beacon lights of history-iii-2-及19准
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autonomy of towns on which the political structure of new England
rested。 In them was born that true representative government which
has gradually spread towards the West。 The colonies were embryo
StatesStates afterwards to be bound together by a stronger tie
than that of a league。 The New England States察after the war of
independence察were the defenders and advocates of a federal and
central power。 An entirely new political organization was
gradually formed察resting equally on such pillars as independent
townships and independent States察and these represented by
delegates in a national centre。
So we believe America was discovered察not so much to furnish a
field for indefinite material expansion察with European arts and
fashionswhich would simply assimilate America to the Old World
with all its dangers and vices and folliesbut to introduce new
forms of government察new social institutions察new customs and
manners察new experiments in liberty察new religious organizations
new modes to ameliorate the necessary evils of life。 It was
discovered that men might labor and enjoy the fruits of industry in
a new mode察unfettered by the restraints which the institutions of
Europe imposed。 America is a new field in which to try experiments
in government and social life察which cannot be tried in the older
nations without sweeping and dangerous revolutions察and new
institutions have arisen which are our pride and boast察and which
are the wonder and admiration of Europe。 America is the only
country under the sun in which there is self´governmenta
government which purely represents the wishes of the people察where
universal suffrage is not a mockery。 And if America has a destiny
to fulfil for other nations察she must give them something more
valuable than reaping machines察palace cars察and horse railroads。
She must give察not only machinery to abridge labor察but
institutions and ideas to expand the mind and elevate the soul
something by which the poor can rise and assert their rights。
Unless something is developed here which cannot be developed in
other countries察in the way of new spiritual and intellectual
forces察which have a conservative influence察then I cannot see how
America can long continue to be the home and refuge of the poor and
miserable of other lands。 A new and better spirit must vivify
schools and colleges and philanthropic enterprises than that which
has prevailed in older nations。 Unless something new is born here
which has a peculiar power to save察wherein will America ultimately
differ from other parts of Christendom拭 We must have schools in
which the heart as well as the brain is educated察and newspapers
which aspire to something higher than to fan prejudices and appeal
to perverted tastes。 Our hope is not in books which teach
infidelity under the name of science察nor in pulpits which cannot
be sustained without sensational oratory察nor in journals which
trade on the religious sentiments of the people察nor in Sabbath´
school books which are an insult to the human understanding察nor in
colleges which fit youth merely for making money察nor in schools of
technology to give an impulse to material interests察nor in
legislatures controlled by monopolists察nor in judges elected by
demagogues察nor in philanthropic societies to ventilate unpractical
theories。 These will neither renovate nor conserve what is most
precious in life。 Unless a nation grows morally as well as
materially察there is something wrong at the core of society。 As I
have said察no material expansion will avail察if society becomes
rotten at the core。 America is a glorious boon to civilization
but only as she fulfils a new mission in historynot to become
more potent in material forces察but in those spiritual agencies
which prevent corruption and decay。 An infidel professor察calling
himself a savant察may tell you that there is nothing certain or
great but in the direction of science to utilities察even as he may
glory in a philosophy which ignores a creator and takes cognizance
only of a creation。
As I survey the growing and enormous moral evils which degrade
society察here as everywhere察in spite of Bunker Hills and Plymouth
Rocks察and all the windy declamations of politicians and
philanthropists察and all the advance in useful mechanisms察I am
sometimes tempted to propound inquiries which suggest the old
mournful story of the decline and ruin of States and Empires。 I
ask myself察Why should America be an exception to the uniform fate
of nations察as history has demonstrated拭 Why should not good
institutions be perverted here察as in all other countries and ages
of the world拭 Where has civilization shown any striking triumphs
except in inventions to abridge the labors of mankind and make men
comfortable and rich拭 Is there nothing before us察then察but the
triumphs of material life察to end as mournfully as the materialism
of antiquity拭 If so察then Christianity is a most dismal failure
is a defeated power察like all other forms of religion which failed
to save。 But is it a failure拭 Are we really swinging back to
Paganism拭 Is the time to be hailed when all religions will be
considered by the philosopher as equally false and equally useful
Is there nothing more cheerful for us to contemplate than what the
old Pagan philosophy holds outman destined to live like brutes
or butterflies察and pass away into the infinity of time and space
like inert matter察decomposed察absorbed察and entering into new and
everlasting combinations拭 Is America to become like Europe and
Asia in all essential elements of life拭 Has she no other mission
than to add to perishable glories拭 Is she to teach the world
nothing new in education and philanthropy and government拭 Are all
her struggles in behalf of liberty in vain
We all know that Christianity is the only hope of the world。 The
question is察whether America is or is not more favorable for its
healthy developments and applications than the other countries of
Christendom are。 We believe that it is。 If it is not察then
America is only a new field for the spread and triumph of material
forces。 If it is察we may look forward to such improvements in
education察in political institutions察in social life察in religious
organizations察in philanthropical enterprise察that the country will
be sought by the poor and enslaved classes of Europe more for its
moral and intellectual advantages than for its mines or farms察the
objects of the Puritan settlers will be gained察and the grandeur of
the discovery of a New World will be established。
;What sought they thus afar
Bright jewels of the mine
The wealth of seasthe spoils of war
They sought for Faith's pure shrine。
Ay察call it holy ground
The soil where first they trod
They've left unstained what there they found
Freedom to worship God。;
Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella察Washington Irving察Cabot's
Voyages察and other early navigators察Columbus察by De Costa察Life of
Columbus察by Bossi and Spatono察Relations de Quatre voyage par
Christopher Colomb察Drake's World Encompassed察Murray's Historical
Account of Discoveries察Hernando察Historia del Amirante察History of
Commerce察Lives of Pizarro and Cortes察Frobisher's Voyages
Histories of Herrera察Las Casas察Gomera察and Peter Martyr
Navarrete's Collections察Memoir of Cabot察by Richard Biddle
Hakluyt's Voyages察Dr。 Lardner's CyclopaediaHistory of Maritime
and Inland Discovery察Anderson's History of Commerce察Oviedo's
General History of the West Indies察History of the New World察by
Geronimo Benzoni察Goodrich's Life of Christopher Columbus。
A。 D。 1452´1498。
This lecture is intended to set forth a memorable movement in the
Roman Catholic Churcha reformation of morals察preceding the
greater movement of Luther to produce a reformation of both morals
and doctrines。 As the representative of this movement I take
Savonarola察concerning whom much has of late been written察more察I
think察because he was a Florentine in a remarkable agethe age of
artists and of reviving literaturethan because he was a martyr
battling with evils which no one man was capable of removing。 His
life was more a protest than a victory。 He was an unsuccessful
reformer察and yet he prepared the way for that religious revival
which afterward took place in the Catholic Church itself。 His
spirit was not revolutionary察like that of the Saxon monk察and yet
it was progressive。 His soul was in active sympathy with every
emancipating idea of his age。 He was the incarnation of a fervid
living察active piety amid forms and formulas察a fearless exposer of
all shams察an uncompromising enemy to the blended atheism and
idolatry of his ungodly age。 He was the contemporary of political