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a convert of the mission-第4节

小说: a convert of the mission 字数: 每页4000字

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He was turning hurriedly away when his eyes fell upon the yellow

rose still lying in the debris where he had thrown itbut still

pure; fresh; and unfaded。  He picked it up again; with a singular

fancy that it was the girl herself; and carried it into the house。

As he placed it half shyly in a glass on his table a wonderful

thought occurred to him。  Was not the episode of last night a

special providence?  Was not that young girl; wayward and

childlike; a mere neophyte in her idolatrous religion; as yet

unsteeped in sloth and ignorance; presented to him as a brand to be

snatched from the burning?  Was not this the opportunity of

conversion he had longed forthis the chance of exercising his

gifts of exhortation that he had been hiding in the napkin of

solitude and seclusion?  Nay; was not all this PREDESTINED?  His

illness; his consequent exile to this land of false godsthis

contiguity to the Missionwas not all this part of a supremely

ordered plan for the girl's salvationand was HE not elected and

ordained for that service?  Nay; more; was not the girl herself a

mere unconscious instrument in the hands of a higher power; was not

her voluntary attempt to accompany him in his devotional exercise a

vague stirring of that predestined force within her?  Was not even

that wantonness and frivolity contrasted with her childishness

which he had at first misunderstoodthe stirrings of the flesh and

the spirit; and was he to abandon her in that struggle of good and


He lifted his bowed head; that had been resting on his arm before

the little flower on the tableas if it were a shrinewith a

flash of resolve in his blue eyes。  The wrinkled Concepcion coming

to her duties in the morning scarcely recognized her gloomily

abstracted master in this transfigured man。  He looked ten years


She met his greeting; and the few direct inquiries that his new

resolve enabled him to make more freely; with some information

which a later talk with the shopkeeper; who had a fuller English

vocabulary; confirmed in detail。

〃YES! truly this was a niece of the Mission gardener; who lived

with her uncle in the ruined wing of the presidio。  She had taken

her first communion four years ago。  Ah; yes; she was a great

musician; and could play on the organ。  And the guitar; ah; yesof

a certainty。  She was gay; and flirted with the caballeros; young

and old; but she cared not for any。〃

Whatever satisfaction this latter statement gave Masterton; he

believed it was because the absence of any disturbing worldly

affection would make her an easier convert。

But how continue this chance acquaintance and effect her

conversion?  For the first time Masterton realized the value of

expediency; while his whole nature impelled him to seek her society

frankly and publicly and exhort her openly; he knew that this was

impossible; still more; he remembered her unmistakable fright at

his first expression of faith; he must 〃be wise as the serpent and

harmless as the dove。〃  He must work upon her soul alone; and

secretly。  He; who would have shrunk from any clandestine

association with a girl from mere human affection; saw no wrong in

a covert intimacy for the purpose of religious salvation。  Ignorant

as he was of the ways of the world; and inexperienced in the usages

of society; he began to plan methods of secretly meeting her with

all the intrigue of a gallant。  The perspicacity as well as the

intuition of a true lover had descended upon him in this effort of

mere spiritual conquest。

Armed with his information and a few Spanish words; he took the

yellow Concepcion aside and gravely suborned her to carry a note to

be delivered secretly to Miss Ramirez。  To his great relief and

some surprise the old woman grinned with intelligence; and her

withered hand closed with a certain familiar dexterity over the

epistle and the accompanying gratuity。  To a man less naively one…

ideaed it might have awakened some suspicion; but to the more

sanguine hopefulness of Masterton it only suggested the fancy that

Concepcion herself might prove to be open to conversion; and that

he should in due season attempt HER salvation also。  But that would

be later。  For Concepcion was always with him and accessible; the

girl was not。

The note; which had cost him some labor of composition; simple and

almost businesslike as was the result; ran as follows:

