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forty centuries of ink-第9节

小说: forty centuries of ink 字数: 每页4000字

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the strange phenomenon。 After this; we hear no

more of these cities; but the portion of the inhabitants

who escaped built or occupied suburbs at Nola in

Campania and at Naples。 In the latter city; the Regio

Herculanensium; or Quarter of the Herculaneans; an

inscription marked on several lapidary monuments;

indicates the part devoted to the population driven

from the doomed city。

The ancient inkstand found at Herculaneum; said

to contain a substance resembling a thick oil or paint

characteristic of a material which it is alleged; 〃some

of the manuscripts have been written in a sort of

relievo; visible in the letters when a 'leaf' is held to

the light in a horizontal direction;〃 it is not impossible;

indeed it is quite probable; belonged to an era centuries

later than the period to which it has been assigned。

〃No perfect papyri; but only fragments; have been

found at Pompeii。 At Herculaneum; up to the year

1825; 1;756 had been obtained; besides many others

destroyed by the workmen; who imagined them to be

mere sticks of charcoal。 Most of them were found

in a suburban villa; in a room of small dimensions;

ranged in presses round the sides of the room; in the

center of which stood a sort of rectangular bookcase。

〃Sir Humphry Davy; after investigating their

chemical nature; arrived at the conclusion that they

had not been carbonized by heat; but changed by the

long action of air and moisture; and he visited Naples

in hopes of rendering the resources of chemistry

available towards deciphering these long…lost literary

treasures。 His expectations; however; were not fully

crowned with success; although the partial efficacy of

his methods was established; and he relinquished the

pursuit at the end of six months; partly from disappointment;

partly from a belief that vexatious obstacles

were thrown in his way by the jealousy of the

persons to whom the task of unrolling had been intrusted。

About five hundred volumes have been well

and neatly unrolled。 It is rather remarkable that; as

far as can be learned; no manuscript of any known

standard work has been found; nor; indeed; any production

of any of the great luminaries of the ancient

world。 The most celebrated person of whom any

work has been found is Epicurus; whose treatise; De

Natura; has been successfully unrolled。 This and a

few other treatises have been published。 The library

in which this was found appears to have been rich in

treatises on the Epicurean philosophy。 The only

Latin work which it contained was a poem; attributed

to Rabirius; on the war of Caesar and Antony。〃

Beginning with A。 D。 200; the employment of inks

became more and more constant and popular。 Rediscoveries

of ancient formulas belonging to a more

remote antiquity multiplied in number。 Silver ink

was again quite common in most countries。 Red ink

made of vermilion (a composition of mercury; sulphur

and potash) and cinnabar (native mercuric sulphide)

were employed in the writing of the titles as was blue

ink made of indigo; cobalt or oxide of copper。 Tyrian

purple was used for coloring the parchment or vellum。

The 〃Indian〃 inks made by the Chinese were imported

and used in preference to those of similar

character manufactured at home。 The stylus and

waxed tablets though still used; in a measure gave way

to the reawakened interest in ink and ink writings。

A greater facility in writing; due to the gradual

reduction in size of the uncial (inch) letters was

thereby attained。

There were 〃writers in gold〃 and 〃writers in

silver〃 who travelled from the East into Greece and

who bad found their way before the third century

into the very heart of Rome。 Their business was to

embellish the manuscript writings of those times。 It

was considered en regale for authors to 〃illuminate〃

their MSS。 and those who failed to do so suffered in


These authors frequently allude to their use of red;

black and secret inks。

Martial in his first epistle points out the bookseller's

shop opposite the Julian Forum where his works may

be obtained 〃smoothed with pumice stone and decorated

with purple。〃 Seneca mentions books ornamented

〃cum imaginabus。〃 Varro is related by the

younger Pliny to have illustrated his works by pictures

of more than seven hundred illustrious persons。

Martial dwells on the edition of Virgil; with his

portrait as a frontispiece。

The earliest recorded instance of the richer adornments

of golden lettering on purple or rose…stained

vellum is given by Julius Capitolinus in his life of the

Emperor Maximinus the younger。 He therein mentions

that the mother of the emperor presented to him

on his return to his tutor (early in the third century);

