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love and freindship-第18节

小说: love and freindship 字数: 每页4000字

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s dearest Freinds。〃  She shook her head; as if she felt the truth of what I said。  My Curiosity was so much raised; that I was resolved at any rate to satisfy it。

〃You regret having left Suffolk then Miss Grenville?〃  〃Indeed I do。〃  〃You were born there I suppose?〃  〃Yes Ma'am I was and passed many happy years there〃

〃That is a great comfortsaid II hope Ma'am that you never spent any unhappy one's there。〃

〃Perfect Felicity is not the property of Mortals; and no one has a right to expect uninterrupted Happiness。Some Misfortunes I have certainly met with。〃

〃WHAT Misfortunes dear Ma'am?  replied I; burning with impatience to know every thing。  〃NONE Ma'am I hope that have been the effect of any wilfull fault in me。〃  〃 I dare say not Ma'am; and have no doubt but that any  sufferings you may have experienced could arise only from the cruelties of Relations or the Errors of Freinds。〃  She sighed〃You seem unhappy my dear Miss Grenville Is it in my power to soften your Misfortunes?〃  〃YOUR power Ma'am replied she extremely surprised; it is in NO ONES power to make me happy。〃 She pronounced these words in so mournfull and solemn an accent; that for some time I had not courage to reply。 I was actually silenced。  I recovered myself however in a few moments and looking at her with all the affection I could;  〃My dear Miss Grenville said I; you appear extremely youngand may probably stand in need of some one's advice whose regard for you; joined to superior Age; perhaps superior Judgement might authorise her to give it。  I am that person; and I now challenge you to accept the offer I make you of my Confidence and Freindship; in return to which I shall only ask for yours〃

〃You are extremely obliging Ma'amsaid sheand I am highly flattered by your attention to meBut I am in no difficulty; no doubt; no uncertainty of situation in which any advice can be wanted。  Whenever I am however continued she brightening into a complaisant smile; I shall know where to apply。〃

I bowed; but felt a good deal mortified by such a repulse; still however I had not given up my point。  I found that by the appearance of sentiment and Freindship nothing was to be gained and determined therefore to renew my attacks by Questions and suppositions。  〃Do you intend staying long in this part of England Miss Grenville?〃

〃Yes Ma'am; some time I beleive。〃

〃But how will Mr and Mrs Grenville bear your absence?〃

〃They are neither of them alive Ma'am。〃 This was an answer I did not expectI was quite silenced; and never felt so awkward in my Life…。

LETTER the FIFTH From a YOUNG LADY very much in love to her Freind

My Uncle gets more stingy; my Aunt more particular; and I more in love every day。  What shall we all be at this rate by the end of the year!  I had this morning the happiness of receiving the following Letter from my dear Musgrove。

Sackville St:   Janry 7th It is a month to day since I first beheld my lovely Henrietta; and the sacred anniversary must and shall be kept in a manner becoming the dayby writing to her。  Never shall I forget the moment when her Beauties first broke on my sightNo time as you well know can erase it from my Memory。  It was at Lady Scudamores。  Happy Lady Scudamore to live within a mile of the divine Henrietta!  When the lovely Creature first entered the room; oh!  what were my sensations?  The sight of you was like the sight ofa wonderful fine Thing。  I startedI gazed at her with admiration She appeared every moment more Charming; and the unfortunate Musgrove became a captive to your Charms before I had time to look about me。  Yes Madam; I had the happiness of adoring you; an happiness for which I cannot be too grateful。 〃What said he to himself is Musgrove allowed to die for Henrietta?  Enviable Mortal!  and may he pine for her who is the object of universal admiration; who is adored by a Colonel; and toasted by a Baronet!  Adorable Henrietta how beautiful you are! I declare you are quite divine!  You are more than Mortal。  You are an Angel。 You are Venus herself。  In short Madam you are the prettiest Girl I ever saw in my Lifeand her Beauty is encreased in her Musgroves Eyes; by permitting him to love her and allowing me to hope。  And ah!  Angelic Miss Henrietta Heaven is my witness how ardently I do hope for the death of your villanous Uncle and his abandoned Wife; since my fair one will not consent to be mine till their decease has placed her in affluence above what my fortune can procure。 Though it is an improvable Estate。 Cruel Henrietta to persist in such a resolution!  I am at Present with my sister where I mean to continue till my own house which tho' an excellent one is at Present somewhat out of repair; is ready to receive me。  Amiable princess of my Heart farewellOf that Heart which trembles while it signs itself Your most ardent Admirer and devoted humble servt。 T。 Musgrove。

