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_Fig。 15。 Utilizing Momentum。_

CUTTING OFF THE POWER。This curve; A; may

reach that point where momentum has ceased as

a forwardly…propelling factor; and the machine

now begins to travel rearwardly。 (Fig。 16。) It

has still the entire supporting surfaces of the

planes。 It cannot loop…the…loop; as in the instance

where the planes are fixed immovably to the body。

Carefully study the foregoing arrangement; and

it will be seen that it is more nearly in accord with

the true flying principle as given by nature than

the vaunted theories and practices now indulged

in and so persistently adhered to。

The body of a flying machine should not be oscillated

like a lever。 The support of the aeroplane

should never be taken from it。 While it may be

impossible to prevent a machine from coming

down; it can be prevented from overturning; and

this can be done without in the least detracting

from it structurally。

_Fig。 16。 Reversing Motion。_

The plan suggested has one great fault; however。

It will be impossible with such a structure

to cause it to fly upside down。 It does not present

any means whereby dare…devil stunts can be performed

to edify the grandstand。 In this respect

it is not in the same class with the present types。


from the position of starting; and see the advantages

it possesses。 In these illustrations we

have used; for convenience only; the monoplane

type; and it is obvious that the same remarks apply

to the bi…plane。

Fig。 17 shows the starting position of the stock

monoplane; in position 1; while it is being initially

run over the ground; preparatory to launching。

Position 2 represents the negative angle at which

the tail is thrown; which movement depresses the

rear end of the frame and thus gives the supporting

planes the proper angle to raise the machine;

through a positive angle of incidence; of the plane。

_Fig。 17。 Showing changing angle of body。_

THE SUGGESTED TYPE。In Fig。 18 the suggested

type is shown with the body normally in a horizontal

position; and the planes in a neutral position;

as represented in position 1。 When sufficient

speed had been attained both planes are

turned to the same angle; as in position 2; and

flight is initiated without the abnormal oscillating

motion of the body。

But now let us see what takes place the moment

the present type is launched。 If; by any error on

the part of the aviator; he should fail to readjust

the tail to a neutral or to a proper angle of incidence;

after leaving the ground; the machine would

try to perform an over…head loop。

The suggested plan does not require this caution。

The machine may rise too rapidly; or its

planes may be at too great an angle for the power

or the speed; or the planes may be at too small an

angle; but in either case; neglect would not turn

the machine to a dangerous position。

These suggestions are offered to the novice; because

they go to the very foundation of a correct

understanding of the principles involved in the

building and in the manipulation of flying machines

and while they are counter to the beliefs of

aviators; as is shown by the persistency in adhering

to the old methods; are believed to be mechanically

correct; and worthy of consideration。


to examine another feature which shows the wrong

principle in the fixed planes。 The question is

often asked; why do the builders of aeroplanes

place most of the weight up close to the planes?

It must be obvious to the novice that the lower

the weight the less liability of overturning。


that when the weight is placed below the planes it

acts like a pendulum。 When the machine is traveling

forward; and the propeller ceases its motion;

as it usually does instantaneously; the weight; being

below; and having a certain momentum; continues

to move on; and the plane surface meeting

the resistance just the same; and having no means

to push it forward; a greater angle of resistance is


In Fig。 19 this action of the two forces is illustrated。 The

plane at the speed of 30 miles is at

an angle of 15 degrees; the body B of the machine

being horizontal; and the weight C suspended directly

below the supporting surfaces。

The moment the power ceases the weight continues

moving forwardly; and it swings the forward

end of the frame upwardly; Fig。 20; and we now

have; as in the second figure; a new angle of incidence;

which is 30 degrees; instead of 12。 It will

be understood that in order to effect a change in

the position of the machine; the forward end ascends;

as shown by the dotted line A。

_Fig。 20。 Action when Propeller ceases to pull。_

The weight a having now ascended as far as

possible forward in its swing; and its motion

checked by the banking action of the plan it will

again swing back; and again carry with it the

frame; thus setting up an oscillation; which is extremely


The tail E; with its unchanged angle; does not;

in any degree; aid in maintaining the frame on

an even keel。 Being nearly horizontal while in

flight; if not at a negative angle; it actually assists

the forward end of the frame to ascend。


the application of the suggested form; let us see

wherein it will prevent this pendulous motion at

the moment the power ceases to exert a forwardly…

propelling force。

_Fig。 21。 Synchronously moving Planes。_

In Fig。 21 the body A is shown to be equipped

with the supporting plane B and the tail a; so

they are adjustable simultaneously at the same

angle; and the weight D is placed below; similar to

the other structure。

At every moment during the forward movement

of this type of structure; the rear end of

the machine has a tendency to move upwardly;

the same as the forward end; hence; when the

weight seeks; in this case to go on; it acts on the

rear plane; or tail; and causes that end to raise;

and thus by mutual action; prevents any pendulous



A little reflection will convince

any one that if the two wings move in harmony;

the weight does not have to be placed low;

and thus still further aid in making a compact

machine。 By increasing the area of the tail; and

making that a true supporting surface; instead of

a mere idler; the weight can be moved further

back; the distance transversely across the planes

may be shortened; and in that way still further

increase the lateral stability。



THERE are three distinct types of heavier…than…

air machines; which are widely separated in all

their characteristics; so that there is scarcely a

single feature in common。

Two of them; the aeroplane; and the orthopter;

have prototypes in nature; and are distinguished

by their respective similarities to the soaring

birds; and those with flapping wings。

The Helicopter; on the other hand; has no antecedent

type; but is dependent for its raising

powers on the pull of a propeller; or a plurality

of them; constructed; as will be pointed out hereinafter。

AEROPLANES。The only form which has met

with any success is the aeroplane; which; in

practice; is made in two distinct forms; one with

a single set of supporting planes; in imitation of

birds; and called a monoplane; and the other having

two wings; one above the other; and called

the bi…plane; or two…planes。

All machines now on the market which do not

depend on wing oscillations come under those


THE MONOPLANE。The single plane type has

some strong claims for support。 First of these

is the comparatively small head resistance; due

to the entire absence of vertical supporting posts;

which latter are necessary with the biplane type。

The bracing supports which hold the outer ends

of the planes are composed of wires; which offer

but little resistance; comparatively; in flight。

ITS ADVANTAGES。Then the vertical height of

the machine is much less than in the biplane。 As

a result the weight; which is farther below the

supporting surface than in the biplane; aids in

maintaining the lateral stability; particularly

since the supporting frame is higher。

Usually; for the same wing spread; the monoplane

is narrower; laterally; which is a further

aid to prevent tilting。

ITS DISADVANTAGES。But it also has disadvantages

which must be apparent from its structure。

As all the supporting surface is concentrated

in half the number of planes; they must

be made of greater width fore and aft; and this;

as we shall see; later on; proves to be a disadvantage。

It is also doubted whether the monoplane can

be made as strong st

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