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小说: dreams 字数: 每页4000字

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ther's hands; we will work our way upwards。〃

Still God pointed。

And I threw myself upon the earth and cried; 〃Earth is so small; so mean!  It is not meet a soul should see Heaven and be cast out again!〃

And God laid his hand on me; and said; 〃Go back to earth:  that which you seek is there。〃

I awoke:  it was morning。  The silence and darkness of the night were gone。 Through my narrow attic window I saw the light of another day。  I closed my eyes and turned towards the wall:  I could not look upon the dull grey world。

In the streets below; men and women streamed past by hundreds; I heard the beat of their feet on the pavement。  Men on their way to business; servants on errands; boys hurrying to school; weary professors pacing slowly the old street; prostitutes; men and women; dragging their feet wearily after last night's debauch; artists with quick; impatient footsteps; tradesmen for orders; children to seek for bread。  I heard the stream beat by。  And at the alley's mouth; at the street corner; a broken barrel…organ was playing; sometimes it quavered and almost stopped; then went on again; like a broken human voice。

I listened:  my heart scarcely moved; it was as cold as lead。  I could not bear the long day before me; and I tried to sleep again; yet still I heard the feet upon the pavement。  And suddenly I heard them cry loud as they beat; 〃We are seeking!we are seeking!we are seeking!〃 and the broken barrel…organ at the street corner sobbed; 〃The Beautiful!the Beautiful! the Beautiful!〃  And my heart; which had been dead; cried out with every throb; 〃Love!Truth!the Beautiful!the Beautiful!〃  It was the music I had heard in Heaven that I could not sing there。

And fully I awoke。

Upon the faded quilt; across my bed a long yellow streak of pale London sunlight was lying。  It fell through my narrow attic window。

I laughed。  I rose。

I was glad the long day was before me。

Paris and London。


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