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弌傍 dreams 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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I saw great stones lie shattered察and the desert sand had half covered them over。

I said to God察 There is writing on them察but I cannot read it。;

And God blew aside the desert sand察and I read the writing此  Weighed in the balance察and found; but the last word was wanting。

And I said to God察 It was a banquet´house拭

God said察 Ay察a banquet´house。;

I said察 There was a wine´press here拭

God said察 There was a wine´press。;

I asked no further question。  I was very weary察I shaded my eyes with my hand察and looked through the pink evening light。

Far off察across the sand察I saw two figures standing。  With wings upfolded high above their heads察and stern faces set察neither man nor beast察they looked out across the desert sand察watching察watching察watching  I did not ask God what they were察for I knew what the answer would be。

And察further and yet further察in the evening light察I looked with my shaded eyes。

Far off察where the sands were thick and heavy察I saw a solitary pillar standing此 the crown had fallen察and the sand had buried it。  On the broken pillar sat a grey owl´of´the´desert察with folded wings察and in the evening light I saw the desert fox creep past it察trailing his brush across the sand。

Further察yet further察as I looked across the desert察I saw the sand gathered into heaps as though it covered something。

I cried to God察 Oh察I am so weary。;

God said察 You have seen only one half of Hell。;

I said察 I cannot see more察I am afraid of Hell。  In my own narrow little path I dare not walk because I think that one has dug a pitfall for me察and if I put my hand to take a fruit I draw it back again because I think it has been kissed already。  If I look out across the plains察the mounds are burial heaps察and when I pass among the stones I hear them crying aloud。  When I see men dancing I hear the time beaten in with sobs察and their wine is living  Oh察I cannot bear Hell 

God said察 Where will you go拭

I said ;To the earth from which I came察it was better there。;

And God laughed at me察and I wondered why he laughed。

God said察 Come察and I will show you Heaven。;


And partly I awoke。  It was still and dark察the sound of the carriages had died in the street察the woman who laughed was gone察and the policeman's tread was heard no more。  In the dark it seemed as if a great hand lay upon my heart察and crushed it。  I tried to breathe and tossed from side to side察and then again I fell asleep察and dreamed。

God took me to the edge of that world。  It ended。  I looked down。  The gulf察it seemed to me察was fathomless察and then I saw two bridges crossing it that both sloped upwards。

I said to God察 Is there no other way by which men cross it拭

God said察 One察it rises far from here and slopes straight upwards。

I asked God what the bridges' names were。

God said察 What matter for the names拭 Call them the Good察the True察the Beautiful察if you willyou will yet not understand them。;

I asked God how it was I could not see the third。

God said察 It is seen only by those who climb it。;

I said察 Do they all lead to one heaven拭

God said察 All Heaven is one此 nevertheless some parts are higher than others察those who reach the higher may always go down to rest in the lower察but those in the lower may not have strength to climb to the higher察nevertheless the light is all one。;

And I saw over the bridge nearest me察which was wider than the other察countless footmarks go。  I asked God why so many went over it。

God said察 It slopes less deeply察and leads to the first heaven。;

And I saw that some of the footmarks were of feet returning。  I asked God how it was。

He said察 No man who has once entered Heaven ever leaves it察but some察when they have gone half way察turn back察because they are afraid there is no land beyond。;

I said察 Has none ever returned拭

God said察 No察once in Heaven always in Heaven。;

And God took me over。  And when we came to one of the great doorsfor Heaven has more doors than one察and they are all openthe posts rose up so high on either side I could not see the top察nor indeed if there were any。

And it seemed to me so wide that all Hell could go in through it。

I said to God察 Which is the larger察Heaven or Hell拭

God said察 Hell is as wide察but Heaven is deeper。  All Hell could be engulfed in Heaven察but all Heaven could not be engulfed in Hell。;

And we entered。  It was a still great land。  The mountains rose on every hand察and there was a pale clear light察and I saw it came from the rocks and stones。  I asked God how it was。

But God did not answer me。

I looked and wondered察for I had thought Heaven would be otherwise。  And after a while it began to grow brighter察as if the day were breaking察and I asked God if the sun were not going to rise。

God said察 No察we are coming to where the people are。;

And as we went on it grew brighter and brighter till it was burning day察and on the rock were flowers blooming察and trees blossomed at the roadside察and streams of water ran everywhere察and I heard the birds singing察I asked God where they were。

God said察 It is the people calling to one another。;

And when we came nearer I saw them walking察and they shone as they walked。 I asked God how it was they wore no covering。

God said察 Because all their body gives the light察they dare not cover any part。;

And I asked God what they were doing。

God said察 Shining on the plants that they may grow。;

And I saw that some were working in companies察and some alone察but most were in twos察sometimes two men and sometimes two women察but generally there was one man and one woman察and I asked God how it was。

God said察 When one man and one woman shine together察it makes the most perfect light。  Many plants need that for their growing。  Nevertheless察there are more kinds of plants in Heaven than one察and they need many kinds of light。;

And one from among the people came running towards me察and when he came near it seemed to me that he and I had played together when we were little children察and that we had been born on the same day。  And I told God what I felt察God said察 All men feel so in Heaven when another comes towards them。;

And he who ran towards me held my hand察and led me through the bright lights。  And when we came among the trees he sang aloud察and his companion answered察and it was a woman察and he showed me to her。  She said察 He must have water;察and she took some in her hands察and fed me I had been afraid to drink of the water in Hell察and they gathered fruit for me察and gave it me to eat。  They said察 We shone long to make it ripen察─and they laughed together as they saw me eat it。

The man said察 He is very weary察he must sleep; for I had not dared to sleep in Hell察and he laid my head on his companion's knee and spread her hair out over me。  I slept察and all the while in my sleep I thought I heard the birds calling across me。  And when I woke it was like early morning察with the dew on everything。

And the man took my hand and led me to a hidden spot among the rocks。  The ground was very hard察but out of it were sprouting tiny plants察and there was a little stream running。  He said察 This is a garden we are making察no one else knows of it。  We shine here every day察see察the ground has cracked with our shining察and this little stream is bursting out。  See察the flowers are growing。;

And he climbed on the rocks and picked from above two little flowers with dew on them察and gave them to me。  And I took one in each hand察my hands shone as I held them。  He said察 This garden is for all when it is finished。;  And he went away to his companion察and I went out into the great pathway。

And as I walked in the light I heard a loud sound of much singing。  And when I came nearer I saw one with closed eyes察singing察and his fellows were standing round him察and the light on the closed eyes was brighter than anything I had seen in Heaven。  I asked one who it was。  And he said察 Hush  Our singing bird。;

And I asked why the eyes shone so。

And he said察 They cannot see察and we have kissed them till they shone so。;

And the people gathered closer round him。

And when I went a little further I saw a crowd crossing among the trees of light with great laughter。  When they came close I saw they carried one without hands or feet。  And a light came from the maimed limbs so bright that I could not look at them。

And I said to one察 What is it拭

He answered察 This is our brother who once fell and lost his hands and feet察and since then he cannot help himself察but we have touched the maimed stumps so often that now they shine brighter than anything in Heaven。  We pass him on that he may shine on things that need much heat。  No one is allowed to keep him long察he belongs to all;察and they went on among the trees。

I said to God察 This is a strange land。  I had thought blindness and maimedness were great evils。  Here men make them to a rejoicing。;

God said察 Didst thou then think that love had need of eyes and hands 

And I walked down the shining way with palms on either hand。  I said to God察 Ever since I was a little child and sat alone and cried察I have dreamed of this land察and now I will not g

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