beacon lights of history-iii-2-及34准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
the authority of the Scriptures was weakened察and these
rationalistsand the land of Luther became full of themhave gone
infinitely beyond the Catholics in undermining the Bible。 The
Catholics never have taken such bold ground as the rationalists
respecting the Scriptures。 The Catholic Church still accepts the
Bible察but explains away the meaning of many of its doctrines察the
rationalists would sweep away its divine authority察extinguish
faith察and leave the world in night。 Satan came into the
theological school of the Protestants察disguised in the robes of
learned doctors searching for truth察and took away the props of
religious faith。 This was worse than baptizing repentance with the
name of penance。 Better have irrational fears of hell than no
fears at all察for this latter is Paganism。 Pagan culture and Pagan
philosophy could not keep society together in the old Roman world
but Mediaeval appeals to the fears of men did keep them from crimes
and force upon them virtues。
The triumph of Luther at Leipsic was察however察incomplete。 The
Catholics rallied after their stunning blow。 They said察in
substance此 We察too察accept the Scriptures察we even put them above
Augustine and Thomas Aquinas and the councils。 But who can
interpret them拭 Can peasants and women察or even merchants and
nobles拭 The Bible察though inspired察is full of difficulties察there
are contradictory texts。 It is a sealed book察except to the
learned察only the Church can reconcile its difficulties。 And what
we mean by the Church is the clergythe learned clergy
acknowledging allegiance to their spiritual head察who in matters of
faith is also infallible。 We can accept nothing which is not
indorsed by popes and councils。 No matter how plain the Scriptures
seem to be察on certain disputed points only the authority of the
Church can enlighten and instruct us。 We distrust reasonthat
is察what you call reasonfor reason can twist anything察and
pervert it察but what the Church says察is trueits collective
intelligence is our supreme law thus putting papal dogmas above
reason察above the literal and plain declarations of ScriptureА
Moreover察since the Scriptures are to be interpreted only by
priests察it is not a safe book for the people。 We察the priests
will keep it out of their hands。 They will get notions from it
fatal to our authority察they will become fanatics此they will察in
their conceit察defy us。
Then Luther rose察more powerful察more eloquent more majestic than
before察he rose superior to himself。 ;What察─said he察 keep the
light of life from the people察take away their guide to heaven
keep them in ignorance of what is most precious and most exalting
deprive them of the blessed consolations which sustain the soul in
trial and in death察deny the most palpable truths察because your
dignitaries put on them a construction to bolster up their power
What an abomination what treachery to heaven what peril to the
souls of men Besides察your authorities differ。 Augustine takes
different ground from Pelagius察Bernard from Abelard察Thomas
Aquinas from Dun Scotus。 Have not your grand councils given
contradictory decisions拭 Whom shall we believe拭 Yea察the popes
themselves察your infallible guideshave they not at different
times rendered different decisions拭 What would Gregory I。 say to
the verdicts of Gregory VII。
;No察the Scriptures are the legacy of the early Church to universal
humanity察they are the equal and treasured inheritance of all
nations and tribes and kindreds upon the face of the earth察and
will be till the day of judgment。 It was intended that they should
be diffused察and that every one should read them察and interpret
them each for himself察for he has a soul to save察and he dare not
intrust such a precious thing as his soul into the keeping of
selfish and ambitious priests。 Take away the Bible from a peasant
or a woman察or any layman察and cannot the priest察armed with the
terrors and the frauds of the Middle Ages察shut up his soul in a
gloomy dungeon察as noisome and funereal as your Mediaeval crypts
And will you察ye boasted intellectual guides of the people
extinguish reason in this world in reference to the most momentous
interests拭 What other guide has a man but his reason拭 And you
would prevent this very reason from being enlightened by the
Gospel You would obscure reason itself by your traditions察O ye
blind leaders of the blind O ye legal and technical men
obscuring the light of truth O ye miserable Pharisees察ye bigots
ye selfish priests察tenacious of your power察your inventions察your
traditionswill ye withhold the free redemption察God's greatest
boon察salvation by the blood of Christ察offered to all the world
Yea察will you suffer the people to perish察soul and body察because
you fear that察instructed by God himself察they will rebel against
your accursed despotism拭 Have you considered what a mighty crime
you thus commit against God察against man拭 Ye rule by an infernal
appeal to the superstitious fears of men察but how shall ye
yourselves察for such crimes察escape the damnation of that hell into
which you would push your victims unless they obey YOU
;No察I say察let the Scriptures be put into the hands of everybody
let every one interpret them for himself察according to the light he
has察let there be private judgment察let spiritual liberty be
revived察as in Apostolic days。 Then only will the people be
emancipated from the Middle Ages察and arise in their power and
majesty察and obey the voice of enlightened conscience察and be true
to their convictions察and practise the virtues which Christianity
commands察and obey God rather than man察and defy all sorts of
persecution and martyrdom察having a serene faith in those blessed
promises which the Gospel unfolds。 Then will the people become
great察after the conflicts of generations察and put under their feet
the mockeries and lies and despotisms which grind them to despair。;
Thus was born the third great idea of the Reformation察out of
Luther's brain察a logical sequence from the first ideathe right
of private judgment察religious liberty察call it what you will察a
great inspiration which in after times was destined to march
triumphantly over battle´fields察and give dignity and power to the
people察and lead to the reception of great truths obscured by
priests for one thousand years察the motive of an irresistible
popular progress察planting England with Puritans察and Scotland with
heroes察and France with martyrs察and North America with colonists
yea察kindling a fervid religions life察creating such men as Knox
and Latimer and Taylor and Baxter and Howe察who owed their
greatness to the study of the Scripturesat last put into every
hand察and scattered far and wide察even to India and China。 Can
anybody doubt the marvellous progress of Protestant nations in
consequence of the translation and circulation of the Scriptures
How these are bound up with their national life察and all their
social habits察and all their religious aspirations察how they have
elevated the people察ten hundred millions of times more than the
boasted Renaissance which sprang from apostate and infidel and
Pagan Italy察when she dug up the buried statues of Greece and Rome
and revived the literature and arts which soften察but do not save
for private judgment and religious liberty mean nothing more and
nothing less than the unrestricted perusal of the Scriptures as the
guide of life。
This right of private judgment察on which Luther was among the first
to insist察and of which certainly he was the first great champion
in Europe察was in that age a very bold idea察as well as original。
It flattered as well as stimulated the intellect of the people察and
gave them dignity察it gave to the Reformation its popular
character察it appealed to the mind and heart of Christendom。 It
gave consolation to the peasantry of Europe察for no family was too
poor to possess a Bible察the greatest possible boon and treasure
read and pondered in the evening察after hard labors and bitter
insults察read aloud to the family circle察with its inexhaustible
store of moral wealth察its beautiful and touching narratives察its
glorious poetry察its awful prophecies察its supernal counsels察its
consoling and emancipating truthsso tender and yet so exalting
raising the soul above the grim trials of toil and poverty into the
realms of seraphic peace and boundless joy。 The Bible even gave
hope to heretics。 All sects and parties could take shelter under
it察all could stand on the broad platform of religion察and survey
from it the wonders and glories of God。 At last men might even
differ on important points of doctrine and worship察and yet be
Protestants。 Religious liberty became as wide in its application
as the unity of the Church。 It might create sects察but those sects
would be all united as to the value of the Scriptures and thei