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of going into a 〃hole。〃


〃holes〃 are responsible for many accidents。 The

outstretched wings; many of them over forty feet

from tip to tip; offer opportunities for a tilt at one

end or the other; which has sent so many machines

to destruction。

The high center of gravity in all machines makes

the weight useless to counterbalance the rising

end or to hold up the depressed wing。

All aviators agree that these unequal areas of

density extend over small spaces; and it is; therefore;

obvious that a machine which is of such a

structure that it moves through the air broadside

on; will be more liable to meet these inequalities

than one which is narrow and does not take in such

a wide path。

Why; therefore; persist in making a form which;

by its very nature; invites danger? Because birds

fly that way!

THE TURNING MOVEMENT。This structural arrangement

accentuates the difficulty when the machine

turns。 The air pressure against the wing

surface is dependent on the speed。 The broad

outstretched surfaces compel the wing at the outer

side of the circle to travel faster than the inner

one。 As a result; the outer end of the aeroplane

is elevated。

CENTRIFUGAL ACTION。At the same time the

running gear; and the frame which carries it and

supports the machine while at rest; being below

the planes; a centrifugal force is exerted; when

turning a circle; which tends to swing the wheels

and frame outwardly; and thereby still further

elevating the outer end of the plane。

THE WARPING PLANES。The only remedy to

meet this condition is expressed in the mechanism

which wraps or twists the outer ends of the planes;

as constructed in the Wright machine; or the

ailerons; or small wings at the rear margins of the

planes; as illustrated by the Farman machine。

The object of this arrangement is to decrease the

angle of incidence at the rising end; and increase

the angle at the depressed end; and thus; by manually…

operated means keep the machine on an even




THERE is no phase of the art of flying more important

than the fore and aft control of an airship。

Lateral stability is secondary to this feature; for

reasons which will appear as we develop the



Every aeroplane follows the type set by nature

in the particular that the body is caused to oscillate

on a vertical fore and aft plane while in

flight。 The bird has one important advantage;

however; in structure。 Its wing has a flexure at

the joint; so that its body can so oscillate independently

of the angle of the wings。

The aeroplane has the wing firmly fixed to the

body; hence the only way in which it is possible

to effect a change in the angle of the wing is by

changing the angle of the body。 To be consistent

the aeroplane should be so constructed that the

angle of the supporting surfaces should be movable;

and not controllable by the body。

The bird; in initiating flight from a perch; darts

downwardly; and changes the angle of the body to

correspond with the direction of the flying start。

When it alights the body is thrown so that its

breast banks against the air; but in ordinary flight

its wings only are used to change the angle of



become familiar with terms which will be frequently

used throughout the book; care should be

taken to distinguish between the terms angle and

direction of flight。 The former has reference to

the up and down movement of an aeroplane;

whereas the latter is used to designate a turning

movement to the right or to the left。


The first question that presents itself is; why

should the angle of the aeroplane body change?

Why should it be made to dart up and down and

produce a sinuous motion? Why should its nose

tilt toward the earth; when it is descending; and

raise the forward part of the structure while ascending?

The ready answer on the part of the bird…form

advocate is; that nature has so designed a flying

structure。 The argument is not consistent; because

in this respect; as in every other; it is not

made to conform to the structure which they seek

to copy。


there is not a single argument which can be

advanced in behalf of that method of building;

which proves it to be correct。 Contrariwise; an

analysis of the flying movement will show that it is

the one feature which has militated against safety;

and that machines will never be safe so long as

the angle of the body must be depended upon to

control the angle of flying。

_Fig。 11a Monoplane in Flight。_

In Fig。 11a three positions of a monoplane are

shown; each in horizontal flight。 Let us say that

the first figure A is going at 40 miles per hour;

the second; B; at 50; and the third; C; at 60 miles。

The body in A is nearly horizontal; the angle of

the plane D being such that; with the tail E also

horizontal; an even flight is maintained。

When the speed increases to 50 miles an hour;

the angle of incidence in the plane D must be

decreased; so that the rear end of the frame must

be raised; which is done by giving the tail an angle

of incidence; otherwise; as the upper side of the

tail should meet the air it would drive the rear

end of the frame down; and thus defeat the attempt

to elevate that part。

_Fig。 12。 Angles of Flight。_

As the speed increases ten miles more; the tail

is swung down still further and the rear end of

the frame is now actually above the plane of flight。

In order; now; to change the angle of flight; without

altering the speed of the machine; the tail is

used to effect the control。

Examine the first diagram in Fig。 12。 This

shows the tail E still further depressed; and the

air striking its lower side; causes an upward movement

of the frame at that end; which so much decreases

the angle of incidence that the aeroplane

darts downwardly。

In order to ascend; the tail; as shown in the second

diagram; is elevated so as to depress the rear

end; and now the sustaining surface shoots upwardly。

Suppose that in either of the positions 1 or 2;

thus described; the aviator should lose control of

the mechanism; or it should become deranged or

〃stick;〃 conditions which have existed in the history

of the art; what is there to prevent an accident?

In the first case; if there is room; the machine

will loop the loop; and in the second case the machine

will move upwardly until it is vertical; and

then; in all probability; as its propelling power is

not sufficient to hold it in that position; like a

helicopter; and having absolutely no wing supporting

surface when in that position; it will dart

down tail foremost。

A NON…CHANGING BODY。We may contrast the

foregoing instances of flight with a machine having

the sustaining planes hinged to the body in

such a manner as to make the disposition of its

angles synchronous with the tail。 In other words;

see how a machine acts that has the angle of flight

controllable by both planes;that is; the sustaining

planes; as well as the tail。

_Fig。 13。 Planes on Non…changing Body。_

In Fig。 13 let the body of the aeroplane be horizontal;

and the sustaining planes B disposed at

the same angle; which we will assume to be 15

degrees; this being the imaginary angle for illustrative

purposes; with the power of the machine

to drive it along horizontally; as shown in position


In position 2 the angles of both planes are now

at 10 degrees; and the speed 60 miles an hour;

which still drives the machine forward horizontally。

In position 3 the angle is still less; being now

only 5 degrees but the speed is increased to 80

miles per hour; but in each instance the body of

the machine is horizontal。

Now it is obvious that in order to ascend; in

either case; the changing of the planes to a greater

angle would raise the machine; but at the same

time keep the body on an even keel。

_Fig。 14。 Descent with Non…changing Body。_


Fig。 14 the planes are the same angles in the three

positions respectively; as in Fig。 13; but now the

power has been reduced; and the speeds are 30;

25; and 20 miles per hour; in positions A; B and C。

Suppose that in either position the power should

cease; and the control broken; so that it would be

impossible to move the planes。 When the machine

begins to lose its momentum it will descend on a

curve shown; for instance; in Fig。 15; where position

1 of Fig。 14 is taken as the speed and angles

of the plane when the power ceased。

_Fig。 15。 Utilizing Momentum。_

CUTTING OFF THE POWER。This curve; A; may

reach that 

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