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by Adam Smith 


                          BOOK TWO 



     IN that rude state of society in which there is no division

of labour; in which exchanges are seldom made; and in which every

man provides everything for himself; it is not necessary that any

stock should be accumulated or stored up beforehand in order to

carry on the business of the society。 Every man endeavours to

supply by his own industry his own occasional wants as they

occur。 When he is hungry; he goes to the forest to hunt; when his

coat is worn out; he clothes himself with the skin of the first

large animal he kills: and when his hut begins to go to ruin; he

repairs it; as well as he can; with the trees and the turf that

are nearest it。

     But when the division of labour has once been thoroughly

introduced; the produce of a man's own labour can supply but a

very small part of his occasional wants。 The far greater part of

them are supplied by the produce of other men's labour; which he

purchases with the produce; or; what is the same thing; with the

price of the produce of his own。 But this purchase cannot be made

till such time as the produce of his own labour has not only been

completed; but sold。 A stock of goods of different kinds;

therefore; must be stored up somewhere sufficient to maintain

him; and to supply him with the materials and tools of his work

till such time; at least; as both these events can be brought

about。 A weaver cannot apply himself entirely to his peculiar

business; unless there is beforehand stored up somewhere; either

in his own possession or in that of some other person; a stock

sufficient to maintain him; and to supply him with the materials

and tools of his work; till he has not only completed; but sold

his web。 This accumulation must; evidently; be previous to his

applying his industry for so long a time to such a peculiar


     As the accumulation of stock must; in the nature of things;

be previous to the division of labour; so labour can be more and

more subdivided in proportion only as stock is previously more

and more accumulated。 The quantity of materials which the same

number of people can work up; increases in a great proportion as

labour comes to be more and more subdivided; and as the

operations of each workman are gradually reduced to a greater

degree of simplicity; a variety of new machines come to be

invented for facilitating and abridging those operations。 As the

division of labour advances; therefore; in order to give constant

employment to an equal number of workmen; an equal stock of

provisions; and a greater stock of materials and tools than what

would have been necessary in a ruder state of things; must be

accumulated beforehand。 But the number of workmen in every branch

of business generally increases with the division of labour in

that branch; or rather it is the increase of their number which

enables them to class and subdivide themselves in this manner。

     As the accumulation of stock is previously necessary for

carrying on this great improvement in the productive powers of

labour; so that accumulation naturally leads to this improvement。

The person who employs his stock in maintaining labour;

necessarily wishes to employ it in such a manner as to produce as

great a quantity of work as possible。 He endeavours; therefore;

both to make among his workmen the most proper distribution of

employment; and to furnish them with the best machines which he

can either invent or afford to purchase。 His abilities in both

these respects are generally in proportion to the extent of his

stock; or to the number of people whom it can employ。 The

quantity of industry; therefore; not only increases in every

country with the increase of the stock which employs it; but; in

consequence of that increase; the same quantity of industry

produces a much greater quantity of work。

     Such are in general the effects of the increase of stock

upon industry and its productive powers。

     In the following book I have endeavoured to explain the

nature of stock; the effects of its accumulation into capitals of

different kinds; and the effects of the different employments of

those capitals。 This book is divided into five chapters。 In the

first chapter; I have endeavoured to show what are the different

parts or branches into which the stock; either of an individual;

or of a great society; naturally divides itself。 In the second; I

have endeavoured to explain the nature and operation of money

considered as a particular branch of the general stock of the

society。 The stock which is accumulated into a capital; may

either be employed by the person to whom it belongs; or it may be

lent to some other person。 In the third and fourth chapters; I

have endeavoured to examine the manner in which it operates in

both these situations。 The fifth and last chapter treats of the

different effects which the different employments of capital

immediately produce upon the quantity both of national industry;

and of the annual produce of land and labour。 

                             CHAPTER I

                     Of the Division of Stock 

     WHEN the stock which a man possesses is no more than

sufficient to maintain him for a few days or a few weeks; he

seldom thinks of deriving any revenue from it。 He consumes it as

sparingly as he can; and endeavours by his labour to acquire

something which may supply its place before it be consumed

altogether。 His revenue is; in this case; derived from his labour

only。 This is the state of the greater part of the labouring poor

in all countries。

     But when he possesses stock sufficient to maintain him for

months or years; he naturally endeavours to derive a revenue from

the greater part of it; reserving only so much for his immediate

consumption as may maintain him till this revenue begins to come

in。 His whole stock; therefore; is distinguished into two parts。

That part which; he expects; is to afford him this revenue; is

called his capital。 The other is that which supplies his

immediate consumption; and which consists either; first; in that

portion of his whole stock which was originally reserved for this

purpose; or; secondly; in his revenue; from whatever source

derived; as it gradually comes in; or; thirdly; in such things as

had been purchased by either of these in former years; and which

are not yet entirely consumed; such as a stock of clothes;

household furniture; and the like。 In one; or other; or all of

these three articles; consists the stock which men commonly

reserve for their own immediate consumption。

     There are two different ways in which a capital may be

employed so as to yield a revenue or profit to its employer。

     First; it may be employed in raising; manufacturing; or

purchasing goods; and selling them again with a profit。 The

capital employed in this manner yields no revenue or profit to

its employer; while it either remains in his possession; or

continues in the same shape。 The goods of the merchant yield him

no revenue or profit till he sells them for money; and the money

yields him as little till it is again exchanged for goods。 His

capital is continually going from him in one shape; and returning

to him in another; and it is only by means of such circulation;

or successive exchanges; that it can yield him any profit。 Such

capitals; therefore; may very properly be called circulating


     Secondly; it may be employed in the improvement of land; in

the purchase of useful machines and instruments of trade; or in

suchlike things as yield a revenue or profit without changing

masters; or circulating any further。 Such capitals; therefore;

may very properly be called fixed capitals。

     Different occupations require very different proportions

between the fixed and circulating capitals employed in them。

     The capital of a merchant; for example; is altogether a

circulating capital。 He has occasion for no machines or

instruments of trade; unless his shop; or warehouse; be

considered as such。

     Some part of the capital of every master artificer or

manufacturer must be fixed in the instruments of his trade。 This

part; however; is very small in some; and very great in others。 A

master tailor requires no other instruments of trade but a parcel

of needles。 Those of the master shoemaker are a little; though

but a very little; more expensive。 Those of the weaver rise a

good deal above those of the shoemaker。 The far greater part of

the capital of all such master artificers; however; is

circulated; either in the wages of their workmen; or in the price

of their materials; and repaid with a profit by the price of the


     In other works a much greater fixed capital is required。 In

a great iron…work; for example; the furnace for melting the ore;

the forge; the slitt…mill; are instruments of trade w

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