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tales of trail and town-第13节

小说: tales of trail and town 字数: 每页4000字

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〃She!〃  The emphasis which his sister put upon the personal pronoun

was unmistakable; but Peter ignored it; and so apparently did she;

as she said the next moment in a different voice; 〃She's very

pretty; don't you think?〃

〃Very;〃 said Peter coldly。

There was a long pause。  Peter slightly fingered one of the sheets

of his delayed report on his desk。  His sister looked up。  〃I'm

afraid I'm as bad as Lady Elfrida in keeping you from your Indians;

but I had something to say to you。  No matter; another time will do

when you're not so busy。〃

〃Please go on now;〃 said Peter; with affected unconcern; yet with a

feeling of uneasiness creeping over him。

〃It was only this;〃 said Jenny; seating herself with her elbow on

the desk and her chin in a cup…like hollow of her hand; 〃did you

ever think that in the interests of these poor Indians; you know;

purely for the sake of your belief in them; and just to show that

you were above vulgar prejudices;did you ever think you could

marry one of them?〃

Two thoughts flashed quickly on Peter's mind;first; that Lady

Elfrida had repeated something of their conversation to his sister;

secondly; that some one had told her of Little Daybreak。  Each was

equally disturbing。  But he recovered himself quickly and said; 〃I

might if I thought it was required。  But even a sacrifice is not

always an example。〃

〃Then you think it would be a sacrifice?〃 she said; slowly raising

her dark eyes to his。

〃If I did something against received opinion; against precedent;

and for aught I know against even the prejudices of those I wish to

serve; however lofty my intention was and however great the benefit

to them in the end; it would still be a sacrifice in the present。〃

He saw his own miserable logic and affected didactics; but he went

on lightly; 〃But why do you ask such a question?  You haven't any

one in your mind for me; have you?〃

She had risen thoughtfully and was moving towards the door。

Suddenly she turned with a quick; odd vivacity: 〃Perhaps I had。

Oh; Peter; there was such a lovely little squaw I saw the last time

I was at Oak Bottom!  She was no darker than I am; but so

beautiful。  Even in her little cotton gown and blanket; with only a

string of beads around her throat; she was as pretty as any one

here。  And I dare say she could be educated and appear as well as

any white woman。  I should so like to have you see her。  I would

have tried to bring her to the fort; but the braves are very

jealous of their wives or daughters seeing white men; you know; and

I was afraid of the colonel。〃

She had spoken volubly and with a strange excitement; but even at

the moment her face changed again; and as she left the office; with

a quick laugh and parting gesture; there were tears in her eyes。

Accustomed to her moods and caprices; Peter thought little of the

intrusion; relieved as he was of his first fears。  She had come to

him from loneliness and curiosity; and; perhaps; he thought with a

sad smile; from a little sisterly jealousy of the young girl who

had evinced such an interest in him; and had known him before。  He

took up his pen and continued the interrupted paragraph of his


〃I am satisfied that much of the mischievous and extravagant

prejudice against the half breed and all alliances of the white and

red races springs from the ignorance of the frontiersman and his

hasty generalization of facts。  There is no doubt that an

intermixture of blood brings out purely superficial contrasts the

more strongly; and that against the civilizing habits and even

costumes of the half breed; certain Indian defects appear the more

strongly as in the case of the color line of the quadroon and

octoroon; but it must not be forgotten that these are only the

contrasts of specific improvement; and the inference that the

borrowed defects of a half breed exceed the original defects of the

full…blooded aborigine is utterly illogical。〃  He stopped suddenly

and laid down his pen with a heightened color; the bugle had blown;

the guard was turning out to receive the commandant and his

returning party; among whom was Friddy。

        。        。        。        。        。        。

Through the illusions of depression and distance the 〃sink〃 of

Butternut Creek seemed only an incrustation of blackish moss on the

dull gray plain。  It was not until one approached within half a

mile of it that it resolved itself into a copse of butternut…trees

sunken below the distant levels。  Here once; in geological story;

