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early australian voyages-第19节

小说: early australian voyages 字数: 每页4000字

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d to be seen; but very hazy; especially nigh the horizon。  We sounded several times this 20th day; and at first had no ground; but had afterwards from fifty… two to forty…five fathom; coarse brown sand; mixed with small brown and white stones; with dints besides in the tallow。

The 21st day also we had small land breezes in the night; and sea breezes in the day; and as we saw some sea…snakes every day; so this day we saw a great many; of two different sorts or shapes。  One sort was yellow; and about the bigness of a man's wrist; about four feet long; having a flat tail about four fingers broad。  The other sort was much smaller and shorter; round; and spotted black and yellow。 This day we sounded several times; and had forty…five fathom; sand。 We did not make the land till noon; and then saw it first from our topmast head; it bore south…east by east about nine leagues distance; and it appeared like a cape or head of land。  The sea breeze this day was not so strong as the day before; and it veered out more; so that we had a fair wind to run in with to the shore; and at sunset anchored in twenty fathom; clean sand; about five leagues from the Bluff point; which was not a cape (as it appeared at a great distance); but the easternmost end of an island about five or six leagues in length; and one in breadth。  There were three or four rocky islands about a league from us; between us and the Bluff point; and we saw many other islands both to the east and west of it; as far as we could see either way from our topmast…head; and all within them to the south there was nothing but islands of a pretty height; that may be seen eight or nine leagues off; by what we saw of them they must have been a range of islands of about twenty leagues in length; stretching from east…north…east to west… south…west; and; for aught I know; as far as to those of Shark's Bay; and to a considerable breadth also; for we could see nine or ten leagues in among them; towards the continent or mainland of New Holland; if there be any such thing hereabouts; and by the great tides I met with awhile afterwards; more to the north…east; I had a strong suspicion that here might be a kind of archipelago of islands; and a passage possibly to the south of New Holland and New Guinea into the great South Sea eastward; which I had thoughts also of attempting in my return from New Guinea; had circumstances permitted; and told my officers so; but I would not attempt it at this time; because we wanted water; and could not depend upon finding it there。  This place is in the latitude of 20 degrees 21 minutes; but in the draught that I had of this coast; which was Tasman's; it was laid down in 19 degrees 50 minutes; and the shore is laid down as all along joining in one body or continent; with some openings appearing like rivers; and not like islands as really they are。  This place lies more northerly by 40 minutes than is laid down in Mr。 Tasman's draught; and besides its being made a firm continued land; only with some openings like the mouths of rivers; I found the soundings also different from what the pricked line of his course shows them; and generally shallower than he makes them; which inclines me to think that he came not so near the shore as his line shows; and so had deeper soundings; and could not so well distinguish the islands。  His meridian or difference of longitude from Shark's Bay agrees well enough with my account; which is two hundred and thirty…two leagues; though we differ in latitude; and to confirm my conjecture that the line of his course is made too near the shore; at least not far to the east of this place; the water is there so shallow that he could not come there so nigh。

But to proceed。  In the night we had a small land breeze; and in the morning I weighed anchor; designing to run in among the islands; for they had large channels between them of a league wide at least; and some two or three leagues wide。  I sent in my boat before to sound; and if they found shoal water to return again; but if they found water enough to go ashore on one of the islands and stay till the ship came in; where they might in the meantime search for water。  So we followed after with the ship; sounding as we went in; and had twenty fathom till within two leagues of the Bluff head; and then we had shoal water and very uncertain soundings; yet we ran in still with an easy sail; sounding and looking out well; for this was dangerous work。  When we came abreast of the Bluff head; and about two miles from it; we had but seven fathom; then we edged away from it; but had no more water; and running in a little farther we had but four fathoms; so we anchored immediately; and yet when we had veered out a third of a cable; we had seven fathom water again; so uncertain was the water。  My boat came immediately on board; and told me that the island was very rocky and dry; and they had little hopes of finding water there。  I sent them to sound; and bade them; if they found a channel of eight or ten fathom water; to keep on; and we would follow with the ship。  We were now about four leagues within the outer small rocky islands; but still could see nothing but islands within us; some five or six leagues long; others not above a mile round。  The large islands were pretty high; but all appeared dry; and mostly rocky and barren。  The rocks looked of a rusty yellow colour; and therefore I despaired of getting water on any of them; but was in some hopes of finding a channel to run in beyond all these islands; could I have spent time here; and either got to the main of New Holland or find out some other islands that might afford us water and other refreshments; besides that among so many islands we might have found some sort of rich mineral; or ambergris; it being a good latitude for both these。  But we had not sailed above a league farther before our water grew shoaler again; and then we anchored in six fathom; hard sand。

We were now on the inner side of the island; on whose outside is the Bluff point。  We rode a league from the island; and I presently went ashore and carried shovels to dig for water; but found none。  There grow here two or three sorts of shrubs; one just like rosemary; and therefore I called this Rosemary Island; it grew in great plenty here; but had no smell。  Some of the other shrubs had blue and yellow flowers; and we found two sorts of grain like beans; the one grew on bushes; the other on a sort of creeping vine that runs along on the ground; having very thick broad leaves; and the blossom like a bean blossom; but much larger and of a deep red colour; looking very beautiful。  We saw here some cormorants; gulls; crab…catchers; etc。; a few small land birds; and a sort of white parrots; which flew a great many together。  We found some shell…fish; viz。; limpets; periwinkles; and abundance of small oysters growing on the rocks; which were very sweet。  In the sea we saw some green turtle; many sharks; and abundance of water…snakes of several sorts and sizes。  The stones were all of rusty colour; and ponderous。

We saw a smoke on an island three or four leagues off; and here also the bushes had been burned; but we found no other sign of inhabitants。  It was probable that on the island where the smoke was there were inhabitants; and fresh water for them。  In the evening I went aboard; and consulted with my officers whether it was best to send thither; or to search among any other of these islands with my boat; or else go from hence and coast along shore with the ship; till we could find some better place than this was to ride in; where we had shoal water and lay exposed to winds and tides。  They all agreed to go from hence; so I gave orders to weigh in the morning as soon as it should be light; and to get out with the land breeze。

Accordingly; August 23rd; at five in the morning; we ran out; having a pretty fresh land breeze at south…south…east。  By eight o'clock we were got out; and very seasonably; for before nine the sea breeze came on us very strong; and increasing; we took in our top…sails and stood off under two courses and a mizen; this being as much sail as we could carry。  The sky was clear; there being not one cloud to be seen; but the horizon appeared very hazy; and the sun at setting the night before; and this morning at rising; appeared very red。  The wind continued very strong till twelve; then it began to abate; I have seldom met with a stronger breeze。  These strong sea breezes lasted thus in their turns three or four days。  They sprang up with the sunrise; by nine o'clock they were very strong; and so continued till noon; when they began to abate; and by sunset there was little wind; or a calm; till the land breezes came; which we should certainly have in the morning about one or two o'clock。  The land breezes were between the south…south…west and south…south…east:  the sea breezes between the east…north…east and north…north…east。  In the night while calm; we fished with hook and line; and caught good store of fish viz。; snappers; breams; old…wives; and dog…fish。  When these last came we seldom caught any others; for it they did not drive away the other fish; yet they would be sure to keep them from taking our hooks; for they would first have them themselves; biting very

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