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the moscow census-第24节

小说: the moscow census 字数: 每页4000字

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only home where she had lived so long。  While she was on her way;
resting at times; dusk descended。  She approached the gates; turned
in; slipped; groaned and fell。

One man came up; and then another。  〃She must be drunk。〃  Another man
came up; and stumbled over the laundress; and said to the potter:
〃What drunken woman is this wallowing at your gate?  I came near
breaking my head over her; take her away; won't you?〃

The porter came。  The laundress was dead。  This is what my friend
told me。  It may be thought that I have wilfully mixed up facts;I
encounter a prostitute of fifteen; and the story of this laundress。
But let no one imagine this; it is exactly what happened in the
course of one night (only I do not remember which) in March; 1884。
And so; after hearing my friend's tale; I went to the station…house;
with the intention of proceeding thence to the Rzhanoff house to
inquire more minutely into the history of the laundress。  The weather
was very beautiful and sunny; and again; through the stars of the
night…frost; water was to be seen trickling in the shade; and in the
glare of the sun on Khamovnitchesky square every thing was melting;
and the water was streaming。  The river emitted a humming noise。  The
trees of the Neskutchny garden looked blue across the river; the
reddish…brown sparrows; invisible in winter; attracted attention by
their sprightliness; people also seemed desirous of being merry; but
all of them had too many cares。  The sound of the bells was audible;
and at the foundation of these mingling sounds; the sounds of shots
could be heard from the barracks; the whistle of rifle…balls and
their crack against the target。

I entered the station…house。  In the station some armed policemen
conducted me to their chief。  He was similarly armed with sword and
pistol; and he was engaged in taking some measures with regard to a
tattered; trembling old man; who was standing before him; and who
could not answer the questions put to him; on account of his
feebleness。  Having finished his business with the old man; he turned
to me。  I inquired about the girl of the night before。  At first he
listened to me attentively; but afterwards he began to smile; at my
ignorance of the regulations; in consequence of which she had been
taken to the station…house; and particularly at my surprise at her

〃Why; there are plenty of them of twelve; thirteen; or fourteen years
of age;〃 he said cheerfully。

But in answer to my question about the girl whom I had seen on the
preceding evening; he explained to me that she must have been sent to
the committee (so it appeared)。  To my question where she had passed
the night; he replied in an undecided manner。  He did not recall the
one to whom I referred。  There were so many of them every day。

In No。 32 of the Rzhanoff house I found the sacristan already reading
prayers over the dead woman。  They had taken her to the bunk which
she had formerly occupied; and the lodgers; all miserable beings; had
collected money for the masses for her soul; a coffin and a shroud;
and the old women had dressed her and laid her out。  The sacristan
was reading something in the gloom; a woman in a long wadded cloak
was standing there with a wax candle; and a man (a gentleman; I must
state) in a clean coat with a lamb's…skin collar; polished overshoes;
and a starched shirt; was holding one like it。  This was her brother。
They had hunted him up。

I went past the dead woman to the landlady's nook; and questioned her
about the whole business。

She was alarmed at my queries; she was evidently afraid that she
would be blamed for something; but afterwards she began to talk
freely; and told me every thing。  As I passed back; I glanced at the
dead woman。  All dead people are handsome; but this dead woman was
particularly beautiful and touching in her coffin; her pure; pale
face; with closed swollen eyes; sunken cheeks; and soft reddish hair
above the lofty brow;a weary and kind and not a sad but a surprised
face。  And in fact; if the living do not see; the dead are surprised。

On the same day that I wrote the above; there was a great ball in

That night I left the house at nine o'clock。  I live in a locality
which is surrounded by factories; and I left the house after the
factory…whistles had sounded; releasing the people for a day of
freedom after a week of unremitting toil。

Factory…hands overtook me; and I overtook others of them; directing
their steps to the drinking…shops and taverns。  Many were already
intoxicated; many were women。  Every morning at five o'clock we can
hear one whistle; a second; a third; a tenth; and so forth; and so
forth。  That means that the toil of women; children; and of old men
has begun。  At eight o'clock another whistle; which signifies a
breathing…spell of half an hour。  At twelve; a third:  this means an
hour for dinner。  And a fourth at eight; which denotes the end of the

By an odd coincidence; all three of the factories which are situated
near me produce only articles which are in demand for balls。

In one factory; the nearest; only stockings are made; in another
opposite; silken fabrics; in the third; perfumes and pomades。

It is possible to listen to these whistles; and connect no other idea
with them than as denoting the time:  〃There's the whistle already;
it is time to go to walk。〃  But one can also connect with those
whistles that which they signify in reality; that first whistle; at
five o'clock; means that people; often all without exception; both
men and women; sleeping in a damp cellar; must rise; and hasten to
that building buzzing with machines; and must take their places at
their work; whose end and use for themselves they do not see; and
thus toil; often in heat and a stifling atmosphere; in the midst of
dirt; and with the very briefest breathing…spells; an hour; two
hours; three hours; twelve; and even more hours in succession。  They
fall into a doze; and again they rise。  And this; for them; senseless
work; to which they are driven only by necessity; is continued over
and over again。

And thus one week succeeds another with the breaks of holidays; and I
see these work…people released on one of these holidays。  They emerge
into the street。  Everywhere there are drinking…shops; taverns; and
loose girls。  And they; in their drunken state; drag by the hand each
other; and girls like the one whom I saw taken to the station…house;
they drag with them cabmen; and they ride and they walk from one
tavern to another; and they curse and stagger; and say they
themselves know not what。  I had previously seen such unsteady gait
on the part of factory…hands; and had turned aside in disgust; and
had been on the point of rebuking them; but ever since I have been in
the habit of hearing those whistles every day; and understand their
meaning; I am only amazed that they; all the men; do not come to the
condition of the 〃golden squad;〃 of which Moscow is full; {26} 'and
the women to the state of the one whom I had seen near my house'。

Thus I walked along; and scrutinized these factory…hands; as long as
they roamed the streets; which was until eleven o'clock。  Then their
movements began to calm down。  Some drunken men remained here and
there; and here and there I encountered men who were being taken to
the station…house。  And then carriages began to make their appearance
on all sides; directing their course toward one point。

On the box sits a coachman; sometimes in a sheepskin coat; and a
footman; a dandy; with a cockade。  Well…fed horses in saddle…cloths
fly through the frost at the rate of twenty versts an hour; in the
carriages sit ladies muffled in round cloaks; and carefully tending
their flowers and head…dresses。  Every thing from the horse…
trappings; the carriages; the gutta…percha wheels; the cloth of the
coachman's coat; to the stockings; shoes; flowers; velvet; gloves;
and perfumes;every thing is made by those people; some of whom
often roll drunk into their dens or sleeping…rooms; and some stay
with disreputable women in the night…lodging houses; while still
others are put in jail。  Thus past them in all their work; and over
them all; ride the frequenters of balls; and it never enters their
heads; that there is any connection between these balls to which they
make ready to go; and these drunkards at whom their coachman shouts
so roughly。

These people enjoy themselves at the ball with the utmost composure
of spirit; and assurance that they are doing nothing wrong; but
something very good。  Enjoy themselves!  Enjoy themselves from eleven
o'clock until six in the morning; in the very dead of night; at the
very hour when people are tossing and turning with empty stomachs in
the night…lodging houses; and while some are dying; as did the

Their enjoyment consists in this;that the women and young girls;
having bared their necks and arms; and applied bustles behind; place
themselves in a situation in which no uncorrupted woman or maiden
would care to display herself to a man; on any consideration in the
world; and in this half…naked condition; with their uncovered bosoms
exposed to view; with arms bare

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