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joan of naples-第25节

小说: joan of naples 字数: 每页4000字

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ly smile upon her lips。

Suddenly the door of the room where Joan was so earnestly praying opened with a dull sound: two Hungarian barons in armour entered and signed to the queen to follow them。  Joan arose silently and obeyed; but a cry of pain went up from her heart when she recognised the place where both Andre and Charles of Durazzo had died a violent death。  But she collected her forces; and asked calmly why she was brought hither。  For all answer; one of the men showed her a cord of silk and gold。。。。

〃May the will of a just God be done!〃 cried Joan; and fell upon her knees。  Some minutes later she had ceased to suffer。

This was the third corpse that was thrown over the balcony at Aversa。


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