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beacon lights of history-iii-2-及23准

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fiercely and passionately。  Not even Erasmus pointed out the vices

of the day with more freedom or earnestness。  He covered up

nothing察he shut his eyes to nothing。

The difference between Savonarola and Luther was that the Saxon

reformer attacked the root of the corruption察not merely outward

and tangible and patent sins which everybody knew察but also and

more earnestly the special principles of theology and morals which

sustained them察and which logically pushed out would necessarily

have produced them。  For instance察he not merely attacked

indulgences察then a crying evil察as peddled by Tetzel and others

like him察for collecting money to support the temporal power of the

popes or build St。 Peter's church察but he would show that penance

on which indulgences are based察is antagonistic to the doctrine

which Paul so forcibly expounded respecting the forgiveness of sins

and the grounds of justification。  And Luther saw that all the

evils which good men lamented would continue so long as the false

principles from which they logically sprung were the creed of the

Church。  So he directed his giant energies to reform doctrines

rather than morals。  His great idea of justification could be

defended only by an appeal to the Scriptures察not to the authority

of councils and learned men。  So he made the Scriptures the sole

source of theological doctrine。  Savonarola also accepted the

Scriptures察but Luther would put them in the hands of everybody察of

peasants evenand thus instituted private judgment察which is the

basal pillar of Protestantism。  The Catholic theologians never

recognized this right in the sense that Luther understood it察and

to which he was pushed by inexorable logic。  The Church was to

remain the interpreter of the doctrinal and disputed points of the


Savonarola was a churchman。  He was not a fearless theological

doctor察going wherever logic and the Bible carried him。  Hence察he

did not stimulate thought and inquiry as Luther did察nor inaugurate

a great revolutionary movement察which would gradually undermine

papal authority and many institutions which the Catholic Church

indorsed。  Had he been a great genius察with his progressive

proclivities察he might have headed a rebellion against papal

authority察which upheld doctrines that logically supported the very

evils he denounced。  But he was contented to lop off branches察he

did not dig up the roots。  Luther went to the roots察as Calvin did

as Saint Augustine would have done had there been a necessity in

his day察for the theology of Saint Augustine and Calvin is

essentially the same。  It was from Saint Augustine that Calvin drew

his inspiration next after Saint Paul。  But Savonarola cared very

little for the discussion of doctrines察he probably hated all

theological speculations察all metaphysical divinity。  Yet there is

a closer resemblance between doctrines and morals than most people

are aware of。  As a man thinketh察so is he。  Hence察the reforms of

Savonarola were temporary察and were not widely extended察for he did

not kindle the intelligence of the age察as did Luther and those

associated with him。  There can be no great and listing reform

without an appeal to reason察without the assistance of logic

without conviction。  The house that had been swept and garnished

was re´entered by devils察and the last state was worse than the

first。  To have effected a radical and lasting reform察Savonarola

should have gone deeper。  He should have exposed the foundations on

which the superstructure of sin was built察he should have

undermined them察and appealed to the reason of the world。  He did

no such thing。  He simply rebuked the evils察which must needs be

so long as the root of them is left untouched。  And so long as his

influence remained察so long as his voice was listened to察he was

mighty in the reforms at which he aimeda reformation of the

morals of those to whom he preached。  But when his voice was

hushed察the evils he detested returned察since he had not created

those convictions which bind men together in association察he had

not fanned that spirit of inquiry which is hostile to

ecclesiastical despotism察and which察logically projected察would

subvert the papal throne。  The reformation of Luther was a grand

protest against spiritual tyranny。  It not only aimed at a purer

life察but it opposed the bondage of the Middle Ages察and all the

superstitious and puerilities and fables which were born and

nurtured in that dark and gloomy period and to which the clergy

clung as a means of power or wealth。  Luther called out the

intellect of Germany察exalted liberty of conscience察and appealed

to the dignity of reason。  He showed the necessity of learning察in

order to unravel and explain the truths of revelation。  He made

piety more exalted by giving it an intelligent stimulus。  He looked

to the future rather than the past。  He would make use察in his

interpretation of the Bible察of all that literature察science察and

art could contribute。  Hence his writings had a wider influence

than could be produced by the fascination of personal eloquence察on

which Savonarola relied察but which Luther made only accessory。

Again察the sermons of the Florentine reformer do not impress us as

they did those to whom they were addressed。  They are not logical

nor doctrinal察nor learnednot rich in thought察like the sermons

of those divines whom the Reformation produced。  They are vehement

denunciations of sin察are eloquent appeals to the heart察to

religious fears and hopes。  He would indeed create faith in the

world察not by the dissertations of Paul察but by the agonies of the

dying Christ。  He does not instruct察he does not reason。  He is

dogmatic and practical。  He is too earnest to be metaphysical察or

even theological。  He takes it for granted that his hearers know

all the truths necessary for salvation。  He enforces the truths

with which they are familiar察not those to be developed by reason

and learning。  He appeals察he urges察he threatens察he even

prophesies察he dwells on divine wrath and judgment。  He is an

Isaiah foretelling what will happen察rather than a Peter at the Day

of Pentecost。

Savonarola was transcendent in his oratorical gifts察the like of

which has never before nor since been witnessed in Italy。  He was a

born orator察as vehement as Demosthenes察as passionate as

Chrysostom察as electrical as Bernard。  Nothing could withstand him

he was a torrent that bore everything before him。  His voice was

musical察his attitude commanding察his gestures superb。  He was all

alive with his subject。  He was terribly in earnest察as if he

believed everything he said察and that what he said were most

momentous truths。  He fastened his burning eyes upon his hearers

who listened with breathless attention察and inspired them with his

sentiments察he made them feel that they were in the very jaws of

destruction察and that there was no hope but in immediate

repentance。  His whole frame quivered with emotion察and he sat down

utterly exhausted。  His language was intense察not clothing new

thoughts察but riveting old ideasthe ideas of the Middle Ages

the fear of hell察the judgments of Almighty God。  Who could resist

such fiery earnestness察such a convulsed frame察such quivering

tones察such burning eyes察such dreadful threatenings察such awful

appeals拭 He was not artistic in the use of words and phrases like

Bourdaloue察but he reached the conscience and the heart like

Whitefield。  He never sought to amuse察he would not stoop to any

trifling。  He told no stories察he made no witticisms察he used no

tricks。  He fell back on truths察no matter whether his hearers

relished them or not察no matter whether they were amused or not。

He was the messenger of God urging men to flee as for their lives

like Lot when he escaped from Sodom。

Savonarola's manner was as effective as his matter。  He was a kind

of Peter the Hermit察preaching a crusade察arousing emotions and

passions察and making everybody feel as he felt。  It was life more

than thought which marked his eloquencehis voice as well as his

ideas察his wonderful electricity察which every preacher must have

or he preaches to stones。  It was himself察even more than his

truths察which made people listen察admire察and quake。  All real

orators impress themselvestheir own individualityon their

auditors。  They are not actors察who represent other people察and

whom we admire in proportion to their artistic skill in producing

deception。  These artists excite admiration察make us forget where

we are and what we are察but kindle no permanent emotions察and teach

no abiding lessons。  The eloquent preacher of momentous truths and

interests makes us realize them察in proportion as he feels them

himself。  They would fall dead upon us察if ever so grand察unless

intensified by passion察fervor察sincerity察earnestness。  Even a

voice has power察when electrical察musical察impassioned察alth

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