a copy of the works of Homer; written in gold upon

purple vellum。

The fugitive character; as before stated; of a great

many of the colored inks; and indeed most of the

black ones which were undoubtedly employed; is the

principal reason why so few specimens of them remain

to us。 Those which have proved themselves so lasting

in character as to be still extant; bear evidence

of extreme care in the preparation of both the inks

and the materials on which the writings appear。 Perhaps

one of the finest illustrations of this practice is

to be found in a book of the Four Gospels of Italian

origin; discovered in the tenth century (a work of the

fourth century) and deposited in the Harlein Library。

This book is written in 〃Indian〃 ink and possesses

magnificently embellished and illuminated letters at

the beginning of each Gospel; which are on vellum

stained in different colors。

St。 Jerome calls attention to this class of books in

a well…known passage of his preface to the Book of

Job; also written in the fourth century; where he explains

as translated:

〃Let those who will have old books written in

gold and silver on purple parchment; or; as they

are commonly called; in uncial…letters;rather ponderous

loads than books;so long as they permit

me and mine to have copies; and rather correct than

beautiful books。〃

It has been said that the Tanno…gallate of Iron Inks

(iron salts; nut…galls and gum) were first used in the

fourth century。 There is positively no credible authority

for such a statement; nor is there a single

monument in the shape of a documentary specimen

of ink writing of that one or an earlier century made

with such an ink in any public or private library and

as far as known in existence。

About A。 D。 390 the inspired writings (often termed

pagan) of the classical countries; or at least the copies

or extracts of them; upon a special search made by order

of the Roman Senate; including those already mentioned

as of the time of Tarquin (some nine hundred

years earlier); were gathered up in Greece; Italy and

other parts and destroyed; because; as we are informed;

this Roman Senate had embraced the Christian

faith and furthermore 〃such vanities began to grow

out of fashion; till at last Stilicho burnt them all

under Honorius (a son of Theodosius the Great); for

which he is so severely censured by the noble poet

Rutilius; in his ingenious itinerary。〃

 Not only Roman Arms the Wretch betrayed

 To barbarous Foes; before that cursed Deed;

 He burnt the Writings of the sacred Maid;

 We hate Althaea for the fatal Brand;

 When Nisius fell; the weeping Birds complained:

 More cruel he than the revengeful Fair;

 More cruel heth at Nisius' Murderer。

 Whose impious Hands into the Flames have thrown

 The Heavenly Pledges of the Roman Crown;

 Unrav'lling all the Doom that careful Fate had spun。〃

The destruction of Rome by Alaric; King of the

Western Goths; A。 D。 410; and the subsequent

dismemberment of the entire Roman Empire by the

barbarians of the North who followed in his wake;

announced that ancient history had come to an end。

It may be truly said as well that the ending of the

ancient history of the black and colored writing inks

which began in the obscurity of tradition between

2000 and 1800 B。 C。; a period of some 2200 years;

was also contemporaneous with these events。

The eclipse of ink…written literature for at least

500 of the 1000 years which followed; and known as

the Middle or 〃Dark〃 Ages; except in the Church

alone; who seem to have kept up the production of

manuscript books principally for ecclesiastical and

medical purposes was complete。 Hence; any information

pertaining to those epochs about ink; writing

materials and ink writings; must be sought for in the

undestroyed records and the ink writings themselves

left by the fathers of the Church。 All else is tainted

and of doubtful authority。

 *   *    *    *    *    *    *    *

 〃When waned the star of Greece was there no cry;

 To rouse her people from their lethargy?

 Was there no sentry on the Parthenon

 No watch…fire on the field of Marathon;

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