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joan of naples-第16节

小说: joan of naples 字数: 每页4000字

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e strange scene; she related in a low voice all that had passed in his absence。

A roar as of a wounded tiger escaped from Robert's breast: all but blind with rage; he nearly trampled his mother under the feet of his horse; which seemed to feel his master's anger; and plunging violently; breathed blood from his nostrils。  When the prince had poured every possible execration on his brother's head; he turned and galloped away from the accursed castle; flying to the Duke of Durazzo; whom he had only just left; to tell him of this outrage and stir him to revenge。  Charles was talking carelessly with his young wife; who was but little used to such tranquil conversation and expansiveness; when the Prince of Tarentum; exhausted; out of breath; bathed in perspiration; came up with his incredible tale。  Charles made him say it twice over; so impossible did Louis's audacious enterprise appear to him。  Then quickly changing from doubt to fury; he struck his brow with his iron glove; saying that as the queen defied him he would make her tremble even in her castle and in her lover's arms。  He threw one withering look on Marie; who interceded tearfully for her sister; and pressing Robert's hand with warmth; vowed that so long as he lived Louis should never be Joan's husband。

That same evening he shut himself up in his study; and wrote letters whose effect soon appeared。  A bull; dated June 2; 1346; was addressed to Bertram de Baux; chief…justice of the kingdom of Sicily and Count of Monte Scaglioso; with orders to make the most strict inquiries concerning Andre's murderers; whom the pope likewise laid under his anathema; and to punish them with the utmost rigour of the law。  But a secret note was appended to the bull which was quite at variance with the designs of Charles: the sovereign pontiff expressly bade the chief…justice not to implicate the queen in the proceedings or the princes of the blood; so as to avoid worse disturbances; reserving; as supreme head of the Church and lord of the kingdom; the right of judging them later on; as his wisdom might dictate。

For this imposing trial Bertram de Baux made great preparations。 A platform was erected in the great hall of tribunal; and all the officers of the crown and great state dignitaries; and all the chief barons; had a place behind the enclosure where the magistrates sat。 Three days after Clement VI's bull had been published in the capital; the chief…justice was ready for a public examination of two accused persons。  The two culprits who had first fallen into the hands of justice were; as one may easily suppose; those whose condition was least exalted; whose lives were least valuable; Tommaso Pace and Nicholas of Melazzo。  They were led before the tribunal to be first of all tortured; as the custom was。  As they approached the judges; the notary passing by Charles in the street had time to say in a low voice

〃My lord; the time has come to give my life for you: I will do my duty; I commend my wife and children to you。〃

Encouraged by a nod from his patron; he walked on firmly and deliberately。  The chief…justice; after establishing the identity of the accused; gave them over to the executioner and his men to be tortured in the public square; so that their sufferings might serve as a show and an example to the crowd。  But no sooner was Tommaso Pace tied to the rope; when to the great disappointment of all he declared that he would confess everything; and asked accordingly to be taken back before his judges。  At these words; the Count of Terlizzi; who was following every movement of the two men with mortal anxiety; thought it was all over now with him and his accomplices; and so; when Tommaso Pace was turning his steps towards the great hall; led by two guards; his hands tied behind his back; and followed by the notary; he contrived to take him into a secluded house; and squeezing his throat with great force; made him thus put his tongue out; whereupon he cut it off with a sharp razor。

The yells of the poor wretch so cruelly mutilated fell on the ears of the Duke of Durazzo : he found his way into the room where the barbarous act had been committed just as the Count of Terlizzi was coming out; and approached the notary; who had been present at the dreadful spectacle and had not given the least sign of fear or emotion。  Master Nicholas; thinking the same fate was in store for him; turned calmly to the duke; saying with a sad smile

〃My lord; the precaution is useless; there is no need for you to cut out my tongue; as the noble count has done to my poor companion。  The last scrap of my flesh may be torn off without one word being dragged from my mouth。  I have promised; my lord; and you have the life of my wife and the future of my children as guarantee for my word。〃

