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the higher learning in america-第65节

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appreciably more than the homiletical university executives

alluded to above; and their understudies; while it is also not

strictly inclusive of all these executives。 There is indeed a

fairly obvious contingent comes in from among those minor

politicians and clergymen who crave the benefit of an inoffensive

notoriety; and who are at the same time solicitous to keep their

fellow…men in mind of the unforgotten commonplaces。 One will

necessarily have misgivings about putting forward a new technical

term for adoption into a vocabulary that is already top…heavy

with technical innovations。 〃Philandropist〃 has been suggested。

It is not a large innovation; and it has the merit of being

obviously self…explanatory。 At the same time its phonetic

resemblance to an older term; already well accepted in the

language; should recommend it to the members of the craft whom it

is designed to signalize; and with whom phonetic considerations

are habitually allowed weight。 The purists will doubtless find

〃philandropist〃 a barbarism; but that is an infirmity that has

attached to many technical designations at their inception;

without permanently hindering their acceptance and

serviceability; it is also not wholly unfitting that the term

chosen should be of such a character。

8。      〃The time has come; the walrus said;

        To talk of many things。〃

Within the last few years one of the more illustrious and fluent

of the captains of erudition hit upon the expedient of having a

trusted locum tenens appointed to take over the functions of the

home office for a term of years; while the captain himself 〃takes

the road〃  on an appreciably augmented salary  to speak his

mind eloquently on many topics。 The device can; however; scarcely

yet be said to have passed the experimental phase。 This

illustrious exponent of philandropism commands an extraordinary

range of homily and is a raconteur of quite exceptional merit;

and a device that commends itself in this special case;

therefore; may or may not prove a feasible plan in general and

ordinary usage。 But in any case it indicates a felt need of some

measure of relief; such as will enable the run of presidential

speech to gain a little something in amplitude and frequency。

9。 So; e。g。; a certain notably self…possessed and energetic

captain of erudition has been in the habit of repeating (〃on the

spur of the moment〃) a homily on one of the staple Christian


10。 These resulting canons of blameless anility will react on the

character of the academic personnel in a two…fold way: negatively

and by indirection they work out in an (uncertain but effectual)

selective elimination of such persons as are worth while in point

of scholarship and initiative; while positively and by direct

incitement it results that the tribe of Lo Basswood has been

elected to fill the staff with vacancy。

    At the same time the case is not unknown; nor is it

altogether a chance occurrence; where such an executive with

plenary powers; driven to uncommonly fatuous lengths by this

calculus of expedient notoriety; and intent on putting a needed

patch on the seat of his honour; has endeavoured to save some

remnant of good…will among his academic acquaintance by

protesting; in strict and confidential privacy; that his course

of action taken in conformity with these canons was taken for the

sake of popular effect; and not because he did not know better。

apparently having by familiar use come to the persuasion that a

knave is more to be esteemed than a fool; and overlooking the

great ease with which he has been able to combine the two


11。 In all fairness it should be noted; as a caution against

hasty conclusions; that in both of these cases this initial

scholarly intention has been questioned  or denied  by men

well informed as to the later state of things in either of the

two universities in question。 And it may as well be admitted

without much reservation that the later state of things has

carried no broad hint of an initial phase in the life…history of

these schools; in which ideals of scholarship were given first

consideration。 Yet it is to be taken as unequivocal fact that

such was the case; in both instances; this is known as an assured

matter of memory by men competent to speak from familiar

acquaintance with the relevant facts at the time。 In both cases;

it is only in the outcome; only after the pressure of

circumstances has had time to act; that a rounded meretricious

policy has taken effect。 What has misled hasty and late…come

observers in this matter is the relatively very brief 

inconspicuously brief  time interval during which it was found

practicable to let the academic policy be guided primarily by

scholarly ideals。

12。 As a commentary on the force of circumstances and the

academic value of the executive office; it is worth noting that;

in the case cited; an administration guided by a forceful;

ingenious and intrepid personality; initially imbued with

scholarly ideals of a sort; has run a course of scarcely

interrupted academic decay; while the succeeding reign of astute

vacuity and quietism as touches all matters of scholarship and

science has; on the whole; and to date; left the university in an

increasingly hopeful posture as a seminary of the higher

learning。 All of which would appear to suggest a parallel with

the classic instance of King Stork and King Log; Indeed; at the

period of the succession alluded to; the case of these fabled

majesties was specifically called to mind by one and another of

the academic staff。 It would appear that the academic staff will

take care of its ostensible work with better effect the less

effectually its members are interfered with and suborned by an

enterprising captain of erudition。

13。 There is a word to add; as to the measure of success achieved

by these enterprises along their chosen lines of endeavour。 Both

of the establishments spoken of are schools of some value in many

directions; and both have also achieved a large reputation among

the laity。 Indeed; the captains under whose management the two

schools have perforce carried on their work; are commonly held in

considerable esteem as having achieved great things。 There is no

desire here to understate the case; but it should be worth

noting; as bearing on the use and academic value of the

presidential office; that the disposal of very large means 

means of unexampled magnitude  has gone to this achievement。 A

consideration of these results; whether in point of scholarship

or of notoriety; as compared with the means which the captains

have disposed of; will leave one in doubt。 It should seem

doubtful if the results could have been less excellent or less

striking; given the free disposal of an endowment of 20 or 30

millions; and upward; even under the undistinguished and

uneventful management of commonplace honesty and academic

traditions without the guidance of a 〃strong man。〃 It is; indeed;

not easy to believe that less could have been achieved without

the captain's help。 There is also evidence to hand that the loss

of the 〃strong man〃 has entailed no sensible loss either in the

efficiency or in the good repute of the academic establishment;

rather the reverse。

14。 Within the precincts; it is not unusual to meet with a

harsher and more personal note of appraisal of what are rated as

the frailties of the executive。 There are many expressions to be

met with; touching this matter; of a colloquial turn。 These will

commonly have something of an underbred air; as may happen in

unguarded colloquial speech; but if it be kept in mind that their

personal incidence is duly to be read out of them; their tenor

may yet be instructive; and their scant elegance may be

over…looked for once; in view of that certain candour that is

scarcely to be had without a colloquial turn。 They should serve

better than many elaborate phrases to throw into relief the kind

and measure of esteem accorded these mature incumbents of

executive office by the men who assist behind the scenes。 So; in

bold but intelligible metaphor; one hears; 〃He is a large person

full of small potatoes;〃 〃The only white thing about him is his

liver;〃 〃Half…a…peck of pusillanimity;〃 〃A four…flusher。〃

Something after this kind is this aphoristic wisdom current in

the academic 

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