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beacon lights of history-iii-2-及29准

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

necessarily cultivates the taste of a family circle察a public

edifice educates the minds of millions。  Even the Moses of Michael

Angelo is a mere object of interest to those who visit the church

of San Pietro in Vincoli察but St。 Peter's is a monument to be seen

by large populations from generation to generation。  All London

contemplates St。 Paul's Church or the Palace of Westminster察but

the National Gallery may be visited by a small fraction of the

people only once a year。  Of the thousands who stand before the

Tuileries or the Madeleine not one in a hundred has visited the

gallery of the Louvre。  What material works of man so grand as

those hoary monuments of piety or pride erected three thousand

years ago察and still magnificent in their very ruins  How imposing

are the pyramids察the Coliseum察and the Gothic cathedrals of the

Middle Ages  And even when architecture does not rear vaulted

roofs and arches and pinnacles察or tower to dazzling heights察or

inspire reverential awe from the associations which cluster around

it察how interesting are even its minor triumphs  Who does not stop

to admire a beautiful window察or porch察or portico拭 Who does not

criticise his neighbor's house察its proportions察its general

effect察its adaptation to the uses designed拭 Architecture appeal

to the common eye察and have reference to the necessities of man

and sometimes express the consecrated sentiments of an age or a

nation。  Nor can it be prostituted察like painting and sculpture察it

never corrupts the mind察and sometimes inspires it察and if it makes

an appeal to the senses or the imagination察it is to kindle

perceptions of the severe beauty of geometrical forms。

Whoever察then察has done anything in architecture has contributed to

the necessities of man察and stimulated an admiration for what is

venerable and magnificent。  Now Michael Angelo was not only the

architect of numerous palaces and churches察but also one of the

principal architects of that great edifice which is察on the whole

the noblest church in Christendoma perpetual marvel and study

not faultless察but so imposing that it will long remain察like the

old temple of Ephesus察one of the wonders of the world。  He

completed the church without great deviation from the plan of the

first architect察Bramante察whom he regarded as the greatest

architect that had livedaltering Bramante's plans from a Latin

to a Greek cross察the former of which was retained after Michael

Angelo's death。  But it is the interior察rather than the exterior

of St。 Peter's察which shows its vast superiority over all other

churches for splendor and effect察and surprises all who are even

fresh from Cologne and Milan and Westminster。  It impresses us like

a wonder of nature rather than as the work of mana great work of

engineering as well as a marvel of majesty and beauty。  We are

surprised to see so vast a structure察covering nearly five acres

so elaborately finished察nothing neglected察the lofty walls covered

with precious marbles察the side chapels filled with statues and

monuments察the altars ornamented with picturesand those pictures

not painted in oil察but copied in mosaic察so that they will neither

decay nor fade察but last till destroyed by violence。  What feelings

overpower the poetic mind when the glories of that interior first

blaze upon the brain察what a world of brightness察softness察and

richness察what grandeur察solidity察and strength察what unnumbered

treasures around the altars察what grand mosaics relieve the height

of the wondrous domelarger than the Pantheon察rising two hundred

feet from the intersection of those lofty and massive piers which

divide transept from choir and nave察what effect of magnitude after

the eye gets accustomed to the vast proportions  Oh察what silence

reigns around  How difficult察even for the sonorous chants of

choristers and priests to disturb that silenceto be more than

echoes of a distant music which seems to come from the very courts

of heaven itself此to some a holy sanctuary察where one may meditate

among crowds and feel alone察where one breathes an atmosphere which

changes not with heat or cold察and where the ever´burning lamps and

clouds of incense diffusing the fragrance of the East察and the rich

dresses of the mitred priests察and the unnumbered symbols察suggest

the ritualism of that imposing worship when Solomon dedicated to

Jehovah the grandest temple of antiquity

Truly was St。 Peter's Church the last great achievement of the

popes察the crowning demonstration of their temporal dominion

suggestive of their wealth and power察a marble history of pride and

pomp察a fitting emblem of that worship which appeals to sense

rather than to God。  And singular it was察when the great artist

reared that gigantic pile察even though it symbolized the cross察he

really gave a vital wound to that cause to which he consecrated his

noblest energies察for its lofty dome could not be completed without

the contributions of Christendom察and those contributions could not

be made without an appeal to perversions which grew out of

Mediaeval Catholicismeven penance and self´expiation察which

stirred the holy indignation of a man who knew and declared on what

different ground justification should be based。  Thus was Luther

in one sense察called into action by the labors of Michael Angelo

thus was the erection of St。 Peter's Church overruled in the

preaching of reformers察who would show that the money obtained by

misinterpreted ;indulgences; could never purchase an acceptable

offering to God察even though the monument were filled with

Christian emblems察and consecrated by those prayers and anthems

which had been the life of blessed saints and martyrs for more than

a thousand years。

St。 Peter's is not Gothic察it is a restoration of the Greek察it

belongs to what artists call the Renaissancea style of

architecture marked by a return to the classical models of

antiquity。  Michael Angelo brought back to civilization the old

ideas of Grecian grace and Roman majestytypical of the original

inspirations of the men who lived in the quiet admiration of

eternal beauty and grace察the men who built the Parthenon察and who

shaped pillars and capitals and entablatures in the severest

proportions察and fitted them with ornaments drawn from the living

worldplants and animals察especially images of God's highest

work察even of man察and of man not worn and macerated and dismal and

monstrous察but of man when most resplendent in the perfections of

the primeval strength and beauty。  He returned to a style which

classical antiquity carried to great perfection察but which had been

neglected by the new Teutonic nations。

Nor is there evidence that Michael Angelo disdained the creations

especially seen in those Gothic monuments which are still the

objects of our admiration。  Who does not admire the church

architecture of the Middle Ages拭 Of its kind it has never been

surpassed。  Geometry and artthe true and the beautifulmeet。

Nothing ever erected by the hand of man surpasses the more famous

cathedrals of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries察in the richness

and variety of their symbolic decorations。  They typify the great

ideas of Christianity察they inspire feelings of awe and reverence

they are astonishing structures察in their magnitude and in their

effect。  Monuments are they of religious zeal and poetical

inspirationthe creations of great artists察although we scarcely

know their names察adapted to the uses designed察the expression of

consecrated sentiments察the marble history of the ages in which

they were erectednow heavy and sombre when society was enslaved

and mournful察and then cheerful and lofty when Christianity was

joyful and triumphant。  Who ever was satisfied in contemplating the

diversified wonders of those venerable structures拭 Who would lose

the impression which almost overwhelmed the mind when York minster

or Cologne察or Milan察or Amiens was first beheld察with their lofty

spires and towers察their sculptured pinnacles察their flying

buttresses察their vaulted roofs察their long arcades察their purple

windows察their holy altars察their symbolic carvings察their majestic

outlines察their grand proportions

But beautiful察imposing察poetical察and venerable as are these hoary

piles察they are not the all in all of art。  Suppose all the

buildings of Europe the last four hundred years had been modelled

from these churches察how gloomy would be our streets察how dark and

dingy our shops察how dismal our dwellings察how inconvenient our

hotels  A new style was needed察at least as a supplement of the

oldas lances and shields were giving place to fire´arms察and the

line and the plummet for the mariner's compass察as a new

civilization was creating new wants and developing the material

necessities of man。

So Michael Angelo arose察and revived the imperishable models of the

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