the common legal and market rate of those times。 In pursuance of

the same act; the bank cancelled exchequer bills to the amount of

L1;775;027 17s。 10 1/2d。 at six per cent interest; and was at the

same time allowed to take in subscriptions for doubling its

capital。 In 1708; therefore; the capital of the bank amounted to

L4;402;343; and it had advanced to government the sum of

L3;375;027 17s。 10 1/2d。

     By a call of fifteen per cent in 1709; there was paid in and

made stock L656;204 Is。 9d。; and by another of ten per cent in

1710; L501;448 12s。 11d。 In consequence of those two calls;

therefore; the bank capital amounted to L5;559;995 14s。 8d。

     In pursuance of the 3rd George I; c。 8; the bank delivered

up two millions of exchequer bills to be cancelled。 It had at

this time; therefore; advanced to government 17s。 10d。 In

pursuance of the 8th George 1; c。 21; the bank purchased of the

South Sea Company stock to the amount of 14;000;000; and in 1722;

in consequence of the subscriptions which it had taken in for

enabling it to make this purchase; its capital stock was

increased by L3;400;000。 At this time; therefore; the bank had

advanced to the public L9;375;027 17s。 10 1/2d。; and its capital

stock amounted only to L8;959;995 14s。 8d。 It was upon this

occasion that the sum which the bank had advanced to the public;

and for which it received interest; began first to exceed its

capital stock; or the sum for which it paid a dividend to the

proprietors of bank stock; or; in other words; that the bank

began to have an undivided capital; over and above its divided

one。 It has continued to have an undivided capital of the same

kind ever since。 In 1746; the bank had; upon different occasions;

advanced to the public L11;686;800 and its divided capital had

been raised by different calls and subscriptions to L10;780;000。

The state of those two sums has continued to be the same ever

since。 In pursuance of the 4th of George III; c。 25; the bank

agreed to pay to government for the renewal of its charter

L110;000 without interest or repayment。 This sum; therefore; did

not increase either of those two other sums。

     The dividend of the bank has varied according to the

variations in the rate of the interest which it has; at different

times; received for the money it had advanced to the public; as

well as according to other circumstances。 This rate of interest

has gradually been reduced from eight to three per cent。 For some

years past the bank dividend has been at five and a half per


     The stability of the Bank of England is equal to that of the

British government。 All that it has advanced to the public must

be lost before its creditors can sustain any loss。 No other

banking company in England can be established by act of

Parliament; or can consist of more than six members。 It acts; not

only as an ordinary bank; but as a great engine of state。 It

receives and pays the greater part of the annuities which are due

to the creditors of the public; it circulates exchequer bills;

and it advances to government the annual amount of the land and

malt taxes; which are frequently not paid up till some years

thereafter。 In those different operations; its duty to the public

may sometimes have obliged it; without any fault of its

directors; to overstock the circulation with paper money。 It

likewise discounts merchants' bills; and has; upon several

different occasions; supported the credit of the principal

houses; not only of England; but of Hamburg and Holland。 Upon one

occasion; in 1763; it is said to have advanced for this purpose;

in one week; about L1;600;000; a great part of it in bullion。 I

do not; however; pretend to warrant either the greatness of the

sum; or the shortness of the time。 Upon other occasions; this

great company has been reduced to the necessity of paying in


     It is not by augmenting the capital of the country; but by

rendering a greater part of that capital active and productive

than would otherwise be so; that the most judicious operations of

banking can increase the industry of the country。 That part of

his capital which a dealer is obliged to keep by him unemployed;

and in ready money; for answering occasional demands; is so much

dead stock; which; so long as it remains in this situation;

produces nothing either to him or to his country。 The judicious

operations of banking enable him to convert this dead stock into

active and productive stock; into materials to work upon; into

tools to work with; and into provisions and subsistence to work

for; into stock which produces something both to himself and to

his country。 The gold and silver money which circulates in any

country; and by means of which the produce of its land and labour

is annually circulated and distributed to the proper consumers;

is; in the same manner as the ready money of the dealer; all dead

stock。 It is a very valuable part of the capital of the country;

which produces nothing to the country。 The judicious operations

of banking; by substituting paper in the room of a great part of

this gold and silver; enables the country to convert a great part

of this dead stock into active and productive stock; into stock

which produces something to the country。 The gold and silver

money which circulates in any country may very properly be

compared to a highway; which; while it circulates and carries to

market all the grass and corn of the country; produces itself not

a single pile of either。 The judicious operations of banking; by

providing; if I may be allowed so violent a metaphor; a sort of

waggon…way through the air; enable the country to convert; as it

were; a great part of its highways into good pastures and

corn…fields; and thereby to increase very considerably the annual

produce of its land and labour。 The commerce and industry of the

country; however; it must be acknowledged; though they may be

somewhat augmented; cannot be altogether so secure when they are

thus; as it were; suspended upon the Daedalian wings of paper

money as when they travel about upon the solid ground of gold and

silver。 Over and above the accidents to which they are exposed

from the unskillfulness of the conductors of this paper money;

they are liable to several others; from which no prudence or

skill of those conductors can guard them。

     An unsuccessful war; for example; in which the enemy got

possession of the capital; and consequently of that treasure

which supported the credit of the paper money; would occasion a

much greater confusion in a country where the whole circulation

was carried on by paper; than in one where the greater part of it

was carried on by gold and silver。 The usual instrument of

commerce having lost its value; no exchanges could be made but

either by barter or upon credit。 All taxes having been usually

paid in paper money; the prince would not have wherewithal either

to pay his troops; or to furnish his magazines; and the state of

the country would be much more irretrievable than if the greater

part of its circulation had consisted in gold and silver。 A

prince; anxious to maintain his dominions at all times in the

state in which he can most easily defend them; ought; upon this

account; to guard; not only against that excessive multiplication

of paper money which ruins the very banks which issue it; but

even against that multiplication of it which enables them to fill

the greater part of the circulation of the country with it。

     The circulation of every country may be considered as

divided into two different branches: the circulation of the

dealers with one another; and the circulation between the dealers

and the consumers。 Though the same pieces of money; whether paper

or metal; may be employed sometimes in the one circulation and

sometimes in the other; yet as both 

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