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were clever and wise; but the third did not speak much; and was
simple; and was called the simpleton。 When the king had become old
and weak; and was thinking of his end; he did not know which of his
sons should inherit the kingdom after him。 Then he said to them; go
forth; and he who brings me the most beautiful carpet shall be king
after my death。
And that there should be no dispute amongst them; he took them
outside his castle; blew three feathers in the air; and said; you
shall go as they fly。 One feather flew to the east; the other to the
west; but the third flew straight up and did not fly far; but soon
fell to the ground。
And now one brother went to the right; and the other to the left; and
they mocked simpleton; who was forced to stay where the third feather
had fallen。 He sat down and was sad。 Then all at once he saw that
there was a trap…door close by the feather。 He raised it up; found
some steps; and went down them。 Then he came to another door;
knocked at it; and heard somebody inside calling …
little green waiting…maid;
waiting…maid with the limping leg;
little dog of the limping leg;
hop hither and thither;
and quickly see who is without。
The door opened; and he saw a great; fat toad sitting; and round
about her a crowd of little toads。 The fat toad asked what he
wanted。 He answered; I should like to have the prettiest and finest
carpet in the world。 Then she called a young one and said …
little green waiting…maid;
waiting…maid with the limping leg;
little dog of the limping leg;
hop hither and thither;
and bring me the great box。
The young toad brought the box; and the fat toad opened it; and gave
simpleton a carpet out of it; so beautiful and so fine; that on the
earth above; none could have been woven like it。 Then he thanked
her; and climbed out again。
The two others; however; had looked on their youngest brother as so
stupid that they believed he would find and bring nothing at all。
Why should we give ourselves a great deal of trouble searching; said
they; and got some coarse handkerchiefs from the first shepherds'
wives whom they met; and carried them home to the king。
At the same time simpleton also came back; and brought his beautiful
carpet; and when the king saw it he was astonished; and said; if
justice be done; the kingdom belongs to the youngest。 But the two
others let their father have no peace; and said that it was
impossible that simpleton; who in everything lacked understanding;
should be king; and entreated him to make a new agreement with them。
Then the father said; he who brings me the most beautiful ring shall
inherit the kingdom; and led the three brothers out; and blew into
the air three feathers; which they were to follow。 Those of the two
eldest again went east and west; and simpleton's feather flew
straight up; and fell down near the door into the earth。
Then he went down again to the fat toad; and told her that he wanted
the most beautiful ring。 She at once ordered her big box to be
brought; and gave him a ring out of it; which sparkled with jewels;
and was so beautiful that no goldsmith on earth would have been able
to make it。
The two eldest laughed at simpleton for going to seek a golden ring。
They gave themselves no trouble; but knocked the nails out of an old
carriage…ring; and took it to the king; but when simpleton produced
his golden ring; his father again said; the kingdom belongs to him。
The two eldest did not cease from tormenting the king until he made a
third condition; and declared that the one who brought the most
beautiful woman home; should have the kingdom。 He again blew the
three feathers into the air; and they flew as before。
Then simpleton without more ado went down to the fat toad; and said;
I am to take home the most beautiful woman。 Oh; answered the toad;
the most beautiful woman。 She is not at hand at the moment; but
still you shall have her。 She gave him a yellow turnip which had
been hollowed out; to which six mice were harnessed。 Then simpleton
said quite mournfully; what am I to do with that。 The toad answered;
just put one of my little toads into it。 Then he seized one at
random out of the circle; and put her into the yellow coach; but
hardly was she seated inside it than she turned into a wonderfully
beautiful maiden; and the turnip into a coach; and the six mice into
horses。 So he kissed her; and drove off quickly with the horses; and
took her to the king。
His brothers; who came afterwards; had given themselves no trouble at
all looking for beautiful girls; but had brought with them the first
peasant women they chanced to meet。 When the king saw them he said;
after my death the kingdom belongs to my youngest son。 But the two
eldest deafened the king's ears afresh with their clamor; we cannot
consent to simpleton's being king; and demanded that the one whose
wife could leap through a ring which hung in the centre of the hall
should have the preference。 They thought; the peasant women can do
that easily; they are strong enough; but the delicate maiden will
jump herself to death。
The aged king agreed likewise to this。 Then the two peasant women
jumped; and jumped through the ring; but were so clumsy that they
fell; and their coarse arms and legs broke in two。 And then the
pretty maiden whom simpleton had brought with him; sprang; and sprang
through as lightly as a deer; and all opposition had to cease。 So he
received the crown; and has ruled wisely for a length of time。