〃I wish to see you upon some matter of grave concern to yourself。

Will you oblige me by coming again to the wall of the Mission

tonight at early candlelight?  It would avert worldly suspicion if

you brought also your guitar。〃

The afternoon dragged slowly on; Concepcion returned; she had; with

great difficulty; managed to see the senorita; but not alone; she

had; however; slipped the note into her hand; not daring to wait

for an answer。

In his first hopefulness Masterton did not doubt what the answer

would be; but as evening approached he grew concerned as to the

girl's opportunities of coming; and regretted that he had not given

her a choice of time。

Before his evening meal was finished he began to fear for her

willingness; and doubt the potency of his note。  He was accustomed

to exhort ORALLYperhaps he ought to have waited for the chance of

SPEAKING to her directly without writing。

When the moon rose he was already in the garden。  Lingering at

first in the shadow of an olive tree; he waited until the moonbeams

fell on the wall and its crests of foliage。  But nothing moved

among that ebony tracery; his ear was strained for the familiar

tinkle of the guitarall was silent。  As the moon rose higher he

at last boldly walked to the wall; and listened for any movement on

the other side of it。  But nothing stirred。  She was evidently NOT

cominghis note had failed。

He was turning away sadly; but as he faced his home again he heard

a light laugh beside him。  He stopped。  A black shadow stepped out

from beneath his own almond tree。  He started when; with a gesture

that seemed familiar to him; the upper part of the shadow seemed to

fall away with a long black mantilla and the face of the young girl

was revealed。

He could see now that she was clad in black lace from head to foot。

She looked taller; older; and he fancied even prettier than before。

A sudden doubt of his ability to impress her; a swift realization

of all the difficulties of the attempt; and; for the first time

perhaps; a dim perception of the incongruity of the situation came

over him。

〃I was looking for you on the wall;〃 he stammered。

〃MADRE DE DIOS!〃 she retorted; with a laugh and her old audacity;

〃you would that I shall ALWAYS hang there; and drop upon you like a

pear when you shake the tree?  No!〃

〃You haven't brought your guitar;〃 he continued; still more

awkwardly; as he noticed that she held only a long black fan in her


〃For why?  You would that I PLAY it; and when my uncle say 'Where

go Pepita?  She is loss;' someone shall say; 'Oh! I have hear her

tink…a…tink in the garden of the Americano; who lif alone。'  And

thenit ess finish!〃

Masterton began to feel exceedingly uncomfortable。  There was

something in this situation that he had not dreamed of。  But with

the persistency of an awkward man he went on。

〃But you played on the wall the other night; and tried to accompany


〃But that was lass night and on the wall。  I had not speak to you;

you had not speak to me。  You had not sent me the leetle note by

your peon。〃  She stopped; and suddenly opening her fan before her

face; so that only her mischievous eyes were visible; added: 〃You

had not asked me then to come to hear you make lof to me; Don

Esteban。  That is the difference。〃

The circuit preacher felt the blood rush to his face。  Anger;

shame; mortification; remorse; and fear alternately strove with

him; but above all and through all he was conscious of a sharp;

exquisite pleasurethat frightened him still more。  Yet he managed

to exclaim:

〃No! no! You cannot think me capable of such a cowardly trick?〃

The girl started; more at the unmistakable sincerity of his

utterance than at the words; whose full meaning she may have only

imperfectly caught。

〃A treek?  A treek?〃 she slowly and wonderingly repeated。  Then

suddenly; as if comprehending him; she turned her round black eyes

full upon him and dropped her fan from her face。

〃And WHAT for you ask me to come here then?〃

〃I wanted to talk with you;〃 he began; 〃on far more serious

matters。  I wished to〃 but he stopped。  He could not address this

quaint child…woman staring at him in black…eyed wonder; in either

the measured or the impetuous terms with which he would have

exhorted a maturer responsible being。  He made a step toward her;

she drew back; striking at his extended hand half impatiently; half

mischievously with her fan。

He flush

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