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the moscow census-第28节

小说: the moscow census 字数: 每页4000字

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{21}  Omitted by the Censor in the authorized edition。

{22}  Omitted by the Censor in the authorized edition。

{23}  The above passage is omitted in the authorized edition; and the
following is added:  〃I came to the simple and natural conclusion;
that; if I pity the tortured horse upon which I am riding; the first
thing for me to do is to alight; and to walk on my own feet。〃

{24}  Omitted in the authorized edition。

{25}  Omitted in the authorized edition。

{26}  〃Into a worse state;〃 in the authorized edition。

{27}  Omitted in the authorized edition。

{28}  Omitted in the authorized edition。

{29}  Reaumur。

{30}  In the Moscow edition (authorized by the Censor); the
concluding paragraph is replaced by the following: 〃They say:  The
action of a single man is but a drop in the sea。  A drop in the sea!

〃There is an Indian legend relating how a man dropped a pearl into
the sea; and in order to recover it he took a bucket; and began to
bail out; and to pour the water on the shore。  Thus he toiled without
intermission; and on the seventh day the spirit of the sea grew
alarmed lest the man should dip the sea dry; and so he brought him
his pearl。  If our social evil of persecuting man were the sea; then
that pearl which we have lost is equivalent to devoting our lives to
bailing out the sea of that evil。  The prince of this world will take
fright; he will succumb more promptly than did the spirit of the sea;
but this social evil is not the sea; but a foul cesspool; which we
assiduously fill with our own uncleanness。  All that is required is
for us to come to our senses; and to comprehend what we are doing; to
fall out of love with our own uncleanness;in order that that
imaginary sea should dry away; and that we should come into
possession of that priceless pearl;fraternal; humane life。〃

{31}  An arshin is twenty…eight inches。

{32}  The fast extends from the 5th to the 30th of June; O。S。  (June
27 to July 12; N。S。)

{33}  A pood is thirty…six pounds。

{34}  Robinson Crusoe。

{35}  Here something has been omitted by the Censor; which I am
unable to supply。TRANS。


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