〃I do not ask for silence;〃 said the duke solemnly; 〃you can free me from all my enemies at once; and I order you to denounce them at the tribunal。〃

The notary bowed his head with mournful resignation; then raising it in affright; made one step up to the duke and murmured in a choking voice

〃And the queen?〃

〃No one would believe you if you ventured to denounce her; but when the Catanese and her son; the Count of Terlizzi and his wife and her most intimate friends; have been accused by you; when they fail to endure the torture; and when they denounce her unanimously…〃

〃I see; my lord。  You do not only want my life; you would have my soul too。  Very well; once more I commend to you my children。〃

With a deep sigh he walked up to the tribunal。  The chief…justice asked Tommaso Pace the usual questions; and a shudder of horror passed through the assembly when they saw the poor wretch in desperation opening his mouth; which streamed with blood。  But surprise and terror reached their height when Nicholas of Melazzo slowly and firmly gave a list of Andre's murderers; all except the queen and the princes of the blood; and went on to give all details of the assassination。

Proceedings were at once taken for the arrest of the grand seneschal; Robert of Cabane; and the Counts of Terlizzi and Morcone; who were present and had not ventured to make any movement in self…defence。 An hour later; Philippa; her two daughters; and Dona Cancha joined them in prison; after vainly imploring the queen's protection。 Charles and Bertrand of Artois; shut up in their fortress of Saint Agatha; bade defiance to justice; and several others; among them the Counts of Meleto and Catanzaro; escaped by flight。

As soon as Master Nicholas said he had nothing further to confess; and that he had spoken the whole truth and nothing but the truth; the chief…justice pronounced sentence amid a profound silence; and 1897 without delay Tommaso Pace and the notary were tied to the tails of two horses; dragged through the chief streets of the town; and hanged in the market place。

The other prisoners were thrown into a subterranean vault; to be questioned and put to the torture on the following day。  In the evening; finding themselves in the same dungeon; they reproached one another; each pretending he had been dragged into the crime by someone else。  Then Dona Cancha; whose strange character knew no inconsistencies; even face to face with death and torture; drowned with a great burst of laughter the lamentations of her companions; and joyously exclaimed

〃Look here; friends; why these bitter recriminationsthis ill mannered raving?  We have no excuses to make; and we are all equally guilty。  I am the youngest of all; and not the ugliest; by your leave; ladies; but if I am condemned; at least I will die cheerfully。 For I have never denied myself any pleasure I could get in this world; and I can boast that much will be forgiven me; for I have loved much: of that you; gentlemen; know something。  You; bad old man;〃 she continued to the Count of Terlizzi; 〃do you not remember lying by my side in the queen's ante…chamber?  Come; no blushes before your noble family; confess; my lord; that I am with child by your Excellency; and you know how we managed to make up the story of poor Agues of Durazzo and her pregnancyGod rest her soul!  For my part; I never supposed the joke would take such a serious turn all at once。  You know all this and much more; spare your lamentations; for; by my word; they are getting very tiresome: let us prepare to die joyously; as we have lived。〃

With these words she yawned slightly; and; lying down on the straw; fell into a deep sleep; and dreamed as happy dreams as she had ever dreamed in her life。

On the morrow from break of day there was an immense crowd on the sea front。  During the night an enormous palisade had been put up to keep the people away far enough for them to see the accused without hearing anything。  Charles of Durazzo; at the head of a brilliant cortege of knights and pages; mounted on a magnificent horse; all in black; as a sign of mourning; waited near the enclosure。  Ferocious joy shone in his eyes as the accused made their way through the crowd; two by two; their wrists tied with ropes; for the duke every minute expected to hear the queen's name spoken。  But the chief… justice; a man of experience; had prevented indiscretion of any kind by fixing a hook in the tongue of each one。  The poor creatures w

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