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the merry adventures of robin hood-第17节

小说: the merry adventures of robin hood 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Now;〃 quoth Little John; 〃it doth seem to me that instead of striving to cut one another's throats; it were better for us to be boon companions。  What sayst thou; jolly Cook; wilt thou go with me to Sherwood Forest and join with Robin Hood's band? Thou shalt live a merry life within the woodlands; and sevenscore good companions shalt thou have; one of whom is mine own self。 Thou shalt have three suits of Lincoln green each year; and forty marks in pay。〃

〃Now; thou art a man after mine own heart!〃 cried the Cook right heartily; 〃and; as thou speakest of it; that is the very service for me。 I will go with thee; and that right gladly。  Give me thy palm; sweet fellow; and I will be thine own companion from henceforth。 What may be thy name; lad?〃

〃Men do call me Little John; good fellow。〃

〃How?  And art thou indeed Little John; and Robin Hood's own right…hand man? Many a time and oft I heard of thee; but never did I hope to set eyes upon thee。  And thou art indeed the famous Little John!〃  And the Cook seemed lost in amazement; and looked upon his companion with open eyes。

〃I am Little John; indeed; and I will bring to Robin Hood this day a right stout fellow to join his merry band。 But ere we go; good friend; it seemeth to me to be a vast pity that; as we have had so much of the Sheriff's food; we should not also carry off some of his silver plate to Robin Hood; as a present from his worship。〃

〃Ay; marry is it;〃 said the Cook。  And so they began hunting about; and took as much silver as they could lay hands upon; clapping it into a bag; and when they had filled the sack they set forth to Sherwood Forest。

Plunging into the woods; they came at last to the greenwood tree; where they found Robin Hood and threescore of his merry men lying upon the fresh green grass。  When Robin and his men saw who it was that came; they leaped to their feet。  〃Now welcome!〃 cried Robin Hood。  〃Now welcome; Little John!  For long hath it been since we have heard from thee; though we all knew that thou hadst joined the Sheriff's service。 And how hast thou fared all these long days?〃

〃Right merrily have I lived at the Lord Sheriff's;〃 answered Little John; 〃and I have come straight thence。  See; good master! I have brought thee his cook; and even his silver plate。〃 Thereupon he told Robin Hood and his merry men that were there; all that had befallen him since he had left them to go to the Fair at Nottingham Town。  Then all shouted with laughter; except Robin Hood; but he looked grave。

〃Nay; Little John;〃 said he; 〃thou art a brave blade and a trusty fellow。 I am glad thou hast brought thyself back to us; and with such a good companion as the Cook; whom we all welcome to Sherwood。  But I like not so well that thou hast stolen the Sheriff's plate like some paltry thief。 The Sheriff hath been punished by us; and hath lost three hundred pounds; even as he sought to despoil another; but he hath done nought that we should steal his household plate from him。

Though Little John was vexed with this; he strove to pass it off with a jest。  〃Nay; good master;〃 quoth he; 〃if thou thinkest the Sheriff gave us not the plate; I will fetch him; that he may tell us with his own lips he giveth it all to us。〃 So saying he leaped to his feet; and was gone before Robin could call him back。

Little John ran for full five miles till he came to where the Sheriff of Nottingham and a gay company were hunting near the forest。 When Little John came to the Sheriff he doffed his cap and bent his knee。 〃God save thee; good master;〃 quoth he。

〃Why; Reynold Greenleaf!〃 cried the Sheriff; 〃whence comest thou and where hast thou been?〃

〃I have been in the forest;〃 answered Little John; speaking amazedly; 〃and there I saw a sight such as ne'er before man's eyes beheld! Yonder I saw a young hart all in green from top to toe; and about him was a herd of threescore deer; and they; too; were all of green from head to foot。 Yet I dared not shoot; good master; for fear lest they should slay me。〃

〃Why; how now; Reynold Greenleaf;〃 cried the Sheriff; 〃art thou dreaming or art thou mad; that thou dost bring me such; a tale?〃

〃Nay; I am not dreaming nor am I mad;〃 said Little John; 〃and if thou wilt come with me; I will show thee this fair sight; for I have seen it with mine own eyes。  But thou must come alone; good master; lest the others frighten them and they get away。〃

So the party all rode forward; and Little John led them downward into the forest。

