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the moscow census-第5节

小说: the moscow census 字数: 每页4000字

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BOUND to do this。〃  The same impression was produced by my
communication to the student…census…takers; when I said to them; that
while taking our statistics; we should follow up; in addition to the
objects of the census; the object of benevolence。  When we discussed
this; I observed that they were ashamed to look the kind…hearted man;
who was talking nonsense; in the eye。  My article produced the same
impression on the editor of the newspaper; when I handed it to him;
on my son; on my wife; on the most widely different persons。  All
felt awkward; for some reason or other; but all regarded it as
indispensable to applaud the idea itself; and all; immediately after
this expression of approbation; began to express their doubts as to
its success; and began for some reason (and all of them; too; without
exception) to condemn the indifference and coldness of our society
and of every one; apparently; except themselves。

In the depths of my own soul; I still continued to feel that all this
was not at all what was needed; and that nothing would come of it;
but the article was printed; and I prepared to take part in the
census; I had contrived the matter; and now it was already carrying
me a way with it。


At my request; there had been assigned to me for the census; a
portion of the Khamovnitchesky quarter; at the Smolensk market; along
the Prototchny cross…street; between Beregovoy Passage and Nikolsky
Alley。  In this quarter are situated the houses generally called the
Rzhanoff Houses; or the Rzhanoff fortress。  These houses once
belonged to a merchant named Rzhanoff; but now belong to the Zimins。
I had long before heard of this place as a haunt of the most terrible
poverty and vice; and I had accordingly requested the directors of
the census to assign me to this quarter。  My desire was granted。

On receiving the instructions of the City Council; I went alone; a
few days previous to the beginning of the census; to reconnoitre my
section。  I found the Rzhanoff fortress at once; from the plan with
which I had been furnished。

I approached from Nikolsky Alley。  Nikolsky Alley ends on the left in
a gloomy house; without any gates on that side; I divined from its
appearance that this was the Rzhanoff fortress。

Passing down Nikolsky Street; I overtook some lads of from ten to
fourteen years of age; clad in little caftans and great…coats; who
were sliding down hill; some on their feet; and some on one skate;
along the icy slope beside this house。  The boys were ragged; and;
like all city lads; bold and impudent。  I stopped to watch them。  A
ragged old woman; with yellow; pendent cheeks; came round the corner。
She was going to town; to the Smolensk market; and she groaned
terribly at every step; like a foundered horse。  As she came
alongside me; she halted and drew a hoarse sigh。  In any other
locality; this old woman would have asked money of me; but here she
merely addressed me。

〃Look there;〃 said she; pointing at the boys who were sliding; 〃all
they do is to play their pranks!  They'll turn out just such Rzhanoff
fellows as their fathers。〃

One of the boys clad in a great…coat and a visorless cap; heard her
words and halted:  〃What are you scolding about?〃 he shouted to the
old woman。  〃You're an old Rzhanoff nanny…goat yourself!〃

I asked the boy:

〃And do you live here?〃

〃Yes; and so does she。  She stole boot…legs;〃 shouted the boy; and
raising his foot in front; he slid away。

The old woman burst forth into injurious words; interrupted by a
cough。  At that moment; an old man; all clad in rags; and as white as
snow; came down the hill in the middle of the street; flourishing his
hands 'in one of them he held a bundle with one little kalatch and
baranki〃 {6}'。  This old man bore the appearance of a person who had
just strengthened himself with a dram。  He had evidently heard the
old woman's insulting words; and he took her part。

〃I'll give it to you; you imps; that I will!〃 he screamed at the
boys; seeming to direct his course towards them; and taking a circuit
round me; he stepped on to the sidewalk。  This old man creates
surprise on the Arbata by his great age; his weakness; and his
indigence。  Here he was a cheery laboring…man returning from his
daily toil。

I followed the old man。  He turned the corner to the left; into
Prototchny Alley; and passing by the whole length of the house and
the gate; he disappeared through the door of the tavern。

