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beacon lights of history-iii-2-及57准

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with the administration of justice察and Bacon could not stand

before it察for as the highest judge in England he was accused of

taking bribes before rendering decisions察and of many cases of

corruption so glaring that no defence was undertaken察and the House

of Lords had no alternative but to sentence him to the Tower and

fine him察to degrade him from his office察and banish him from the

precincts of the courta fall so great察and the impression of it

on the civilized world so tremendous察that the case of a judge

accepting bribes has rarely since been known。

Bacon was imprisoned but a few days察his ruinous fine of L40000

was remitted察and he was even soon after received at court察but he

never again held office。  He was hopelessly disgraced察he was a

ruined man察and he bitterly felt the humiliation察and acknowledged

the justice of his punishment。  He had now no further object in

life than to pursue his studies察and live comfortably in his

retirement察and do what he could for future ages。

But before we consider his immortal legacy to the world察let us

take one more view of the man察in order that we may do him justice

and remove some of the cruel charges against him as ;the meanest of


It must be borne in mind that察from the beginning of his career

until his fall察only four or five serious charges have been made

against himthat he was extravagant in his mode of life察that he

was a sycophant and office´seeker察that he deserted his patron

Essex察that he tortured Peacham察a Puritan clergyman察when tried

for high´treason察that he himself was guilty of corruption as a


In regard to the first charge察it is unfortunately too true察he

lived beyond his means察and was in debt most of his life。  This

defect察as has been said察was the root of much evil察it destroyed

his independence察detracted from the dignity of his character

created enemies察and led to a laxity of the moral sense which

prepared the way for corruptionthereby furnishing another

illustration of that fatal weakness which degrades any man when he

runs races with the rich察and indulges in a luxury and ostentation

which he cannot afford。  It was the curse of Cicero察of William

Pitt察and of Daniel Webster。  The first lesson which every public

man should learn察especially if honored with important trusts察is

to live within his income。  However inconvenient and galling察a

stringent economy is necessary。  But this defect is a very common

one察particularly when men are luxurious察or brought into

intercourse with the rich察or inclined to be hospitable and

generous察or have a great imagination and a sanguine temperament。

So that those who are most liable to fall into this folly have many

noble qualities to offset it察and it is not a stain which marks the

;meanest of mankind。;  Who would call Webster the meanest of

mankind because he had an absurd desire to live like an English

country gentleman

In regard to sycophancy察a disgusting trait察I admitwe should

consider the age察when everybody cringed to sovereigns and their

favorites。  Bacon never made such an abject speech as Omer Talon

the greatest lawyer in France察did to Louis XIII。察in the

Parliament of Paris。  Three hundred years ago everybody bowed down

to exalted rank此witness the obsequious language which all authors

addressed to patrons in the dedication of their books。  How small

the chance of any man rising in the world察who did not court favors

from those who had favors to bestow  Is that the meanest or the

most uncommon thing in this world拭 If so察how ignominious are all

politicians who flatter the people and solicit their votes拭 Is it

not natural to be obsequious to those who have offices to bestow

This trait is not commendable察but is it the meanest thing we see

In regard to Essex察nobody can approve of the ingratitude which

Bacon showed to his noble patron。  But察on the other hand察remember

the good advice which Bacon ever gave him察and his constant efforts

to keep him out of scrapes。  How often did he excuse him to his

royal mistress察at the risk of incurring her displeasure拭 And when

Essex was guilty of a thousand times worse crime than ever Bacon

committedeven high´treason察in a time of tumult and

insurrectionand it became Bacon's task as prosecuting officer of

the Crown to bring this great culprit to justice察was he required

by a former friendship to sacrifice his duty and his allegiance to

his sovereign察to screen a man who had perverted the affection of

the noblest woman who ever wore a crown察and came near involving

his country in a civil war拭 Grant that Essex had bestowed favors

and was an accomplished and interesting manwas Bacon to ignore

his official duties拭 He may have been too harsh in his procedure

but in that age all criminal proceedings were harsh and

inexorablethere was but little mercy shown to culprits

especially to traitors。  If Elizabeth could bring herself察out of

respect to her wounded honor and slighted kindness and the dignity

of the realm and the majesty of the law察to surrender into the

hands of justice one whom she so tenderly loved and magnificently

rewarded察even when the sacrifice cost her both peace and life

snapped the last cord which bound her to this worldmay we not

forgive Bacon for the part he played拭 Does this fidelity to an

official and professional duty察even if he were harsh察make him

;the meanest of mankind;

In regard to Peacham察it is true he was tortured察according to the

practice of that cruel age察but Bacon had no hand in the issuing of

the warrant against him for high´treason察although in accordance

with custom he察as prosecuting officer of the Crown察examined

Peacham under torture before his trial。  The parson was convicted

but the sentence of death was not executed upon him察and he died in


And in regard to corruptionthe sin which cast Bacon from his

high estate察though fortunately he did not fall like Lucifer察never

to rise againmay not the verdict of the poet and the historian

be rather exaggerated拭 Nobody has ever attempted to acquit Bacon

for taking bribes。  Nobody has ever excused him。  He did commit a

crime察but in palliation it might be said that he never decided

against justice察and that it was customary for great public

functionaries to accept presents。  Had he taken them after he had

rendered judgment instead of before察he might have been acquitted

for out of the seven thousand cases which he decided as Lord´

Chancellor察not one of them has been reversed此so that he said of

himself察 I was the justest judge that England has had for fifty

years察and I suffered the justest sentence that had been inflicted

for two hundred years。;  He did not excuse himself。  His

ingenuousness of confession astonished everybody察and moved the

hearts of his judges。  It was his misfortune to be in debt察he had

pressing creditors察and in two cases he accepted presents before

the decision was made察but was brave enough to decide against those

who bribed himhinc illae lacrymae。  A modern corrupt official

generally covers his tracks察and many a modern judge has been

bribed to decide against justice察and has escaped ignominy察even in

a country which claims the greatest purity and the loftiest moral

standard。  We admit that Bacon was a sinner察but was he a sinner

above all others who cast stones at Jerusalem

In reference to these admitted defects and crimes察I only wish to

show that even these do not make him ;the meanest of mankind。;

What crimes have sullied many of those benefactors whom all ages

will admire and honor察and whom察in spite of their defects察we call

good mennot bad men to be forgiven for their services察but

excellent and righteous on the whole  See Abraham telling lies to

the King of Egypt察and Jacob robbing his brother of his birthright

and David murdering his bravest soldier to screen himself from

adultery察and Solomon selling himself to false idols to please the

wicked women who ensnared him察and Peter denying his Master察and

Marcus Aurelius persecuting the Christians察and Constantine putting

to death his own son察and Theodosius slaughtering the citizens of

Thessalonica察and Isabella establishing the Inquisition察and Sir

Mathew Hale burning witches察and Cromwell stealing a sceptre察and

Calvin murdering Servetus察and Queen Elizabeth lying and cheating

and swearing in the midst of her patriotic labors for her country

and civilization。  Even the sun passes through eclipses。  Have the

spots upon the career of Bacon hidden the brightness of his general

beneficence拭 Is he the meanest of men because he had great faults

When we speak of mean men察it is those whose general character is


Now察see Bacon pursuing his honorable career amid rebuffs and

enmities and jealousies察toiling in Herculean tasks without

complaint察and waiting his time察always accessible察affable


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