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the dwelling place of ligh-第52节

小说: the dwelling place of ligh 字数: 每页4000字

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〃You sit down; mother;〃 she said。

Hannah would not。  They finished the dishes together in silence while the
light of the new day stole in through the windows。  Janet went into her
room; set it in order; made up the bed; put on her coat and hat and
rubbers。  Then she returned to Hannah; who seized her。

〃It ain't going to spoil your happiness?〃

But Janet could not answer。  She kissed her mother; and went out; down
the stairs into the street。  The day was sharp and cold and bracing; and
out of an azure sky the sun shone with dazzling brightness on the snow;
which the west wind was whirling into little eddies of white smoke;
leaving on the drifts delicate scalloped designs like those printed by
waves on the sands of the sea。  They seemed to Janet that morning
hatefully beautiful。  In front of his tin shop; whistling cheerfully and
labouring energetically with a shovel to clean his sidewalk; was Johnny
Tiernan; the tip of his pointed nose made very red by the wind。

〃Good morning; Miss Bumpus;〃 he said。  〃Now; if you'd only waited awhile;
I'd have had it as clean as a parlour。  It's fine weather for coal

She halted。

〃Can I see you a moment; Mr。 Tiernan?〃

Johnny looked at her。

〃Why sure;〃 he said。  Leaning his shovel against the wall; he gallantly
opened the door that she might pass in before him and then led the way to
the back of the shop where the stove was glowing hospitably。  He placed a
chair for her。  〃Now what can I be doing to serve you?〃 he asked。

〃It's about my sister;〃 said Janet。

〃Miss Lise?〃

〃I thought you might know what man she's been going with lately;〃 said

Mr。 Tiernan had often wondered how much Janet knew about her sister。  In
spite of a momentary embarrassment most unusual in him; the courage of
her question made a strong appeal; and his quick sympathies suspected the
tragedy behind her apparent calmness。  He met her magnificently。

〃Why;〃 he said; 〃I have seen Miss Lise with a fellow named DuvalHoward
Duvalwhen he's been in town。  He travels for a Boston shoe house;
Humphrey and Gillmount。〃

〃I'm afraid Lise has gone away with him;〃 said Janet。  〃I thought you
might be able to find out something about him; andwhether any one had
seen them。  She left home yesterday morning。〃

For an instant Mr。 Tiernan stood silent before her; his legs apart; his
fingers running through his bristly hair。

〃Well; ye did right to come straight to me; Miss Janet。  It's me that can
find out; if anybody can; and it's glad I am to help you。  Just you stay
heremake yourself at home while I run down and see some of the boys。
I'll not be longand don't be afraid I'll let on about it。〃

He seized his overcoat and departed。  Presently the sun; glinting on the
sheets of tin; started Janet's glance straying around the shop; noting
its disorderly details; the heaped…up stovepipes; the littered work…bench
with the shears lying across the vise。  Once she thought of Ditmar
arriving at the office and wondering what had happened to her。。。。  The
sound of a bell made her jump。  Mr。 Tiernan had returned。

〃She's gone with him;〃 said Janet; not as a question; but as one stating
a fact。

Mr。 Tiernan nodded。

〃They took the nine…thirty…six for Boston yesterday morning。  Eddy
Colahan was at the depot。〃

Janet rose。  〃Thank you;〃 she said simply。

〃What are you going to do?〃 he asked。

〃I'm going to Boston;〃 she answered。  〃I'm going to find out where she

〃Then it's me that's going with you;〃 he announced。

〃Oh no; Mr。 Tiernan!〃 she protested。  〃I couldn't let you do that。〃

〃And why not?〃 he demanded。  〃I've got a little business there myself。
I'm proud to go with you。  It's your sister you want; isn't it?〃


〃Well; what would you be doing by yourselfa young lady?  How will you
find your sister?〃

〃Do you think you can find her?〃

〃Sure I can find her;〃 he proclaimed; confidently。  He had evidently made
up his mind that casual treatment was what the affair demanded。  〃Haven't
I good friends in Boston?〃  By friendship he swayed his world: nor was he
completely unknownthough he did not say soto certain influential
members of his race of the Boston police department。  Pulling out a large
nickel watch and observing that they had just time to catch the train; he
locked up his shop; and they set out together for the station。  Mr。
Tiernan led the way; for the path was narrow。  The dry snow squeaked
under his feet。

