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the water-babies-第27节

小说: the water-babies 字数: 每页4000字

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hat was … where little Ellie went; when she went home on Sundays。

To a very beautiful place; she said。

But what was the beautiful place like; and where was it?

Ah! that is just what she could not say。  And it is strange; but true; that no one can say; and that those who have been oftenest in it; or even nearest to it; can say least about it; and make people understand least what it is like。  There are a good many folks about the Other…end…of…Nowhere (where Tom went afterwards); who pretend to know it from north to south as well as if they had been penny postmen there; but; as they are safe at the Other…end…of… Nowhere; nine hundred and ninety…nine million miles away; what they say cannot concern us。

But the dear; sweet; loving; wise; good; self…sacrificing people; who really go there; can never tell you anything about it; save that it is the most beautiful place in all the world; and; if you ask them more; they grow modest; and hold their peace; for fear of being laughed at; and quite right they are。

So all that good little Ellie could say was; that it was worth all the rest of the world put together。  And of course that only made Tom the more anxious to go likewise。

〃Miss Ellie;〃 he said at last; 〃I will know why I cannot go with you when you go home on Sundays; or I shall have no peace; and give you none either。〃

〃You must ask the fairies that。〃

So when the fairy; Mrs。 Bedonebyasyoudid; came next; Tom asked her。

〃Little boys who are only fit to play with sea…beasts cannot go there;〃 she said。  〃Those who go there must go first where they do not like; and do what they do not like; and help somebody they do not like。〃

〃Why; did Ellie do that?〃

〃Ask her。〃

And Ellie blushed; and said; 〃Yes; Tom; I did not like coming here at first; I was so much happier at home; where it is always Sunday。 And I was afraid of you; Tom; at first; because … because … 〃

〃Because I was all over prickles?  But I am not prickly now; am I; Miss Ellie?〃

〃No;〃 said Ellie。  〃I like you very much now; and I like coming here; too。〃

〃And perhaps;〃 said the fairy; 〃you will learn to like going where you don't like; and helping some one that you don't like; as Ellie has。〃

But Tom put his finger in his mouth; and hung his head down; for he did not see that at all。

So when Mrs。 Doasyouwouldbedoneby came; Tom asked her; for he thought in his little head; She is not so strict as her sister; and perhaps she may let me off more easily。

Ah; Tom; Tom; silly fellow! and yet I don't know why I should blame you; while so many grown people have got the very same notion in their heads。

But; when they try it; they get just the same answer as Tom did。 For; when he asked the second fairy; she told him just what the first did; and in the very same words。

Tom was very unhappy at that。  And; when Ellie went home on Sunday; he fretted and cried all day; and did not care to listen to the fairy's stories about good children; though they were prettier than ever。  Indeed; the more he overheard of them; the less he liked to listen; because they were all about children who did what they did not like; and took trouble for other people; and worked to feed their little brothers and sisters instead of caring only for their play。  And; when she began to tell a story about a holy child in old times; who was martyred by the heathen because it would not worship idols; Tom could bear no more; and ran away and hid among the rocks。

And; when Ellie came back; he was shy with her; because he fancied she looked down on him; and thought him a coward。  And then he grew quite cross with her; because she was superior to him; and did what he could not do。  And poor Ellie was quite surprised and sad; and at last Tom burst out crying; but he would not tell her what was really in his mind。

And all the while he was eaten up with curiosity to know where Ellie went to; so that he began not to care for his playmates; or for the sea…palace or anything else。  But perhaps that made matters all the easier for him; for he grew so discontented with everything round him that he did not care to stay; and did not care where he went。

〃Well;〃 he said; at last; 〃I am so miserable here; I'll go; if only you will go with me?〃

〃Ah!〃 said Ellie; 〃I wish I might; but the worst of it is; that the fairy says that you must go alone if you go at all。  Now don't poke that poor crab about; Tom〃 (for he was feeling very naughty and mischievous); 〃or the fairy will have to punish you。〃

Tom was very nearly saying; 〃I don't care if she does;〃 but he stopped himself in time。

