beacon lights of history-iii-2-及45准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
of this moral mechanism。 Lainez had even a more comprehensive mind
than Loyola。 It was he who matured the Jesuit Constitution察and
afterwards controlled the Council of Trenta convocation which
settled the creed of the Catholic Church察especially in regard to
justification察and which extolled the merits of Christ察but
attributed justification to good works in a different sense from
that understood and taught by Luther。
Aside from the personal gifts and qualities of the early Jesuits
they would not have so marvellously succeeded had it not been for
their remarkable constitutionthat which bound the members of the
Society together察and gave to it a peculiar unity and force。 The
most marked thing about it was the unbounded and unhesitating
obedience required of every member to superiors察and of these
superiors to the General of the Orderso that there was but one
will。 This law of obedience is察as every one knows察one of the
fundamental principles of all the monastic orders from the earliest
times察enforced by Benedict as well as Basil。 Still there was a
difference in the vow of obedience。 The head of a monastery in the
Middle Ages was almost supreme。 The Lord Abbot was obedient only
to the Pope察and he sought the interests of his monastery rather
than those of the Pope。 But Loyola exacted obedience to the
General of the Order so absolutely that a Jesuit became a slave。
This may seem a harsh epithet察there is nothing gained by using
offensive words察but Protestant writers have almost universally
made these charges。 From their interpretation of the constitutions
of Loyola and Lainez and Aquaviva察a member of the Society had no
will of his own察he did not belong to himself察he belonged to his
Generalas in the time of Abraham a child belonged to his father
and a wife to her husband察nay察even still more completely。 He
could not write or receive a letter that was not read by his
Superior。 When he entered the order察he was obliged to give away
his property察but could not give it to his relatives。* When he
made confession察he was obliged to tell his most intimate and
sacred secrets。 He could not aspire to any higher rank than that
he held察he had no right to be ambitious察or seek his own
individual interests察he was merged body and soul into the Society
he was only a pin in the machinery察he was bound to obey even his
own servant察if required by his Superior察he was less than a
private soldier in an army察he was a piece of wax to be moulded as
the Superior directedand the Superior察in his turn察was a piece
of wax in the hands of the Provincial察and he again in the hands of
the General。 ;There were many gradations in rank察but every rank
was a gradation in slavery。; The Jesuit is accused of having no
individual conscience。 He was bound to do what he was told察right
or wrong察nothing was right and nothing was wrong except as the
Society pronounced。 The General stood in the place of God。 That
man was the happiest who was most mechanical。 Every novice had a
monitor察and every monitor was a spy。** So strict was the rule of
Loyola察that he kept Francis Borgia察Duke of Gandia察three years
out of the Society察because he refused to renounce all intercourse
with his family。***
* Ranke。
** Steinmetz察i。 p。 252。
*** Nicolini察p。 35。
The Jesuit was obliged to make all natural ties subordinate to the
will of the General。 And this General was a king more absolute
than any worldly monarch察because he reigned over the minds of his
subjects。 His kingdom was an imperium in imperio察he was chosen
for life and was responsible to no one察although he ruled for the
benefit of the Catholic Church。 In one sense a General of the
Jesuits resembled the prime minister of an absolute monarchsay
such a man as Richelieu察with unfettered power in the cause of
absolutism察and he ruled like Richelieu察through his spies察making
his subordinates tools and instruments。 The General appointed the
presidents of colleges and of the religious houses察he admitted or
dismissed察dispensed or punished察at his pleasure。 There was no
complaint察all obeyed his orders察and saw in him the representative
of Divine Providence。 Complaint was sin察resistance was ruin。 It
is hard for us to understand how any man could be brought
voluntarily to submit to such a despotism。 But the novice entering
the order had to go through terrible disciplineto be a servant
anything察to live according to rigid rules察so that his spirit was
broken by mechanical duties。 He had to learn the virtues of
obedience before he could be fully enrolled in the Society。 He was
drilled for years by spiritual sergeants more rigorously than a
soldier in Napoleon's army此hence the efficiency of the body察it
was a spiritual army of the highest disciplined troops。 Loyola had
been a soldier察he knew what military discipline could dohow
impotent an army is without it察what an awful power it is with
discipline察and the severer the better。 The best soldier of a
modern army is he who has become an unconscious piece of machinery
and it was this unreflecting察unconditional obedience which made
the Society so efficient察and the General himself察who controlled
it察such an awful power for good or for evil。 I am only speaking
of the organization察the machinery察the regime察of the Jesuits察not
of their character察not of their virtues or vices。 This
organization is to be spoken of as we speak of the discipline of an
armywise or unwise察as it reached its end。 The original aim of
the Jesuits was the restoration of the Papal Church to its ancient
power察and for one hundred years察as I think察the restoration of
morals察higher education察greater zeal in preaching此in short察a
reformation within the Church。 Jesuitism was察of course察opposed
to Protestantism察it hated the Protestants察it hated their
religions creed and their emancipating and progressive spirit察it
hated religious liberty。
I need not dwell on other things which made this religious order so
successfulnot merely their virtues and their mechanism察but
their adaptation to the changing spirit of the times。 They threw
away the old dresses of monastic life察they quitted the cloister
and places of meditation察they were preachers as well as scholars
they accommodated themselves to the circumstances of the times
they wore the ordinary dress of gentlemen察they remained men of the
world察of fine manners and cultivated speech察there was nothing
ascetic or repulsive about them察out in the world察they were all
things to all men察like politicians察in order to accomplish their
ends察they never were lazy察or profligate or luxurious。 If their
Order became enriched察they as individuals remained poor。 The
inferior members were not even ambitious察like good soldiers察they
thought of nothing but the work assigned to them。 Their pride and
glory were the prosperity of their Orderan intense esprit de
corps察never equalled by any body of men。 This察of course察while
it gave them efficiency察made them narrow。 They could see the
needle on the barn´doorthey could not see the door itself。
Hence there could be no agreement with them察no argument with them
except on ordinary matters察they were as zealous as Saul察seeking
to make proselytes。 They yielded nothing except in order to win
they never compromised their Order in their cause。 Their fidelity
to their head was marvellous察and so long as they confined
themselves to the work of making people better察I think they
deserved praise。 I do not like their military organization察but I
should have no more right to abuse it than the organization of some
Protestant sects。 That is a matter of government察all sects and
all parties察Catholic and Protestant察have a right to choose their
own government to carry out their ends察even as military generals
have a right to organize their forces in their own way。 The
history of the Jesuits shows thisthat an organization of forces
or what we call discipline or government察is a great thing。 A
church without a government is a poor affair察so far as efficiency
is concerned。 All churches have something to learn from the
Jesuits in the way of discipline。 John Wesley learned something
the Independents learned very little。
But there is another side to the Jesuits。 We have seen why they
succeeded察we have to inquire how they failed。 If history speaks
of the virtues of the early members察and the wonderful mechanism of
their Order察and their great success in consequence察it also speaks
of the errors they committed察by which they lost the confidence
they had gained。 From being the most popular of all the adherents
of the papal power察and of the ideas of the Dark Ages察they became
the most unpopular察they became so odious that the Pope was
obliged察by the pressure of public opinion and of the Bourbon
courts of Europe察to suppress the