Two gates and several doors open on Prototchny Alley:  those
belonging to a tavern; a dram…shop; and several eating and other
shops。  This is the Rzhanoff fortress itself。  Every thing here is
gray; dirty; and malodorousboth buildings and locality; and court…
yards and people。  The majority of the people whom I met here were
ragged and half…clad。  Some were passing through; others were running
from door to door。  Two were haggling over some rags。  I made the
circuit of the entire building from Prototchny Alley and Beregovoy
Passage; and returning I halted at the gate of one of these houses。
I wished to enter; and see what was going on inside; but I felt that
it would be awkward。  What should I say when I was asked what I
wanted there?  I hesitated; but went in nevertheless。  As soon as I
entered the court…yard; I became conscious of a disgusting odor。  The
yard was frightfully dirty。  I turned a corner; and at the same
instant I heard to my left and overhead; on the wooden balcony; the
tramp of footsteps of people running; at first along the planks of
the balcony; and then on the steps of the staircase。  There emerged;
first a gaunt woman; with her sleeves rolled up; in a faded pink
gown; and little boots on her stockingless feet。  After her came a
tattered man in a red shirt and very full trousers; like a petticoat;
and with overshoes。  The man caught the woman at the bottom of the

〃You shall not escape;〃 he said laughing。

〃See here; you cock…eyed devil;〃 began the woman; evidently flattered
by this pursuit; but catching sight of me; she shrieked viciously;
〃What do you want?〃

As I wanted nothing; I became confused and beat a retreat。  There was
nothing remarkable about the place; but this incident; after what I
had witnessed on the other side of the yard; the cursing old woman;
the jolly old man; and the lads sliding; suddenly presented the
business which I had concocted from a totally different point of
view。  I then comprehended for the first time; that all these
unfortunates to whom I was desirous of playing the part of
benefactor; besides the time; when; suffering from cold and hunger;
they awaited admission into the house; had still other time; which
they employed to some other purpose; that there were four and twenty
hours in every day; that there was a whole life of which I had never
thought; up to that moment。  Here; for the first time; I understood;
that all those people; in addition to their desire to shelter
themselves from the cold and to obtain a good meal; must still; in
some way; live out those four and twenty hours each day; which they
must pass as well as everybody else。  I comprehended that these
people must lose their tempers; and get bored; show courage; and
grieve and be merry。  Strange as this may seem; when put into words;
I understood clearly for the first time; that the business which I
had undertaken could not consist alone in feeding and clothing
thousands of people; as one would feed and drive under cover a
thousand sheep; but that it must consist in doing good to them。

And then I understood that each one of those thousand people was
exactly such a man;with precisely the same past; with the same
passions; temptations; failings; with the same thoughts; the same
perplexities;exactly such a man as myself; and then the thing that
I had undertaken suddenly presented itself to me as so difficult that
I felt my powerlessness; but the thing had been begun; and I went on
with it。


On the first appointed day; the student enumerators arrived in the
morning; and I; the benefactor; joined them at twelve o'clock。  I
could not go earlier; because I had risen at ten o'clock; then I had
drunk my coffee and smoked; while waiting on digestion。  At twelve
o'clock I reached the gates of the Rzhanoff house。  A policeman
pointed out to me the tavern with a side entrance on Beregovoy
Passage; where the census…takers had ordered every one who asked for
them to be directed。  I entered the tavern。  It was very dark; ill…
smelling; and dirty。  Directly opposite the entrance was the counter;
on the left was a room with tables; covered with soiled cloths; on
the right a large apartment with pillars; and the same sort of little
tables at the windows and along the walls。  Here and there at the
tables sat men both ragged and decently clad; like laboring…men or
petty tradesmen; and a few women drinking tea。  The tavern was very
filthy; but it was instantly apparent that it had a good trade。

There was a business…like expression on the face of the clerk behind
the counter; and a clever readiness about the waiters。  No sooner had
I entered; than one waiter prepared to remove my coat and bring me

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