the expression of emotion in man and animals-第45节
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should exhibit; when similarly affected; a trace of the same expression; together with some tendency to utter a noise。 For it is not at all unusual for animals to retain; more or less perfectly; during early youth; and subsequently to lose; characters which were aboriginally possessed by their adult progenitors; and which are still retained by distinct species; their near relations。
Nor is it an anomalous fact that the children of savages should exhibit a stronger tendency to protrude their lips; when sulky; than the children of civilized Europeans; for the essence of savagery seems to consist in the retention of a primordial condition; and this occasionally holds good even with bodily peculiarities。'12' It may be objected to this view of the origin of pouting; that the anthropoid apes likewise protrude their lips when astonished and even when a little pleased; whilst with us this expression is generally confined to a sulky frame of mind。 But we shall see in a future chapter that with men of various races surprise does sometimes lead to a slight protrusion of the lips; though great surprise or astonishment is more commonly shown by the mouth being widely opened。 As when we smile or laugh we draw back the corners of the mouth; we have lost any tendency to protrude the lips; when pleased; if indeed our early progenitors thus expressed pleasure。
'11' Muller; as quoted by Huxley; ‘Man's Place in Nature;' 1863; p。 38。
A little gesture made by sulky children may here be noticed; namely; their 〃showing a cold shoulder。〃 This has a different meaning; as; I believe; from the keeping both shoulders raised。 A cross child; sitting on its parent's knee; will lift up the near shoulder; then jerk it away; as if from a caress; and afterwards give a backward push with it; as if to push away the offender。 I have seen a child; standing at some distance from any one; clearly express its feelings by raising one shoulder; giving it a little backward movement; and then turning away its whole body。
_Decision or determination_。The firm closure of the mouth tends to give an expression of determination or decision to the countenance。 No determined man probably ever had an habitually gaping mouth。 Hence; also; a small and weak lower jaw; which seems to indicate that the mouth is not habitually and firmly closed; is commonly thought to be characteristic of feebleness of character。 A prolonged effort of any kind; whether of body or mind; implies previous determination; and if it can be shown that the mouth is generally closed with firmness before and during a great and continued exertion of the muscular system; then; through the principle of association; the mouth would almost certainly be closed as soon as any determined resolution was taken。 Now several observers have noticed that a man; in commencing any violent muscular effort; invariably first distends his lungs with air; and then compresses it by the strong contraction of the muscles of the chest; and to effect this the mouth must be firmly closed。 Moreover; as soon as the man is compelled to draw breath; he still keeps his chest as much distended as possible。
'11' I have given several instances in my ‘Descent of Man;' vol。 i。 chap。 iv。
Various causes have been assigned for this manner of acting。 Sir C。 Bell maintains'13' that the chest is distended with air; and is kept distended at such times; in order to give a fixed support to the muscles which are thereto attached。 Hence; as he remarks; when two men are engaged in a deadly contest; a terrible silence prevails; broken only by hard stifled breathing。 There is silence; because to expel the air in the utterance of any sound would be to relax the support for the muscles of the arms。 If an outcry is heard; supposing the struggle to take place in the dark; we at once know that one of the two has given up in despair。
Gratiolet admits'14' that when a man has to struggle with another to his utmost; or has to support a great weight; or to keep for a long time the same forced attitude; it is necessary for him first to make a deep inspiration; and then to cease breathing; but he thinks that Sir C。 Bell's explanation is erroneous。 He maintains that arrested respiration retards the circulation of the blood; of which I believe there is no doubt; and he adduces some curious evidence from the structure of the lower animals; showing; on the one hand; that a retarded circulation is necessary for prolonged muscular exertion; and; on the other hand; that a rapid circulation is necessary for rapid movements。 According to this view; when we commence any great exertion; we close our mouths and stop breathing; in order to retard the circulation of the blood。 Gratiolet sums up the subject by saying; 〃C'est la la vraie theorie de l'effort continu;〃 but how far this theory is admitted by other physiologists I do not know。
'13' ‘Anatomy of Expression。' p。 190。
'14' ‘De la Physionomie;' pp。 118…121。
Dr。 Piderit accounts'15' for the firm closure of the mouth during strong muscular exertion; on the principle that the influence of the will spreads to other muscles besides those necessarily brought into action in making any particular exertion; and it is natural that the muscles of respiration and of the mouth; from being so habitually used; should be especially liable to be thus acted on。 It appears to me that there probably is some truth in this view; for we are apt to press the teeth hard together during violent exertion; and this is not requisite to prevent expiration; whilst the muscles of the chest are strongly contracted。
Lastly; when a man has to perform some delicate and difficult operation; not requiring the exertion of any strength; he nevertheless generally closes his mouth and ceases for a time to breathe; but he acts thus in order that the movements of his chest may not disturb; those of his arms。 A person; for instance; whilst threading a needle; may be seen to compress his lips and either to stop breathing; or to breathe as quietly as possible。 So it was; as formerly stated; with a young and sick chimpanzee; whilst it amused itself by killing flies with its knuckles; as they buzzed about on the window…panes。 To perform an action; however trifling; if difficult; implies some amount of previous determination。
'15' ‘Mimik und Physiognomik;' s。 79。
There appears nothing improbable in all the above assigned causes having come into play in different degrees; either conjointly or separately; on various occasions。 The result would be a well…established habit; now perhaps inherited; of firmly closing the mouth at the commencement of and during any violent and prolonged exertion; or any delicate operation。 Through the principle of association there would also be a strong tendency towards this same habit; as soon as the mind had resolved on any particular action or line of conduct; even before there was any bodily exertion; or if none were requisite。 The habitual and firm closure of the mouth would thus come to show decision of character; and decision readily passes into obstinacy。 CHAPTER X。
HatredRage; effects of on the systemUncovering of the teeth Rage in the insaneAnger and indignationAs expressed by the various races of manSneering and defianceThe uncovering of the canine tooth on one side of the face。
IF we have suffered or expect to suffer some wilful injury from a man; or if he is in any way offensive to us; we dislike him; and dislike easily rises into hatred。 Such feelings; if experienced in a moderate degree; are not clearly expressed by any movement of the body or features; excepting perhaps by a certain gravity of behaviour; or by some ill…temper。 Few individuals; however; can long reflect about a hated person; without feeling and exhibiting signs of indignation or rage。 But if the offending person be quite insignificant; we experience merely disdain or contempt。 If; on the other hand; he is all…powerful; then hatred passes into terror; as when a slave thinks about a cruel master; or a savage about a bloodthirsty malignant deity。'1' Most of our emotions are so closely connected with their expression; that they hardly exist if the body remains passivethe nature of the expression depending in chief part on the nature of the actions which have been habitually performed under this particular state of the mind。 A man; for instance; may know that his life is in the extremest peril; and may strongly desire to save if; yet; as Louis XVI。 said; when surrounded by a fierce mob; 〃Am I afraid? feel my pulse。〃 So a man may intensely hate another; but until his bodily frame is affected; he cannot be said to be enraged。
'1' See some remarks to this effect by Mr。 Bain; ‘The Emotions and the Will;' 2nd edit。 1865; p。 127。
_Rage_。I have already had occasion to treat of this emotion in the third chapter; when discussing the direct influence of the excited sensorium on the body; in combination with the effects of habitually associated actions。 Rage exhibits itself in the most diversified manner。 The heart and circulation are always affected; the face reddens or becomes purple; with the veins on the forehead and neck distended。 The reddening of the skin has been observed with the copper…c