〃I know what she wants me to do;〃 he said; whining most dolefully。 〃She wants me to go after that horrid old Grimes。  I don't like him; that's certain。  And if I find him; he will turn me into a chimney…sweep again; I know。  That's what I have been afraid of all along。〃

〃No; he won't … I know as much as that。  Nobody can turn water… babies into sweeps; or hurt them at all; as long as they are good。〃

〃Ah;〃 said naughty Tom; 〃I see what you want; you are persuading me all along to go; because you are tired of me; and want to get rid of me。〃

Little Ellie opened her eyes very wide at that; and they were all brimming over with tears。

〃Oh; Tom; Tom!〃 she said; very mournfully … and then she cried; 〃Oh; Tom! where are you?〃

And Tom cried; 〃Oh; Ellie; where are you?〃

For neither of them could see each other … not the least。  Little Ellie vanished quite away; and Tom heard her voice calling him; and growing smaller and smaller; and fainter and fainter; till all was silent。

Who was frightened then but Tom?  He swam up and down among the rocks; into all the halls and chambers; faster than ever he swam before; but could not find her。  He shouted after her; but she did not answer; he asked all the other children; but they had not seen her; and at last he went up to the top of the water and began crying and screaming for Mrs。 Bedonebyasyoudid … which perhaps was the best thing to do … for she came in a moment。

〃Oh!〃 said Tom。  〃Oh dear; oh dear!  I have been naughty to Ellie; and I have killed her … I know I have killed her。〃

〃Not quite that;〃 said the fairy; 〃but I have sent her away home; and she will not come back again for I do not know how long。〃

And at that Tom cried so bitterly that the salt sea was swelled with his tears; and the tide was 。3;954;620;819 of an inch higher than it had been the day before:  but perhaps that was owing to the waxing of the moon。  It may have been so; but it is considered right in the new philosophy; you know; to give spiritual causes for physical phenomena … especially in parlour…tables; and; of course; physical causes for spiritual ones; like thinking; and praying; and knowing right from wrong。  And so they odds it till it comes even; as folks say down in Berkshire。

〃How cruel of you to send Ellie away!〃 sobbed Tom。  〃However; I will find her again; if I go to the world's end to look for her。〃

The fairy did not slap Tom; and tell him to hold his tongue:  but she took him on her lap very kindly; just as her sister would have done; and put him in mind how it was not her fault; because she was wound up inside; like watches; and could not help doing things whether she liked or not。  And then she told him how he had been in the nursery long enough; and must go out now and see the world; if he intended ever to be a man; and how he must go all alone by himself; as every one else that ever was born has to go; and see with his own eyes; and smell with his own nose; and make his own bed and lie on it; and burn his own fingers if he put them into the fire。  And then she told him how many fine things there were to be seen in the world; and what an odd; curious; pleasant; orderly; respectable; well…managed; and; on the whole; successful (as; indeed; might have been expected) sort of a place it was; if people would only be tolerably brave and honest and good in it; and then she told him not to be afraid of anything he met; for nothing would harm him if he remembered all his lessons; and did what he knew was right。  And at last she comforted poor little Tom so much that he was quite eager to go; and wanted to set out that minute。  〃Only;〃 he said; 〃if I might see Ellie once before I went!〃

〃Why do you want that?〃

〃Because … because I should be so much happier if I thought she had forgiven me。〃

And in the twinkling of an eye there stood Ellie; smiling; and looking so happy that Tom longed to kiss her; but was still afraid it would not be respectful; because she was a lady born。

〃I am going; Ellie!〃 said Tom。  〃I am going; if it is to the world's end。  But I don't like going at all; and that's the truth。〃

〃Pooh! pooh! pooh!〃 said the fairy。  〃You will like it very well indeed; you little rogue; and you know that at the bottom of your heart。  But if you don't; I will make you like it。  Come here; and see what happens to people who do only what is pleasant。〃

And she took out of one of her cupboards (she had all sorts of mysterious cupboards in the cracks of the rocks) the most wonderful waterproof book; full of such photographs as never were seen。  For she had found out photography (and this is a fact) more than 13;598;000 years before anybody wa

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