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a measurement; or a factor which may be used to

measure force。

It will thus be seen that it was not the thrower

which gave the power; but the article itself。 A

feather ball thrown under the same conditions;

would produce a half unit of work; and the iron

ball; therefore; produced 800 times more energy。

RESISTANCE。Now; in the movement of any body

through space; it meets with an enemy at every

step; and that is air resistance。 This is much

more effective against the cotton than the iron

ball: or; it might be expressed in another way:

The momentum; or the power; residing in the

metal ball; is so much greater than that within the

cotton ball that it travels farther; or strikes a

more effective blow on impact with the wall。


of this counterforce; resistance; that shape

becomes important in a flying object。 The metal

ball may be flattened out into a thin disk; and now;

when the same force is applied; to project it forwardly;

it will go as much farther as the difference

in the air impact against the two forms。

MASS AND RESISTANCE。Owing to the fact that

resistance acts with such a retarding force on an

object of small mass; and it is difficult to set up a

rapid motion in an object of great density; lightness

in flying machine structures has been considered;

in the past; the principal thing necessary。


Builders of flying machines; for several

years; sought to eliminate the very thing

which gives energy to a horizontally…movable

body; namely; momentum。

Instead of momentum; something had to be

substituted。 This was found in so arranging the

machine that its weight; or a portion of it; would

be sustained in space by the very element which

seeks to retard its flight; namely; the atmosphere。

If there should be no material substance; like

air; then the only way in which a heavier…than…air

machine could ever fly; would be by propelling it

through space; like the ball was thrown; or by

some sort of impulse or reaction mechanism on

the air…ship itself。 It could get no support from

the atmosphere。


question of weight is solving itself。 Aviators are

beginning to realize that momentum is a wonderful

property; and a most important element in

flying。 The safest machines are those which have

weight。 The light; willowy machines are subject

to every caprice of the wind。 They are notoriously

unstable in flight; and are dangerous even

in the hands of experts。


consider is not form; or shape; or the distribution

of the supporting surfaces; but HOW to apply

the power so that it will rapidly transfer a machine

at rest to one in motion; and thereby get

the proper support on the atmosphere to hold it

in flight。


the consideration of one of the first great problems

in flying machines; namely; the supporting

surfaces;not its form; shape or arrangement;

(which will be taken up in their proper places); but

the area; the dimensions; and the angle necessary

for flight。


of flying machines; short as it is; furnishes many

examples of one striking fact: That area has

but little to do with sustaining an aeroplane when

once in flight。 The first Wright flyer weighed

741 pounds; had about 400 square feet of plane

surface; and was maintained in the air with a 12

horse power engine。

True; that machine was shot into the air by a

catapult。 Motion having once been imparted to it;

the only thing necessary for the motor was to

maintain the speed。

There are many instances to show that when

once in flight; one horse power will sustain over

100 pounds; and each square foot of supporting

surface will maintain 90 pounds in flight。

THE LAW OF GRAVITY。As the effort to fly

may be considered in the light of a struggle to

avoid the laws of nature with respect to matter;

it may be well to consider this great force as a

fitting prelude to the study of our subject。

Proper understanding; and use of terms is very

desirable; so that we must not confuse them。

Thus; weight and mass are not the same。 Weight

varies with the latitude; and it is different at various

altitudes; but mass is always the same。

If projected through space; a certain mass

would move so as to produce momentum; which

would be equal at all places on the earth's surface;

or at any altitude。

Gravity has been called weight; and weight

gravity。 The real difference is plain if gravity

is considered as the attraction of mass for mass。

Gravity is generally known and considered as a

force which seeks to draw things to the earth。

This is too narrow。

Gravity acts in all directions。 Two balls suspended

from strings and hung in close proximity

to each other will mutually attract each other。

If one has double the mass it will have twice the

attractive power。 If one is doubled and the other

tripled; the attraction would be increased six

times。 But if the distance should be doubled the

attraction would be reduced to one…fourth; and

if the distance should be tripled then the pull

would be only one…ninth。

The foregoing is the substance of the law;

namely; that all bodies attract all other bodies

with a force directly in proportion to their mass;

and inversely as the square of their distance from

one another。

To explain this we cite the following illustration:

Two bodies; each having a mass of 4

pounds; and one inch apart; are attracted toward

each other; so they touch。 If one has twice the

mass of the other; the smaller will draw the larger

only one…quarter of an inch; and the large one

will draw the other three…quarters of an inch;

thus confirming the law that two bodies will attract

each other in proportion to their mass。

Suppose; now; that these balls are placed two

inches apart;that is; twice the distance。 As

each is; we shall say; four pounds in weight; the

square of each would be 16。 This does not mean

that there would be sixteen times the attraction;

but; as the law says; inversely as the square of

the distance; so that at two inches there is only

one…sixteenth the attraction as at one inch。

If the cord of one of the balls should be cut; it

would fall to the earth; for the reason that the

attractive force of the great mass of the earth is

so much greater than the force of attraction in

its companion ball。


cannot be produced or destroyed。 It acts between

all parts of bodies equally; the force being

proportioned to their mass。 It is not affected by

any intervening substance; and is transmitted

instantaneously; whatever the distance may be。

While; therefore; it is impossible to divest matter

of this property; there are two conditions

which neutralize its effect。 The first of these is

position。 Let us take two balls; one solid and

the other hollow; but of the same mass; or density。

If the cavity of the one is large enough to receive

the other; it is obvious that while gravity is still

present the lines of attraction being equal at

all points; and radially; there can be no pull which

moves them together。


the balls may be such distance apart that the attractive

force ceases。 At the center of the earth

an object would not weigh anything。 A pound

of iron and an ounce of wood; one sixteen times

the mass of the other; would be the same;absolutely

without weight。

If the object should be far away in space it

would not be influenced by the earth's gravity;

so it will be understood that position plays an

important part in the attraction of mass for mass。


way to neutralize gravity; is by motion。 A

ball thrown upwardly; antagonizes the force of

gravity during the period of its ascent。 In like

manner; when an object is projected horizontally;

while its mass is still the same; its weight is less。

Motion is that which is constantly combating

the action of gravity。 A body moving in a circle

must be acted upon by two forces; one which tends

to draw it inwardly; and the other which seeks to

throw it outwardly。

The former is called centripetal; and the latter

centrifugal motion。 Gravity; therefore; represents

centripetal; and motion centrifugal force。

If the rotative speed of the earth should be retarded;

all objects on the earth would be increased

in weight; and if the motion should be accelerated

objects would become lighter; and if sufficient

speed should be attained all matter would fly off

the surface; just as dirt dies off the rim of a

wheel at certain speeds。

A TANGENT。When an object is thrown horizontally

the line of 

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