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early australian voyages-第26节

小说: early australian voyages 字数: 每页4000字

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 could not now stay for them。  As I passed by the south…east point I sounded several times within a mile of the Sandy Bays; but had no ground。  About three leagues to the northward of the south…east point we opened a large; deep bay; secured from west… north…west and south…west winds。  There were two other islands that lay to the north…east of it; which secured the bay from north…east winds; one was but small; yet woody; the other was a league long; inhabited; and full of cocoa…nut trees。  I endeavoured to get into this bay; but there came such flaws off from the high land over it that I could not。  Besides; we had many hard squalls; which deterred me from it; and; night coming on; I would not run any hazard; but bore away to the small inhabited island; to see if we could get anchorage on the east side of it。  When we came there we found the island so narrow; that there could be no shelter; therefore I tacked and stood towards the greater island again; and being more than midway between both; I lay by; designing to endeavour for anchorage next morning。  Between seven and eight at night we spied a canoe close by us; and seeing no more; suffered her to come aboard。  She had three men in her; who brought off five cocoa…nuts; for which I gave each of them a knife and a string of beads; to encourage them to come off again in the morning:  but before these went away we saw two more canoes coming; therefore we stood away to the northward from them; and then lay by again till day。  We saw no more boats this night; neither designed to suffer any to come aboard in the dark。

By nine o'clock the next morning we were got within a league of the great island; but were kept off by violent gusts of wind。  These squalls gave us warning of their approach by the clouds which hung over the mountains; and afterwards descended to the foot of them; and then it is we expect them speedily。

On the 3rd of March; being about five leagues to leeward of the great island; we saw the mainland ahead; and another great high island to leeward of us; distant about seven leagues; which we bore away for。  It is called in the Dutch drafts Garret Dennis Isle。  It is about fourteen or fifteen leagues round; high and mountainous; and very woody。  Some trees appeared very large and tall; and the bays by the seaside are well stared with cocoa…nut trees; where we also saw some small houses。  The sides of the mountains are thick… set with plantations; and the mould in the new…cleared land seemed to be of a brown…reddish colour。  This island is of no regular figure; but is full of points shooting forth into the sea; between which are many sandy bays; full of cocoa…nut trees。  The middle of the isle lies in 3 degrees 10 minutes south latitude。  It is very populous。  The natives are very black; strong; and well…limbed people; having great round heads; their hair naturally curled and short; which they shave into several forms; and dye it also of divers coloursviz。; red; white; and yellow。  They have broad round faces; with great bottle…noses; yet agreeable enough till they disfigure them by painting; and by wearing great things through their noses as big as a man's thumb; and about four inches long。 These are run clear through both nostrils; one end coming out by one cheek…bone; and the other end against the other; and their noses so stretched that only a small slip of them appears about the ornament。 They have also great holes in their ears; wherein they wear such stuff as in their noses。  They are very dexterous; active fellows in their proas; which are very ingeniously built。  They are narrow and long; with outriggers on one side; the head and stern higher than the rest; and carved into many devicesviz。; some fowl; fish; or a man's head painted or carved; and though it is but rudely done; yet the resemblance appears plainly; and shows an ingenious fancy。  But with what instruments they make their proas or carved work I know not; for they seem to be utterly ignorant of iron。  They have very neat paddles; with which they manage their proas dexterously; and make great way through the water。  Their weapons are chiefly lances; swords and slings; and some bows and arrows。  They have also wooden fish…spears for striking fish。  Those that came to assault us in Slinger's Bay on the main are in all respects like these; and I believe these are alike treacherous。  Their speech is clear and distinct。  The words they used most when near us were vacousee allamais; and then they pointed to the shore。  Their signs of friendship are either a great truncheon; or bough of a tree full of leaves; put on their heads; often striking their heads with their hands。

The next day; having a fresh gale of wind; we got under a high island; about four or five leagues round; very woody; and full of plantations upon the sides of the hills; and in the bays; by the waterside; are abundance of cocoa…nut trees。  It lies in the latitude of 3 degrees 25 minutes south; and meridian distance from Cape Mabo 1;316 miles。  On the south…east part of it are three or four other small woody islands; one high and peaked; the others low and flat; all bedecked with cocoa…nut trees and other wood。  On the north there is another island of an indifferent height and of a somewhat larger circumference than the great high island last mentioned。  We passed between this and the high island。  The high island is called in the Dutch drafts Anthony Cave's Island。  As for the flat; low island; and the other small one; it is probable they were never seen by the Dutch; nor the islands to the north of Garret Dennis's Island。  As soon as we came near Cave's Island some canoes came about us; and made signs for us to come ashore; as all the rest had done before; probably thinking we could run the ship aground anywhere; as they did their proas; for we saw neither sail nor anchor among any of them; though most Eastern Indians have both。 These had proas made of one tree; well dug; with outriggers on one side; they were but small; yet well shaped。  We endeavoured to anchor; but found no ground within a mile of the shore。  We kept close along the north side; still sounding till we came to the north…east end; but found no ground; the canoes still accompanying us; and the bays were covered with men going along as we sailed。 Many of them strove to swim off to us; but we left them astern。 Being at the north…east point; we found a strong current setting to the north…west; so that though we had steered to keep under the high island; yet we were driven towards the flat one。  At this time three of the natives came on board。  I gave each of them a knife; a looking…glass; and a string of beads。  I showed them pumpkins and cocoa…nut shells; and made signs to them to bring some aboard; and had presently three cocoa…nuts out of one of the canoes。  I showed them nutmegs; and by their signs I guessed they had some on the island。  I also showed them some gold dust; which they seemed to know; and called out 〃Manneel; Manneel;〃 and pointed towards the land。  A while after these men were gone; two or three canoes came from the flat island; and by signs invited us to their island; at which the others seemed displeased; and used very menacing gestures and; I believe; speeches to each other。  Night coming on; we stood off to sea; and having but little wind all night; were driven away to the north…west。  We saw many great fires on the flat island。  The last men that came off to us were all black as those we had seen before; with frizzled hair。  They were very tall; lusty; well…shaped men。  They wear great things in their noses; and paint as the others; but not much。  They make the same signs of friendship; and their language seems to be one; but the others had proas; and these canoes。  On the sides of some of these we saw the figures of several fish neatly cut; and these last were not so shy as the others。

Steering away from Cave's Island south…south…east; we found a strong current against us; which set only in some places in streams; and in them we saw many trees and logs of wood; which drove by us。  We had but little wood aboard; wherefore I hoisted out the pinnace; and sent her to take up some of this drift…wood。  In a little time she came aboard with a great tree in tow; which we could hardly hoist in with all our tackles。  We cut up the tree and split it for firewood。 It was much worm…eaten; and had in it some live worms above an inch long; and about the bigness of a goose…quill; and having their heads crusted over with a thin shell。

After this we passed by an island; called by the Dutch St。 John's Island; leaving it to the north of us。  It is about nine or ten leagues round; and very well adorned with lofty trees。  We saw many plantations on the sides of the hills; and abundance of cocoa…nut trees about them; as also thick groves on the bays by the seaside。 As we came near it three canoes came off to us; but would not come aboard。  They were such as we had seen about the other islands。 They spoke the same language; and made the same signs of peace; and their canoes were such as at Cave's Island。

We stood along by St。 John's Island till we came almost to the south…east point; and then; seeing no more islands to the eastward of us; nor any likelihood of anchorin

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