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beacon lights of history-iii-2-及67准

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services。  The worst that can be said察is that he was not willing

to suffer and die for his opinions此and how many philosophers are

there who are willing to be martyrs

Nevertheless察in the eyes of philosophers he has disgraced himself。

Let him then return to Florence察to his own Arceti。  He is a

silenced man。  But he is silenced察not because he believed with

Copernicus察but because he ridiculed his enemies and confronted the

Church察and in the eyes of blinded partisans had attacked divine

authority。  Why did Copernicus escape persecution拭 The Church must

have known that there was something in his discoveries察and in

those of Galileo察worthy of attention。  About this time Pascal

wrote此 It is vain that you have procured the condemnation of

Galileo。  That will never prove the earth to be at rest。  If

unerring observation proves that it turns round察not all mankind

together can keep it from turning察or themselves from turning with


But let that persecution pass。  It is no worse than other

persecutions察either in Catholic or Protestant ranks。  It was no

worse than burning witches。  Not only is intolerance in human

nature察but there is a repugnance among the learned to receive new

opinions when these interfere with their ascendancy。  The

opposition to Galileo's discoveries was no greater than that of the

Protestant Church察half a century ago察to some of the inductions of

geology。  How bitter the hatred察even in our times察to such men as

Huxley and Darwin  True察they have not proved their theories as

Galileo did察but they gave as great a shock as he to the minds of

theologians。  All science is progressive察yet there are thousands

who oppose its progress。  And if learning and science should

establish a different meaning to certain texts from which

theological deductions are drawn察and these premises be undermined

there would be the same bitterness among the defenders of the

present system of dogmatic theology。  Yet theology will live察and

never lose its dignity and importance察only察some of its present

assumptions may be discarded。  God will never be dethroned from the

world he governs察but some of his ways may appear to be different

from what was once supposed。  And all science is not only

progressive察but it appears to be bold and scornful and proudat

least its advocates are and ever have been contemptuous of all

other departments of knowledge but its own。  So narrow and limited

is the human mind in the midst of its triumphs。  So full of

prejudices are even the learned and the great。

Let us turn then to give another glance at the fallen philosopher

in his final retreat at Arceti。  He lives under restrictions。  But

they allow him leisure and choice wines察of which he is fond察and

gardens and friends察and many come to do him reverence。  He amuses

his old age with the studies of his youth and manhood察and writes

dialogues on Motion察and even discovers the phenomena of the moon's

libration察and by means of the pendulum he gives additional

importance to astronomical science。  But he is not allowed to leave

his retirement察not even to visit his friends in Florence。  The

wrath of the Inquisition still pursues him察even in his villa at

Arceti in the suburbs of Florence。  Then renewed afflictions come。

He loses his daughter察who was devoted to him察and her death nearly

plunges him into despair。  The bulwarks of his heart break down察a

flood of grief overwhelms his stricken soul。  His appetite leaves

him察his health forsakes him察his infirmities increase upon him。

His right eye loses its powerthat eye that had seen more of the

heavens than the eyes of all who had gone before him。  He becomes

blind and deaf察and cannot sleep察afflicted with rheumatic pains

and maladies forlorn。  No more for him is rest察or peace察or bliss

still less the glories of his brighter daysthe sight of

glittering fields察the gems of heaven察without which

    ;Neither breath of Morn察when she ascends

     With charm of earliest birds察nor rising sun

     On this delightful land察nor herb察fruit察flower

     Glistering with dew察nor fragrance after showers

     Nor grateful evening mild察  。 。 is sweet。;

No more shall he gaze on features that he loves察or stars察or

trees察or hills。  No more to him


     Day察or the sweet approach of even or morn

     Or sight of vernal bloom察or summer's rose

     Or flocks察or herds察or human face divine

     But clouds察instead察and ever´during dark

     Surround; himА

It was in those dreary desolate days at Arceti


     In manly beauty Milton stood before him

     Gazing in reverent aweMilton察his guest

     Just then come forth察all life and enterprise

     While he in his old age察  。 。

              。 。 。 exploring with his staff

     His eyes upturned as to the golden sun

     His eyeballs idly rolling。;

This may have been the punishment of his recantationnot

Inquisitorial torture察but the consciousness that he had lost his

honor。  Poor Galileo thine illustrious visitor察when his

affliction came察could cast his sightless eyeballs inward察and see

and tell ;things attempted yet in prose or rhyme察not

    ;Rocks察caves察lakes察bogs察fens察and shades of death

        。     。     。     。     。     。     。     。

     Where all life dies察death lives察and Nature breeds

        。     。     。     。     。     。     。     。

     Gorgons察and Hydras察and Chimeras dire察

but of ;eternal Providence察─and ;Eden with surpassing glory

crowned察─and ;our first parents察─and of ;salvation察─ goodness

infinite察─of ;wisdom察─which when known we need no higher though

all the stars we know by name

    ;All secrets of the deep察all Nature's works

     Or works of God in heaven察or air察or sea。;

And yet察thou stricken observer of the heavenly bodies hadst thou

but known what marvels would be revealed by the power of thy

wondrous instrument after thou should'st be laid lifeless and cold

beneath the marble floor of Sante Croce察at the age of seventy´

eight察without a monument although blessed on his death´bed by

Pope Urban察having died a prisoner of the Inquisition察yet not

without having rendered to astronomical science services of utmost

valueeven thou might have died rejoicing察as one of the great

benefactors of the world。  And thy discoveries shall be forever

held in gratitude察they shall herald others of even greater

importance。  Newton shall prove that the different planets are

attracted to the sun in the inverse ratio of the squares of their

distances察that the earth has a force on the moon identical with

the force of gravity察and that all celestial bodies察to the utmost

boundaries of space察mutually attract each other察that all

particles of matter are governed by the same lawthe great law of

gravitation察by which ;astronomy察─in the language of Whewell

;passed from boyhood to manhood察and by which law the great

discoverer added more to the realm of science than any man before

or since his day。;  And after Newton shall pass away察honored and

lamented察and be buried with almost royal pomp in the vaults of

Westminster察Halley and other mathematicians shall construct lunar

tables察by which longitude shall be accurately measured on the

pathless ocean。  Lagrange and Laplace shall apply the Newtonian

theory to determine the secular inequalities of celestial motion

they shall weigh absolutely the amount of matter in the planets

they shall show how far their orbits deviate from circles察and they

shall enumerate the cycles of changes detected in the circuit of

the moon。  Clairaut shall remove the perplexity occasioned by the

seeming discrepancy between the observed and computed motions of

the moon's perigee。  Halley shall demonstrate the importance of

observations of the transit of Venus as the only certain way of

obtaining the sun's parallax察and hence the distance of the sun

from the earth察he shall predict the return of that mysterious body

which we call a comet。  Herschel shall construct a telescope which

magnifies two thousand times察and add another planet to our system

beyond the mighty orb of Saturn。  Romer shall estimate the velocity

of light from the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites。  Bessell shall

pass the impassable gulf of space and measure the distance of some

of the fixed stars察although such is the immeasurable space between

the earth and those distant suns that the parallax of only about

thirty has yet been discovered with our finest instrumentsso

boundless is the material universe察so vast are the distances察that

light察travelling one hundred and sixty thousand miles with every

pulsation of the blood察will not reach us from some of those remote

worlds in one hundred thousand years。  So marvellous shall be the

victories of sc

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