〃Now; good master;〃 quoth he at last; 〃we are nigh where I saw this herd。〃

Then the Sheriff descended from his horse and bade them wait for him until he should return; and Little John led him forward through a close copse until suddenly they came to a great open glade; at the end of which Robin Hood sat beneath the shade of the great oak tree; with his merry men all about him。 〃See; good Master Sheriff;〃 quoth Little John; 〃yonder is the hart of which I spake to thee。〃

At this the Sheriff turned to Little John and said bitterly; 〃Long ago I thought I remembered thy face; but now I know thee。 Woe betide thee; Little John; for thou hast betrayed me this day。〃

In the meantime Robin Hood had come to them。  〃Now welcome; Master Sheriff;〃 said he。  〃Hast thou come today to take another feast with me?〃

〃Nay; Heaven forbid!〃 said the Sheriff in tones of deep earnest。 〃I care for no feast and have no hunger today。〃

〃Nevertheless;〃 quoth Robin; 〃if thou hast no hunger; maybe thou hast thirst; and well I know thou wilt take a cup of sack with me。 But I am grieved that thou wilt not feast with me; for thou couldst have victuals to thy liking; for there stands thy Cook。〃

Then he led the Sheriff; willy…nilly; to the seat he knew so well beneath the greenwood tree。

〃Ho; lads!〃 cried Robin; 〃fill our good friend the Sheriff a right brimming cup of sack and fetch it hither; for he is faint and weary。〃

Then one of the band brought the Sheriff a cup of sack; bowing low as he handed it to him; but the Sheriff could not touch the wine; for he saw it served in one of his own silver flagons; on one of his own silver plates。

〃How now;〃 quoth Robin; 〃dost thou not like our new silver service? We have gotten a bag of it this day。〃  So saying; he held up the sack of silver that Little John and the Cook had brought with them。

Then the Sheriff's heart was bitter within him; but; not daring to say anything; he only gazed upon the ground。 Robin looked keenly at him for a time before he spoke again。 Then said he; 〃Now; Master Sheriff; the last time thou camest to Sherwood Forest thou didst come seeking to despoil a poor spendthrift; and thou wert despoiled thine own self; but now thou comest seeking to do no harm; nor do I know that thou hast despoiled any man。 I take my tithes from fat priests and lordly squires; to help those that they despoil and to raise up those that they bow down; but I know not that thou hast tenants of thine own whom thou hast wronged in any way。  Therefore; take thou thine own again; nor will I dispossess thee today of so much as one farthing。 Come with me; and I will lead thee from the forest back to thine own party again。〃

Then; slinging the bag upon his shoulder; he turned away; the Sheriff following him; all too perplexed in mind to speak。 So they went forward until they came to within a furlong of the spot where the Sheriff's companions were waiting for him。 Then Robin Hood gave the sack of silver back to the Sheriff。 〃Take thou thine own again;〃 he said; 〃and hearken to me; good Sheriff; take thou a piece of advice with it。 Try thy servants well ere thou dost engage them again so readily。〃 Then; turning; he left the other standing bewildered; with the sack in his hands。

The company that waited for the Sheriff were all amazed to see him come out of the forest bearing a heavy sack upon his shoulders; but though they questioned him; he answered never a word; acting like one who walks in a dream。  Without a word; he placed the bag across his nag's back and then; mounting; rode away; all following him; but all the time there was a great turmoil of thoughts within his head; tumbling one over the other。 And thus ends the merry tale of Little John and how he entered the Sheriff's service。

Little John and the Tanner of Blyth

ONE FINE DAY; not long after Little John had left abiding with the Sheriff and had come back; with his worship's cook; to the merry greenwood; as has just been told; Robin Hood and a few chosen fellows of his band lay upon the soft sward beneath the greenwood tree where they dwelled。 The day was warm and sultry; so that while most of the band were scattered through the forest upon this mission and upon that; these few stout fellows lay lazily beneath the shade of the tree; in the soft afternoon; passing jests among themselves and telling merry stories; with laughter and mirth。

All the air was laden with the bitter fragrance of the May; and all the bosky shades of the woodlands beyond rang with the sweet song of birdsthe throstle cock; the cuckoo; and the wood pigeon and with the song of birds mingled the cool sound of the gurgling brook that leaped out of the forest shades; and ran fretting amid its rough; gray stones across the sunlit open glade before t

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