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beacon lights of history-iii-2-及35准

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

as the unity of the Church。  It might create sects察but those sects

would be all united as to the value of the Scriptures and their

cardinal declarations。  On this broad basis John Milton could shake

hands with John Knox察and John Locke with Richard Baxter察and

Oliver Cromwell with Queen Elizabeth察and Lord Bacon with William

Penn察and Bishop Butler with John Wesley察and Jonathan Edwards with

Doctor Channing。

This idea of private judgment is what separates the Catholics from

the Protestants察not most ostensibly察but most vitally。  Many are

the Catholics who would accept Luther's idea of grace察since it is

the idea of Saint Augustine察and of the supreme authority of the

Scriptures察since they were so highly valued by the Fathers此but

few of the Catholic clergy have ever tolerated religious liberty

that is察the interpretation of the Scriptures by the peoplefor

it is a vital blow to their supremacy察their hierarchy察and their

institutions。  They will no more readily accept it than William the

Conqueror would have accepted the Magna Charta察for the free

circulation and free interpretation of the Scriptures are the

charter of human liberties fought for at Leipsic by Gustavus

Adolphus察at Ivry by Henry IV。  This right of worshipping God

according to the dictates of conscience察enlightened by the free

reading of the Scriptures察is just what the ;invincible armada; was

sent by Philip II。 to crush察just what Alva察dictated by Rome

sought to crush in Holland察just what Louis XIV。察instructed by the

Jesuits察did crush out in France察by the revocation of the Edict of

Nantes。  The Satanic hatred of this right was the cause of most of

the martyrdoms and persecutions of the sixteenth and seventeenth

centuries。  It was the declaration of this right which emancipated

Europe from the dogmas of the Middle Ages察the thraldom of Rome

and the reign of priests。  Why should not Protestants of every

shade cherish and defend this sacred right拭 This is what made

Luther the idol and oracle of Germany察the admiration of half

Europe察the pride and boast of succeeding ages察the eternal hatred

of Rome察not his religious experiences察not his doctrine of

justification by faith察but the emancipation he gave to the mind of

the world。  This is what peculiarly stamps Luther as a man of

genius察and of that surprising audacity and boldness which only

great geniuses evince when they follow out the logical sequence of

their ideas察and penetrate at a blow the hardened steel of vulcanic

armor beneath which the adversary boasts。

Great was the first Leo察when from his rifled palace on one of the

devastated hills of Rome he looked out upon the Christian world

pillaged察sacked察overrun with barbarians察full of untold

calamitiesorder and law crushed察literature and art prostrate

justice a byword察murders and assassinations unavenged察central

power destroyed察vice察in all its enormities察vulgarities察and

obscenities察rampant and multiplying itself察false opinions gaining

ground察soldiers turned into banditti察and senators into slaves

women shrieking in terror察bishops praying in despair察barbarism

everywhere察paganism in danger of being revived察a world

disordered察forlorn察and dismal察Pandemonium let loose察with

howling and shouting and screaming察in view of the desolation

predicted alike by Jeremy the prophet and the Cumaean sybilgreat

was that Leo察when in view of all this he said察with old patrician

heroism察 I will revive government once more upon this earth察not

by bringing back the Caesars察but by declaring a new theocracy察by

making myself the vicegerent of Christ察by virtue of the promise

made to Peter察whose successor I am察in order to restore law

punish crime察head off heresy察encourage genius察conserve peace

heal dissensions察protect learning察appealing to love察but ruling

by fear。  Who but the Church can do this拭 A theocracy will create

a new civilization。  Not a diadem察but a tiara will I wear察the

symbol of universal sovereignty察before which barbarism shall flee

away察and happiness be restored once more。;  As he sent out his

legates察he fulminated his bulls and established tribunals of

appeal察he made a net´work of ecclesiastical machinery察and

proclaimed the dangers of eternal fire察and brought kings and

princes before him on their knees。  The barbaric world was saved。

But greater than Leo was Luther察whenoutraged by the corruptions

