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beacon lights of history-iii-2-及4准

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power察Dante went over to the Ghibellines察and became an adherent

of imperial authority until he died。

It was in his wanderings from court to court and castle to castle

and convent to convent and university to university察that he

acquired that profound experience with men and the world which

fitted him for his great task。  ;Not as victorious knight on the

field of Campaldino察not as leader of the Guelph aristocracy at

Florence察not as prior察not as ambassador察─but as a wanderer did

he acquire his moral wisdom。  He was a striking example of the

severe experiences to which nearly all great benefactors have been

subjectedAbraham the exile察in the wilderness察in Egypt察among

Philistines察among robbers and barbaric chieftains察the Prince

Siddartha察who founded Buddhism察in his wanderings among the

various Indian nations who bowed down to Brahma察and察still

greater察the Apostle Paul察in his protracted martyrdom among Pagan

idolaters and boastful philosophers察in Asia and in Europe。  These

and others may be cited察who led a life of self´denial and reproach

in order to spread the truths which save mankind。  We naturally

call their lot hard察even though they chose it察but it is the

school of greatness。  It was sad to see the wisest and best man of

his daya man of family察of culture察of wealth察of learning

loving leisure察attached to his home and country察accustomed to

honor and independencedoomed to exile察poverty察neglect察and

hatred察without those compensations which men of genius in our time

secure。  But I would not attempt to excite pity for an outward

condition which developed the higher virtuesfor a thorny path

which led to the regions of eternal light。  Dante may have walked

in bitter tears to Paradise察but after the fashion of saints and

martyrs in all ages of our world。  He need but cast his eyes on

that emblem which was erected on every pinnacle of Mediaeval

churches to symbolize passing suffering with salvation infinite

the great and august creed of the age in which he lived察though now

buried amid the triumphs of an imposing material civilization whose

end is the adoration of the majesty of man rather than the majesty

of God察the wonders of creation rather than the greatness of the


But something more was required in order to write an immortal poem

than even native genius察great learning察and profound experience。

The soul must be stimulated to the work by an absorbing and

ennobling passion。  This passion Dante had察and it is as memorable

as the mortal loves of Abelard and Heloise察and infinitely more

exalting察since it was spiritual and immortaleven the adoration

of his lamented and departed Beatrice。

I wish to dwell for a moment察perhaps longer than to some may seem

dignified察on this ideal or sentimental love。  It may seem trivial

and unimportant to the eye of youth察or a man of the world察or a

woman of sensual nature察or to unthinking fools and butterflies

but it is invested with dignity to one who meditates on the

mysteries of the soul察the wonders of our higher natureone of

the things which arrest the attention of philosophers。

It is recorded and attested察even by Dante himself察that at the

early age of nine he fell in love with Beatricea little girl of

one of his neighborsand that he wrote to her sonnets as the

mistress of his devotion。  How could he have written sonnets

without an inspiration察unless he felt sentiments higher than we

associate with either boys or girls拭 The boy was father of the

man。  ;She appeared to me察─says the poet察 at a festival察dressed

in that most noble and honorable color察scarletgirded and

ornamented in a manner suitable to her age察and from that moment

love ruled my soul。  And after many days had passed察it happened

that察passing through the street察she turned her eyes to the spot

where I stood察and with ineffable courtesy she greeted me察and this

had such an effect on me that it seemed I had reached the furthest

limit of blessedness。  I took refuge in the solitude of my chamber

and察thinking over what had happened to me察I proposed to write a

sonnet察since I had already acquired the art of putting words into

rhyme。;  This察from his ;Vita Nuova察─his first work察relating to

the ;new life; which this love awoke in his young soul。

Thus察according to Dante's own statement察was the seed of a never´

ending passion planted in his soulthe small beginning察so

insignificant to cynical eyes察that it would almost seem

preposterous to allude to it察as if this fancy for a little girl in

scarlet察and in a boy but nine years of age察could ripen into

anything worthy to be soberly mentioned by a grave and earnest

poet察in the full maturity of his geniusworthy to give direction

to his lofty intellect察worthy to be the occasion of the greatest

poem the world has seen from Homer to modern times。  Absurd

ridiculous  Great rivers cannot rise from such a spring察tall

trees cannot grow from such a little acorn。  Thus reasons the man

who does not take cognizance of the mighty mysteries of human life。

If anything tempted the boy to write sonnets to a little girl察it

must have been the chivalric element in society at that period

when even boys were required to choose objects of devotion察and to

whom they were to be loyal察and whose honor they were bound to

defend。  But the grave poet察in the decline of his life察makes this

simple confession察as the beginning of that sentiment which never

afterwards departed from him察and which inspired him to his

grandest efforts。

But this youthful attachment was unfortunate。  Beatrice did not

return his passion察and had no conception of its force察and perhaps

was not even worthy to call it forth。  She may have been beautiful

she may have been gifted察she may have been commonplace。  It

matters little whether she was intellectual or not察beautiful or

not。  It was not the flesh and blood he saw察but the image of

beauty and loveliness which his own mind created。  He idealized the

girl察she was to him all that he fancied。  But she never encouraged

him察she denied his greetings察and even avoided his society。  At

last she died察when he was twenty´seven察and left himto use his

own expression;to ruminate on death察and envy whomsoever dies。;

To console himself察he read Boethius察and religious philosophy was

ever afterwards his favorite study。  Nor did serenity come察so deep

were his sentiments察so powerful was his imagination察until he had

formed an exalted purpose to write a poem in her honor察and worthy

of his love。  ;If it please Him through whom all things come察─said

Dante察 that my life be spared察I hope to tell such things of her

as never before have been seen by any one。;

Now what inspired so strange a purpose拭 Was it a Platonic

sentiment察like the love of Petrarch for Laura察or something that

we cannot explain察and yet reala mystery of the soul in its

deepest cravings and aspirations拭 And is love察among mortals

generally察based on such a foundation拭 Is it flesh and blood we

love察is it the intellect察is it the character察is it the soul察is

it what is inherently interesting in woman察and which everybody can

seethe real virtues of the heart and charms of physical beauty

Or is it what we fancy in the object of our adoration察what exists

already in our own mindsthe archetypes of eternal ideas of

beauty and grace拭 And do all men worship these forms of beauty

which the imagination creates拭 Can any woman察or any man察seen

exactly as they are察incite a love which is kindred to worship

And is any love worthy to be called love察if it does not inspire

emotions which prompt to self´sacrifice察labor察and lofty ends

Can a woman's smiles incite to Herculean energies察and drive the

willing worshipper to Aonian heights察unless under these smiles are

seen the light of life and the blessedness of supernatural fervor

Is there察and can there be察a perpetuity in mortal charms without

the recognition or the supposition of a moral beauty connected with

them察which alone is pure and imperishable察and which alone creates

the sacred ecstasy that revels in the enjoyment of what is divine

or what is supposed to be divine察not in man察but in the

conceptions of manthe ever´blazing glories of goodness or of

truth which the excited soul doth see in the eyes and expression of

the adored image拭 It is these archetypes of divinity察real or

fancied察which give to love all that is enduring。  Destroy these

take away the real or fancied glories of the soul and mind察and the

holy flame soon burns out。  No mortal love can last察no mortal love

is beautiful察unless the visions which the mind creates are not

more or less realized in the object of it察or when a person察either

man or woman察is not capable of seeing ideal perfections。  The

loves of savages are the loves of brutes。  The more exalted the

character and the soul察the greater is the capacity of l

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