After escorting her to a seat on the train; he tactfully retired to the
smoking car; not to rejoin her until they were on the trestle spanning
the Charles River by the North Station。  All the way to Boston she had
sat gazing out of the window at the blinding whiteness of the fields;
incapable of rousing herself to the necessity of thought; to a degree of
feeling commensurate with the situation。  She did not know what she would
say to Lise if she should find her; and in spite of Mr。 Tiernan's
expressed confidence; the chances of success seemed remote。  When the
train began to thread the crowded suburbs; the city; spreading out over
its hills; instead of thrilling her; as yesterday; with a sense of
dignity and power; of opportunity and emancipation; seemed a labyrinth
with many warrens where vice and crime and sorrow could hide。  In front
of the station the traffic was already crushing the snow into filth。
They passed the spot where; the night before; the carriage had stopped;
where Ditmar had bidden her good…bye。  Something stirred within her;
became a shooting pain。。。。  She asked Mr。 Tiernan what he intended to do。

〃I'm going right after the man; if he's here in the city;〃 he told her。
And they boarded a street car; which almost immediately shot into the
darkness of the subway。  Emerging at Scollay Square; and walking a few
blocks; they came to a window where guns; revolvers; and fishing tackle
were displayed; and on which was painted the name; 〃Timothy Mulally。〃
Mr。 Tiernan entered。

〃Is Tim in?〃 he inquired of one of the clerks; who nodded his head
towards the rear of the store; where a middle…aged; grey…haired Irishman
was seated at a desk under a drop light。

〃Is it you; Johnny?〃 he exclaimed; looking up。

〃It's meself;〃 said Mr。 Tiernan。  〃And this is Miss Bumpus; a young lady
friend of mine from Hampton。〃

Mr。 Mulally rose and bowed。

〃How do ye do; ma'am;〃 he said。

〃I've got a little business to do for her;〃 Mr。 Tiernan continued。  〃I
thought you might offer her a chair and let her stay here; quiet; while I
was gone。〃

〃With pleasure; ma'am;〃 Mr。 Mulally replied; pulling forward a chair with
alacrity。  〃Just sit there comfortableno one will disturb ye。〃

When; in the course of half an hour; Mr。 Tiernan returned; there was a
grim yet triumphant look in his little blue eyes; but it was not until
Janet had thanked Mr。 Mulally for his hospitality and they had reached
the sidewalk that he announced the result of his quest。

〃Well; I caught him。  It's lucky we came when we didhe was just going
out on the road again; up to Maine。  I know where Miss Lise is。〃

〃He told you!〃 exclaimed Janet。

〃He told me indeed; but it wasn't any joy to him。  He was all for
bluffing at first。  It's easy to scare the likes of him。  He was as white
as his collar before I was done with him。  He knows who I am; all right
he's heard of me in Hampton;〃 Mr。 Tiernan added; with a pardonable touch
of pride。

〃What did you say?〃 inquired Janet; curiously。

〃Say?〃 repeated Mr。 Tiernan。  〃It's not much I had to say; Miss Janet。  I
was all ready to go to Mr。 Gillmount; his boss。  I'm guessing he won't
take much pleasure on this trip。〃

She asked for no more details。


Once more Janet and Mr。 Tiernan descended into the subway; taking a car
going to the south and west; which finally came out of the tunnel into a
broad avenue lined with shabby shops; hotels and saloons; and long rows
of boardingand rooming…houses。  They alighted at a certain corner;
walked a little way along a street unkempt and dreary; Mr。 Tiernan
scrutinizing the numbers until he paused in front of a house with a
basement kitchen and snow…covered; sandstone steps。  Climbing these; he
pulled the bell; and they stood waiting in the twilight of a half…closed
vestibule until presently shuffling steps were heard within; the door was
cautiously opened; not more than a foot; but enough to reveal a woman in
a loose wrapper; with an untidy mass of bleached hair and a puffy face
like a fungus grown in darkness。

〃I want to see Miss Lise Bumpus;〃 Mr。 Tiernan demanded。

〃You've got the wrong place。  There ain't no one of that name here;〃 said
the woman。

〃There ain't!  All right;〃 he insisted aggressively; pushing open the
door in spite of her。  〃If you don't let this young lady see her quick;
there's trouble coming to you。〃

〃Who are you?〃 asked the woman; impudently; yet showing signs of fear。

〃Never mind who I am;〃 Mr。 Tiernan declared。  〃I know all about you; and
I know all about Duval。  If you don't want any trouble you won't make
any; and you'll take this young lady to her sister。  I'll wait here for
you; Miss Janet;〃 he added。

〃I don't know nothing about hershe rente

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