the waters of Butternut Creek; despairing of ever crossing the

leagues of arid waste before them; had suddenly disappeared in the

providential interposition of an area of looser soil; and so given

up the effort and the ghost forever; their grave being marked by

the butternut copse; chance…sown by bird or beast in the saturated

ground。  In Indian legend the 〃sink〃 commemorated the equally

providential escape of a great tribe who; surrounded by enemies;

appealed to the Great Spirit for protection; and was promptly

conveyed by subterraneous passages to the banks of the Great River

a hundred miles away。  Its outer edges were already invaded by the

dust of the plain; but within them ran cool recesses; a few

openings; and the ashes of some long…forgotten camp…fires。  To…day

its sombre shadows were relieved by bright colored dresses; the

jackets of the drivers of a large sutler's wagon; whose white

canvas head marked the entrance of the copse; and all the

paraphernalia of a picnic。  It was a party gotten up by the foreign

guests to the ladies of the fort; prepared and arranged by the

active Lady Elfrida; assisted by the only gentleman of the party;

Peter Atherly; who; from his acquaintance with the locality; was

allowed to accompany them。  The other gentlemen; who with a large

party of officers and soldiers were shooting in the vicinity; were

sufficiently near for protection。  They would rejoin the ladies


〃It does not seem in the least as if we were miles away from any

town or habitation;〃 said Lady Runnybroke; complacently seating

herself on a stump; 〃and I shouldn't be surprised to see a church

tower through those trees。  It's very like the hazel copse at

Longworth; you know。  Not at all what I expected。〃

〃For the matter of that neither are the Indians;〃 said the Hon。

Evelyn Rayne。  〃Did you ever see such grotesque creatures in their

cast…off boots and trousers?  They're no better than gypsies。  I

wonder what Mr。 Atherly can find in them。〃

〃And he a rich man; too;they say he's got a mine in California

worth a million;to take up a craze like this;〃 added the lively

Mrs。 Captain Joyce; 〃that's what gets me!  You know;〃 she went on

confidentially; 〃that cranks and reformers are always poorit's

quite natural; but I don't see what he; a rich man; expects to make

by his reforms; I'm sure。〃

〃He'll get over it in time;〃 said the Hon。 Evelyn Kayne; 〃they all

do。  At least he expects to get the reforms he wants in a year; and

then he's coming over to England again。〃

〃Indeed; how very nice;〃 responded Lady Runnybroke quickly。  〃Did

he say so?〃

〃No。  But Friddy says he is。〃

The two officers' wives glanced at each other。  Lady Runnybroke put

up her eyeglass in default of ostrich feathers; and said

didactically; 〃I'm sure Mr。 Atherly is very much in earnest; and

sincerely devoted to his work。  And in a man of his wealth and

position here it's most estimable。  My dear;〃 she said; getting up

and moving towards Mrs。 Lascelles; 〃we were just saying how good

and unselfish your brother was in his work for these poor people。〃

But Jenny Lascelles must have been in one of those abstracted moods

which so troubled her husband; for she seemed to be staring

straight before her into the recesses of the wood。  In her there

was a certain resemblance to the attitude of a listening animal。

〃I wish Mr。 Atherly was a little more unselfish to US poor people;〃

said the Hon。 Evelyn Kayne; 〃for he and Friddy have been nearly an

hour looking for a place to spread our luncheon baskets。  I wish

they'd leave the future of the brown races to look after itself and

look a little more after us。  I'm famished。〃

〃I fancy they find it difficult to select a clear space for so

large a party as we will be when the gentlemen come in;〃 returned

Lady Runnybroke; glancing in the direction of Jenny's abstracted


〃I suppose you must feel like chicken and salad; too; Lady

Runnybroke;〃 suggested Mrs。 Captain Joyce。

〃I don't think I quite know HOW chicken and salad feel; dear;〃 said

Lady Runnybroke with a puzzled air; 〃but if that's one of your

husband's delightful American stories; do tell us。  I never CAN get

Runnybroke to tell me any; although he roars over them all。  And I

dare say he gets them all wrong。  But look; here comes our luncheon。〃

Peter and Lady Elfrida were a

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