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to better their fortunes。  Gradually the United States and Canada

became populated from east to west and from north to south。  The

surplus population of Europe poured itself into the wilds of

America。  Generally the emigrants were farmers。  With the growth of

agricultural industry were developed commerce and manufactures。

Thus察materially察the world was immensely benefited。  A new

continent was opened for industry。  No matter what the form of

government may beI might almost say no matter what the morals

and religion of the people may beso long as there is land to

occupy察and to be sold cheap察the continent will fill up察and will

be as densely populated as Europe or Asia察because the natural

advantages are good。  The rivers and the lakes will be navigated

the products of the country will be exchanged for European and

Asiatic products察wealth will certainly increase察and increase

indefinitely。  There is no calculating the future resources and

wealth of the New World察especially in the United States。  There

are no conceivable bounds to their future commerce察manufactures

and agricultural products。  We can predict with certainty the rise

of new cities察villas察palaces察material splendor察limited only to

the increasing resources and population of the country。  Who can

tell the number of miles of new railroads yet to be made察the new

inventions to abridge human labor察what great empires are destined

to rise察what unknown forms of luxury will be found out察what new

and magnificent trophies of art and science will gradually be seen

what mechanism察what material glories察are sure to come拭 This is

not speculation。  Nothing can retard the growth of America in

material wealth and glory。  The splendid external will call forth

more panegyrics than the old Roman world which fancied itself

eternal。  The tower of the new Babel will rise to the clouds察and

be seen in all its glory throughout the earth and sea。  No Fourth

of July orator ever exaggerated the future destinies of America in

a material point of view。  No ;spread´eagle; politician even

conceived what will be sure to come。

And what then拭 Grant the most indefinite expansionthe growth of

empires whose splendor and wealth and power shall utterly eclipse

the glories of the Old World。  All this is probable。  But when we

have dwelt on the future material expansion察when we have given

wings to imagination察and feel that even imagination cannot reach

the probable realities in a material aspectthen our predictions

and calculations stop。  Beyond material glories we cannot count

with certainty。  The world has witnessed many powerful empires

which have passed away察and left ;not a rack behind。;  What remains

of the antediluvian worldnot even a spike of Noah's ark察larger

and stronger than any modern ship。  What remains of Nineveh察of

Babylon察of Thebes察of Tyre察of Carthagethose great centres of

wealth and power拭 What remains of Roman greatness even察except in

laws and literature and renovated statues拭 Remember there is an

undeviating uniformity in the past history of nations。  What is the

simple story of all the agesindustry察wealth察corruption察decay

and ruin。  What conservative power has been strong enough to arrest

the ruin of the nations of antiquity拭 Have not material forces and

glories been developed and exhibited察whatever the religion and

morals of the fallen nations拭 Cannot a country grow materially to

a certain point察under the most adverse influences察in a religious

and moral point of view拭 Yet for lack of religion and morals the

nations perished察and their Babel´towers were buried in the dust。

They perished for lack of true conservative forces察at least that

is the judgment of historians。  Nobody doubts the splendor of the

material glories of the ancient nations。  The ruins of Baalbec察of

Palmyra察of Athens察prove this察to say nothing of history。  The

material glories of the ancient nations may be surpassed by our

modern wonders察but yet all the material glories of the ancient

nations passed away。

Now if this is to be the destiny of Americaan unbounded material

growth察followed by corruption and ruinthen Columbus has simply

extended the realm for men to try material experiments。  Make New

York a second Carthage察and Boston a second Athens察and

Philadelphia a second Antioch察and Washington a second Rome察and we

simply repeat the old experiments。  Did not the Romans have nearly

all we have察materially察except our modern scientific inventions

But has America no higher destiny than to repeat the old

experiments察and improve upon them察and become rich and powerful

Has she no higher and nobler mission拭 Can she lay hold of forces

that the Old World never had察such as will prevent the uniform doom

of nations拭 I maintain that there is no reason that can be urged

based on history and experience察why she should escape the fate of

the nations of antiquity察unless new forces arise on this continent

different from what the world has known察and which have a

conservative influence。  If America has a great mission to declare

and to fulfil察she must put forth altogether new forces察and these

not material。  And these alone will save her and save the world。

It is mournful to contemplate even the future magnificent material

glories of America if these are not to be preserved察if these are

to share the fate of ancient wonders。  It is obvious that the real

glory of America is to be something entirely different from that of

which the ancients boasted。  And this is to be moral and

spiritualthat which the ancients lacked。

This leads me to speak of the moral consequences of the discovery

of Americainfinitely grander than any material wonders察of which

the world has been full察of which every form of paganism has

boasted察which nearly everywhere has perished察and which must

necessarily perish everywhere察without new forces to preserve them。

In a moral point of view scarcely anything good immediately

resulted察at least to Europe察by the discovery of America。  It

excited the wildest spirit of adventure察the most unscrupulous

cupidity察the most demoralizing speculation。  It created jealousies

and wars。  The cruelties and injustices inflicted on the Indians

were revolting。  Nothing in the annals of the world exceeds the

wickedness of the Spaniards in the conquest of Peru and Mexico。

That conquest is the most dismal and least glorious in human

history。  We see in it no poetry察or heroism察or necessity察we read

of nothing but its crimes。  The Jesuits察in their missionary zeal

partly redeemed the cruelties察but they soon imposed a despotic

yoke察and confirmed their sway。  Monopolies scandalously increased

and the New World was regarded only as spoil。  The tone of moral

feeling was lowered everywhere察for the nations were crazed with

the hope of sudden accumulations。  Spain became enervated and


On America itself the demoralization was even more marked。  There

never was such a state of moral degradation in any Christian

country as in South America。  Three centuries have passed察and the

low state of morals continues。  Contrast Mexico and Peru with the

United States察morally and intellectually。  What seeds of vice did

not the Spaniards plant  How the old natives melted away

And then察to add to the moral evils attending colonization察was the

introduction of African slaves察especially in the West Indies and

the Southern States of North America。  Christendom seems to have

lost the sense of morality。  Slavery more than counterbalances all

other advantages together。  It was the stain of the seventeenth and

eighteenth centuries。  Not merely slaves察but the slave´trade

increase the horrors of the frightful picture。  America became

associated察in the minds of Europeans察with gold´hunting察slavery

and cruelty to Indians。  Better that the country had remained

undiscovered than that such vices and miseries should be introduced

into the most fertile parts of the New World。

I cannot see that civilization gained anything察morally察by the

discovery of America察until the new settlers were animated by other

motives than a desire for sudden wealth。  When the country became

colonized by men who sought liberty to worship Godmen of lofty

purposes察willing to undergo sufferings and danger in order to

plant the seeds of a higher civilizationthen there arose new

forms of social and political life。  Such men were those who

colonized New England。  And察say what you will察in spite of all the

disagreeable sides of the Puritan character察it was the Puritans

who gave a new impulse to civilization in the New World。  They

founded schools and colleges and churches。  They introduced a new

form of political life by their town´meetings察in which liberty was

nurtured察and all local improvements were regulated。  It was the

autonomy of towns on which the political structure of new Engla

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