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beacon lights of history-iii-2-及16准

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most cruelly misrepresented and slandered察and in the general

disappointment察and the constant drain upon the mother country to

support the colony察his enemies gained the ear of his sovereigns

and strong doubts arose in their minds about his capacity for

government。  So a royal commission was sent outan officer named

Bovadilla察with absolute power to examine into the state of the

colony察and supplant察if necessary察the authority of Columbus。  The

result was the arrest of Columbus and his brothers察who were sent

to Spain in chains。  What a change of fortune  I will not detail

the accusations against him察just察or unjust。  It is mournful

enough to see the old man brought home in irons from the world he

had discovered and given to Spain。  The injustice and cruelty which

he received produced a reaction察and he was once more kindly

received at court察with the promise that his grievances should be

redressed and his property and dignities restored。

Columbus was allowed to make one more voyage of discovery察but

nothing came of it except renewed troubles察hardships察dangers察and

difficulties察wars with the natives察perils of the sea

discontents察disappointments察and when at last he returned to

Spain察in 1504broken with age and infirmities察after twelve

years of harassing cares察labors察and dangers a checkered career

of glory and sufferingnothing remained but to prepare for his

final rest。  He had not made a fortune察he had not enriched his

patronsbut he had discovered a continent。  His last days were

spent in disquieting and fruitless negotiations to perpetuate his

honors among his descendants。  He was ever jealous and tenacious of

his dignities。  Ferdinand was polite察but selfish and cold察nor can

this calculating prince ever be vindicated from the stain of gross

ingratitude。  Columbus died in the year 1506察at the age of sixty

a disappointed man。  But honors were ultimately bestowed upon his

heirs察who became grandees and dukes察and intermarried with the

proudest families of Spain察and it is also said that Ferdinand

himself察after the death of the great navigator察caused a monument

to be erected to his memory with this inscription此 To Castile and

Leon Columbus gave a new world。;  But no man of that century needed

less than Columbus a monument to perpetuate his immortal fame。

I think that historians belittle Columbus when they would excite

our pity for his misfortunes。  They insult the dignity of all

struggling souls察and make utilitarians of all benefactors察and

give false views of success。  Few benefactors察on the whole察were

ever more richly rewarded than he。  He died Admiral of the Seas察a

grandee of Spainhaving bishops for his eulogists and princes for

his mournersthe founder of an illustrious house察whose name and

memory gave glory even to the Spanish throne。  And even if he had

not been rewarded with material gains察it was enough to feel that

he had conferred a benefit on the world which could scarcely be

appreciated in his lifetimea benefit so transcendent that its

results could be seen only by future generations。  Who could

adequately pay him for his services察who could estimate the value

of his gift拭 What though they load him to´day with honors察or cast

him tomorrow into chainsthat is the fate of all immortal

benefactors since our world began。  His great soul should have

soared beyond vulgar rewards。  In the loftiness of his self´

consciousness he should have accepted察without a murmur察whatever

fortune awaited him。  Had he merely given to civilization a new

style of buttons察or an improved envelope察or a punch for a railway

conductor察or a spring for a carriage察or a mining tool察or a

screw察or revolver察or reaper察the inventors of which have ;seen

millions in them察─and been cheated out of his gains察he might have

whimpered over his wrongs。  How few benefactors have received even

as much as he察for he won dignities察admiration察and undying fame。

We scarcely know the names of many who have made grand bequests。

Who invented the mariner's compass拭 Who gave the lyre to primeval

ages察or the blacksmith's forge察or the letters of the alphabet察or

the arch in architecture察or glass for windows拭 Who solved the

first problem of geometry拭 Who first sang the odes which Homer

incorporated with the Iliad拭 Who first turned up the earth with a

plough拭 Who first used the weaver's shuttle拭 Who devised the

cathedrals of the Middle Ages拭 Who gave the keel to ships拭 Who

was the first that raised bread by yeast拭 Who invented chimneys

But all ages will know that Columbus discovered America察and his

monuments are in every land察and his greatness is painted by the

ablest historians。

But I will not enlarge on the rewards Columbus received察or the

ingratitude which succeeded them察by force of envy or from the

disappointment of worldly men in not realizing all the gold that he

promised。  Let me allude to the results of his discovery。

The first we notice was the marvellous stimulus to maritime

adventures。  Europe was inflamed with a desire to extend

geographical knowledge察or add new countries to the realms of

European sovereigns。

Within four years of the discovery of the West India Islands by

Columbus察Cabot had sailed past Newfoundland察and Vasco da Gama had

doubled the Cape of Good Hope察and laid the foundation of the

Portuguese empire in the East Indies。  In 1499 Ojeda察one of the

companions of Columbus察and Amerigo Vespucci discovered Brazil。  In

1500 Cortereal察a Portuguese察explored the Gulf of St。 Lawrence。

In 1505 Francesco de Almeira established factories along the coast

of Malabar。  In 1510 the Spaniards formed settlements on the

mainland at Panama。  In 1511 the Portuguese established themselves

at Malacca。  In 1513 Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Darien and

reached the Pacific Ocean。  The year after that察Ponce de Leon had

visited Florida。  In 1515 the Rio de la Plata was navigated察and in

1517 the Portuguese had begun to trade with China and Bengal。  As

early as 1520 Cortes had taken Mexico察and completed the conquest

of that rich country the following year。  In 1522 Cano

circumnavigated the globe。  In 1524 Pizarro discovered Peru察which

in less than twelve years was completely subjugatedthe year when

California was discovered by Cortes。  In 1542 the Portuguese were

admitted to trade with Japan。  In 1576 Frobisher sought a North´

western passage to India察and the following year Sir Francis Drake

commenced his more famous voyages under the auspices of Elizabeth。

In 1578 Sir Humphrey Gilbert colonized Virginia察followed rapidly

by other English settlements察until before the century closed the

whole continent was colonized either by Spaniards察or Portuguese

or English察or French察or Dutch。  All countries came in to share

the prizes held out by the discovery of the New World。

Colonization followed the voyages of discovery。  It was animated by

the hope of finding gold and precious stones。  It was carried on

under great discouragements and hardships and unforeseen

difficulties。  As a general thing察the colonists were not

accustomed to manual labor察they were adventurers and broken´down

dependents on great families察who found restraint irksome and the

drudgeries of their new life almost unendurable。  Nor did they

intend察at the outset察permanent settlements察they expected to

accumulate gold and silver察and then return to their country。  They

had sought to improve their condition察and their condition became

forlorn。  They were exposed to sickness from malaria察poor food

and hardship察they were molested by the natives whom they

constantly provoked察they were subject to cruel treatment on the

part of royal governors。  They melted away wherever they settled

by famine察disease察and war察whether in South or North America。

They were discontented and disappointed察and not easily governed

the chieftains quarrelled with each other察and were disgraced by

rapacity and cruelty。  They did not find what they expected。  They

were lonely and desolate察and longed to return to the homes they

had left察but were frequently without means to returndoomed to

remain where they were察and die。  Colonization had no dignity until

men went to the New World for religious liberty察or to work upon

the soil。  The conquest of Mexico and Peru察however察opened up the

mining of gold and silver察which were finally found in great

abundance。  And when the richness of these countries in the

precious metals was finally established察then a regular stream of

emigrants flocked to the American shores。  Gold was at last found

but not until thousands had miserably perished。

The mines of Mexico and Peru undoubtedly enriched Spain察and filled

Europe with envy and emulation。  A stream of gold flowed to the

mother country察and the caravels which transported the treasures of

the new world became objects of plunder to all nations hostile to

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