There is a pattern for a Love…letter Matilda!  Did you ever read such a master…piece of Writing?  Such sense; such sentiment; such purity of Thought; such flow of Language and such unfeigned Love in one sheet?  No; never I can answer for it; since a Musgrove is not to be met with by every Girl。  Oh!  how I long to be with him!  I intend to send him the following in answer to his Letter tomorrow。

My dearest Musgrove。  Words cannot express how happy your Letter made me; I thought I should have cried for joy; for I love you better than any body in the World。 I think you the most amiable; and the handsomest Man in England; and so to be sure you are。  I never read so sweet a Letter in my Life。  Do write me another just like it; and tell me you are in love with me in every other line。  I quite die to see you。  How shall we manage to see one another? for we are so much in love that we cannot live asunder。  Oh!  my dear Musgrove you cannot think how impatiently I wait for the death of my Uncle and AuntIf they will not Die soon; I beleive I shall run mad; for I get more in love with you every day of my Life。

How happy your Sister is to enjoy the pleasure of your Company in her house; and how happy every body in London must be because you are there。  I hope you will be so kind as to write to me again soon; for I never read such sweet Letters as yours。  I am my dearest Musgrove most truly and faithfully yours for ever and ever Henrietta Halton。

I hope he will like my answer; it is as good a one as I can write though nothing to his; Indeed I had always heard what a dab he was at a Love…letter。  I saw him you know for the first time at Lady ScudamoresAnd when I saw her Ladyship afterwards she asked me how I liked her Cousin Musgrove?

〃Why upon my word said I; I think he is a very handsome young Man。〃

〃I am glad you think so replied she; for he is distractedly in love with you。〃

〃Law!  Lady Scudamore said I; how can you talk so ridiculously?〃

〃Nay; t'is very true answered she; I assure you; for he was in love with you from the first moment he beheld you。〃

〃I wish it may be true said I; for that is the only kind of love I would give a farthing forThere is some sense in being in love at first sight。〃

〃Well; I give you Joy of your conquest; replied Lady Scudamore; and I beleive it to have been a very complete one; I am sure it is not a contemptible one; for my Cousin is a charming young fellow; has seen a great deal of the World; and writes the best Love…letters I ever read。〃

This made me very happy; and I was excessively pleased with my conquest。  However; I thought it was proper to give myself a few Airsso I said to her

〃This is all very pretty Lady Scudamore; but you know that we young Ladies who are Heiresses must not throw ourselves away upon Men who have no fortune at all。〃

〃My dear Miss Halton said she; I am as much convinced of that as you can be; and I do assure you that I should be the last person to encourage your marrying anyone who had not some pretensions to expect a fortune with you。  Mr  Musgrove is so far from being poor that he has an estate of several hundreds an year which is capable of great Improvement; and an excellent House; though at Present it is not quite in repair。〃

〃If that is the case replied I; I have nothing more to say against him; and if as you say he is an informed young Man and can write a good Love…letter; I am sure I have no reason to find fault with him for admiring me; tho' perhaps I may not marry him for all that Lady Scudamore。〃

〃You are certainly under no obligation to marry him answered her Ladyship; except that which love himself will dictate to you; for if I am not greatly mistaken you are at this very moment unknown to yourself; cherishing a most tender affection for him。〃

〃Law; Lady Scudamore replied I blushing how can you think of such a thing?〃

〃Because every look; every word betrays it; answered she; Come my dear Henrietta; consider me as a freind; and be sincere with me Do not you prefer Mr Musgrove to any man of your acquaintance?〃

〃Pray do not ask me such questions Lady Scudamore; said I turning away my head; for it is not fit for me to answer them。〃

〃Nay my Love replied she; now you confirm my suspicions。 But why Henrietta should you be ashamed to own a well…placed Love; or why refuse to confide in me?〃

〃I am not ashamed to own it; said 

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