of this spiritual despotism察and all the false and Pagan notions

which had crept into theology察obscuring the light of faith and

creating an intolerable bondage察and opposing the new spirit of

progress which science and art and industry and wealth had invoked´

´he courageously yet modestly comes forward as the champion of a

new civilization察and declares察with trumpet tones察 Let there be

private judgment察liberty of conscience察the right to read and

interpret Scripture察in spite of priests so that men may think for

themselves察not only on the doctrines of eternal salvation but on

all the questions to be deduced from them察or interlinked with the

past or present or future institutions of the world。  Then shall

arise a new creation from dreaded destruction察and emancipated

millions shall be filled with an unknown enthusiasm察and advance

with the new weapons of reason and truth from conquering to

conquer察until all the strongholds of sin and Satan shall be

subdued察and laid triumphantly at the foot of His throne whose

right it is to reign。;

Thus far Luther has appeared as a theologian察a philosopher察a man

of ideas察a man of study and reflection察whom the Catholic Church

distrusts and fears察as she always has distrusted genius and manly

independence察but he is henceforth to appear as a reformer察a

warrior察to carry out his ideas and also to defend himself against

the wrath he has provoked察impelled step by step to still bolder

aggressions察until he attacks those venerable institutions which he

once respectedall the dexterous inventions of Mediaeval

despotism察all the machinery by which Europe had been governed for

one thousand years察yea察the very throne of the Pope himself察whom

he defies察whom he insults察and against whom he urges Christendom

to rebel。  As a combatant察a warrior察a reformer察his person and

character somewhat change。  He is coarser察he is more sensual´

looking察he drinks more beer察he tells more stories察he uses harder

names察he becomes arrogant察dogmatic察he dictates and commands察he

quarrels with his friends察he is imperious察he fears nobody察and is

scornful of old usages察he marries a nun察he feels that he is a

great leader and general察and wields new powers察he is an executive

and administrative man察for which his courage and insight and will

and Herculean physical strength wonderfully fit himthe man for

the times察the man to head a new movement察the forces of an age of

protest and rebellion and conquest。

How can I compress into a few sentences the demolitions and

destructions which this indignant and irritated reformer now makes

in Germany察where he is protected by the Elector from Papal

vengeance拭 Before the reconstruction察the old rubbish must be

cleared away察and Augean stables must be cleansed。  He is now at

issue with the whole Catholic regime察and the whole Catholic world

abuse him。  They call him a glutton察a wine´bibber察an adulterer察a

scoffer察an atheist察an imp of Satan察and he calls the Pope the

scarlet mother of abominations察Antichrist察Babylon。  That age is

prodigal in offensive epithets察kings and prelates and doctors

alike use hard words。  They are like angry children and women and

pugilists察their vocabulary of abuse is amusing and inexhaustible。

See how prodigal Shakspeare and Ben Jonson are in the language of

vituperation。  But they were all defiant and fierce察for the age

was rough and earnest。  The Pope察in wrath察hurls the old weapons

of the Gregorys and the Clements。  But they are impotent as the

darts of Priam察Luther laughs at them察and burns the Papal bull

before a huge concourse of excited students and shopkeepers and

enthusiastic women。  He severs himself completely from Rome察and

declares an unextinguishable warfare。  He destroys and breaks up

the ceremonies of the Mass察he pulls down the consecrated altars

with their candles and smoking incense and vessels of silver and

gold察since they are the emblems of Jewish and Pagan worship察he

tears off the vestments of priests察with their embroideries and

their gildings and their millineries and their laces察since these

are made to impose on the imagination and appeal to the sense察he

breaks up monasteries and convents察since they are dens of infamy

cages of unclean birds察nurseries of idleness and pleasure察abodes

at the best of narrow´minded察ascetic Asiatic recluses察who rejoice

in penance and self´expiation and other modes of propitiating the

Deity察like soofists and fakirs and Braminical devotees。  

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